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1、考研英语复试自我简介 God monig, my dea pofesors. I a ver gd t here ryouritrvew. My nmes _, _ a ol. I omefro _, aery beautiful ct. Myndergrduate pridwill e accmplised i _uniesy inJly, .nd no, I am trying mbst for taing key_ Uiversty. enalyseaki,I am ahrdworking sdent will tmy bes to finish it o atter ho diffiu

2、lt t is. We I wasophomre, I fud wedesgn very inteesng, o I lered i veryhrd. Towav hmpag o myself, staith m ersonl cputer for alf mnth,nI am thefistn in my classwo own h hoepge. uhemre, I a pesn with gat peeverace. During e ays prrig fthe first xainato, Iinsst onunning eery dy, n mte hatthweater s li

3、. And jut owig ohis, I oul onetrae o y stu and uceed in te end. el, in my a time, I like basketball, tenni an Chinesechss. Ao, Eglish s y favorite. I otgo Eglih corer opactice oal Egl on every Thuay, and writecoposions omprovemrittenabliy.Bt I knowm nlish i t good enough, wicotine suding. Ok, has ll

4、,thnk youfor yur attention 篇二:考研英语复试自我简介 ood aftno!Im great honor o meet yu allowme to gve a bief self-nrouon.Im ,ears old , brn ity , year o,InteedUniersity, ajoring i Mahnca esignngand Producig. Drn toe yearsstud,I worke hardand I ws alays activeinvious acttes. I gained e irsthoashipor four times

5、adI joinede Cmunist at a te cole. Afer grauanin June ,I wrkdi oany. goaposon in te Technolog eparmnte frst yearand I as voved in sera inret projects, suc th o f Colleetudent ecruitmet in Henan Prnce an the onfor opter Ceter n athatics Departtin Zhengzhu Univsity. Owng tomy hrwork ,I s warded te Best

6、 Necomrie inthe year . Thenxtyar, w tranferre no thePripal Cusoe Departnt, responsible fo dvelopig a stengting a god relationshi btween te princial utomers and my omny. Two mo comrs, Hn Provincip Departmet of Tansporttn an Henn Provincial Detmnt of Personne, ar under mwk.owevr,th tme gigo ,the mo Ie

7、xperience, cleaIrealized tha Im really teesd ite Enterris ngment. finy eterpriseshv the roble anunmtche mangement tideveloping se .m eagr learn mor about angemenan hp catd urr in this Unvrity So I rsigned nAgust, andtarted eway to pursunmy sdie.rabuthlf ar hr wrk, Im finalytading before your onrblep

8、roesornow. Imealyexcted.ogh esarifedmc o may to pusuing tudies, Iliv itsworthwhile I beeve righrd will finay berepred. hak you !篇三:考研英语复试自我简介 Goomorning,eryoe! am la to e her fo ths interiw r, let eintodcemyself to you. My name s Qn iain. wa br April 23,181.I m cal m grauatg omln omal Uiveiy his Jun

9、e. I majr inChinese litature.I hop I culd get theopportnyto fiishmypstgrauate cuses inJlin Unierstyhich ae esireor a ntime. I have teconfiece beause ave uch bity!I m agirl o is ervet,outgoingancrive.At he same tme,I thik I m quic i mn ad carulin everythng. am lokngfwrd to ypostgrauate sui ndlife. I

10、wil on prove at yur ecison of choosin e stewies. ankyou fr gvin me scha valable oprtunty! Reaosfor takin ptgaduate xams: Fist o all, I love my mjr Cnes teare i the mbo of thesart o Chinese literary denizaton. It pays n importntpartin modernization of oucitize hogts Wht o, mern litratre is yclo ordal

11、y lifeandit ca depy reflt the syles ad fetre f oursociety. Iam fainatebytegratstrs rereshig o warmor profoundtles as el. BIa teasily satsfied ih such urficil knolede. I hope Ioulhave a beter ndertandin inmoderliterture stdying rter. Thiisa vry importntreonfr me to ta e postdute m. ext,Io theflin th

12、unvity. Isful yohfl spii. AnI a deplattactedbytschlary atsphre. d temo mpan, its my gt hnoto openmyers o your tachig. Finlly, want to tak abo a vry practicalproblem.That is ydreamof comi a teachr inthe verity Iant to ralie m dreaandmake myself to bea l-ualified ron. I tik h posgaduaeies cneichmy noldged a me competeni m ftre o.


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