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1、Un it 13 Rai ny days make me sad.第一课时(Section a ia 2c)【导学目标】学会用 would rather和make的用法;通过自主学习,学会谈论自己的感受.【课堂自学】1. I ca n read and write浏览教材我能找到下列短语和单词。Lagoonwould rather不舒服的 (4) tense have fun with2. 听录音,完成1b回答下面问题。听第二段对话,完成2a,回答下面问题。()1. Who was late for the appo in tme nt ?A. John B. Tina C. Amy()2.

2、Where did Tina and Amy go first?A. Restaura ntB. Con cert C. Ci nema()3. What about the food in Blue Lagoon?A. Terrible B. Just so so. C. Great()4. What kind of movie did they see?A. Sad B. ComedyC. Actio n movie再听一遍录音完成2b的听力练习。3. 难句突破:Rainy days make me sad.雨天使我心情不好。make + sb. + adj make作谓语“使” sb.为

3、宾语,adj.作宾语补足语。 make +sb./sth. +do sth使、让某人做某事一、根据句意用动词的适当形式填空。1. This song(soun d)so sad and it make me(cry).2. Did you have fun (play) computer games?3. You bdtter(read) the advertisement again.l think there is somethinguseful in it.4. Too much work made me (hun ger).5. The movie made(they) feel an

4、 gry.二、单项选择()1. The rainy day me sad and an gry.A. make B. makes C. maki ngD. to make()2. The movie Avatar (阿凡达)made _feel energetic.A. he B. his C. they D. them()3. Loud music always makes us_ _ .A. want dance B. to want dance C. want to dance D. to want to dance()4. I would ratherat home tha n .A.

5、 stay, go out B. to stay, to go out C. to stay, go out D. stay, to go out ()5. She tried her best to make me .A. happy B. happ in ess C. happilyD. to happy()6.in thecountryside is more comfortable than in the city.A. Lived B. Live C. LivesD. Living第二课时(Section A 3a 4)【导学目标】 用运主要词组与句型询问事物对自己或别人造成的影响,

6、培养敢于表达自己的情感1. I can read and write:浏览教材我能找到下列短语和单词。科学的 therefore 粉红色的光线 坚固的serve公平的 campaign endanger2. Read in g(3a)(1) Read the article of 3a quickly, and then complete the T or F.()1. Restaura nt own er just n eed to know how to make food.()2. Soft lighting make the food look good.()3. Many fast

7、food restaurants play loud music(2) Read it again and try to answer the following questions of 3a.一、用所给词或短语的适当形式填空therefore, dan ger, light, lear n from, hard, serve, make The panda is a kind ofanimal, so we should protect it. Softcan make people look good. It was late at night and there was no bus,

8、we had to walk to the village. The boy wasto steal things. He thinks of others more than himself, so we shouldhim. The dishfour people. You should workto improve your math.二、单项选择:()1. You should study in a way.A. scientific B. science C. scientistD. scientists()2. He was tired he couldngo on working

9、.A. too, to B. such, that C. so, that D. too, that()3. The restaura nt is very expe nsive but it has the bestA. serve B. serviceC. serv ingD. serves()4like listening to the songs sung by S.H.E., the songSuperstar.A. especially B. special C. however D. therefore三、补全对话A. See you the nB. Beautiful dayC

10、. Sure, I love toD. Light music makes people relaxedE. Noth ing muchA: 1, isn tit?B: Yes. The fine days always make mehappy.A: Me, too. By the way, what are you doingthis eve nin g?B:2. Why?A: Here are two tickets to the con cert.Would you like to go with me?B:3J like music very much. 4 and loud mus

11、ic make people crazy.A: You re right. So letsmeet at 7:30 at the gate of the concert hall. OK?B:5第三课时(SectionBla 2c,self check)【导学目标】扎实掌握make + sb. + adj的使用;了解,收集一些英语广告语;拓 宽知识面,把英语运用到实际生活。【课堂自学】1can read and write:浏览教材我能找到下列短语和单词。口号 shiny 神秘的toothpaste 美貌 前景产品 skin (9)te nse 2自学Section B 1a,把图片与所给的广

12、告语配对。3. Listening test听对话选择正确答案 并完成2a.再听一遍,完成2b.听第三遍,补全对话。(M-Ma n; W-Woma n)W: Wow! Look at this 1.for Easy Care ShampooFor the shin iest hair ever.M: I can 2.ads like that.They make me really mad.W: Why?M: They make you think that you can3.the pers on in the ad. But I boughtthat shampoo and it diah

13、twork.W: I 4., look at this one. Lookout Sun glasses. For that mysterious lookI.bet they dont eve n 5.the sun.M: And what about this one. Beauty Creamthe silky skin soapW: Wait a minute. I tried Beauty Cream and it work really well. It 6.yoursk in really soft. Have you ever tried Starshi ne Toothpas

14、te?W: Oh, you mean Whither than White? Yeah, I tried it and it7.terrible. I dn ever use itM: I guess you should nt believe everyth ing you read. 你还能写出几句你知道的英语广告语呢?试着写出至少两句。1. 2.【课堂训练】一、根据首字母和汉语提示完成句子1. The sun shines brightly, and the leaves are s.2. The quality of the pin this factory is very good.

15、3. This pair of glasses cant kout the sun.4. People can make shoes from the sof the animals.5. Hangzhou is a city of great美丽).6. Wearing glasses look very (神秘)and cool.二、选择题()1. -1 heard that your brother jo in the army.-Yes, he in the n avy.A. goesB. does C. servesD. works()2. I know you are lying and you dontthe truth.A. say B. tell C. talk D. speak()3. I want to buy a pair of sun glasses to_ the sunshine.A.


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