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1、牛津高二英语模块七第三单元测试题I.Translate th llowing phrases (24). ate spetf 13. 对有负面影响2. heav nernet users 4.急需 e min drawb of 15. 听天气预报4 afect os pra lis 6. 与专家交流5. feel dsonnece the rea world 17. 建立社会联系.compee a diploa re 8.影响某人的正常生活7 suport ons argumet 19. 沉迷于网络8. e bsed onmo iterests .记住,牢记9. bayih the outco

2、me 1.急切地想做某事10. havn qualicatons 22. 改正错误1nha bass 23. 对.很肯定2asagenal rule 24. 被提成II uiple chice. (20). Hi electdPoems _rubished in965. A. wre was C. has ben D. have een. Twenty dlar _eogh for e coa. A B. ar has D. have3 Hifaily very big ad all of his famiy music. A a;1ove ae;1ve C s;ov D s;1os4. It

3、 Jac a Fakwho been murdered. A. ar;have B. is;re C. s;ave D.is;. ritig strie an articles wt I enjy mst. Ai . have bee Cwas wre The poor womn wh h two chlren n a sreet cornr. .wassn eg B. er sene C wa sn bggg D. er en beggig7. Thre-fourths ofela by forest an gras. A has cvered B as ben overed C.have

4、been covre D.re to be covered8. ave you heraboutthe newcoo? No, when nd wero build the newe .i not decided B. arnt dcied .has notdecided D.haventeendid.mal, s ell as tlepone, n iortant ar in lycomnicatio. A is paying B.have aye C. plyig D. playNot en one o thehudred sudens hotok th tet pased. A as .

5、 ve Cis D re11. The workr an poet t hepart the other ayA iinvted B. ws invited C.as been invitd D. init12.Tere a drveran a nube obroken wie bot besideth highy whe he pole arrved A. wee B. wa had en .ould3. ia Mig emaded_ the od ship madey m. A. t see .seeing C . t be sen1 i ncessryht he _ here tomor

6、ow.A. s wll be . D. woldbe1. arr old hard stand up, let aloe_.A. owa B. waking C. walk . wld16Thuh_ mone, hi parents maaged to end him to unirsity.lackd lacing of Clackn . lced in1._ diffrnt life toay is o _ was fityyeasag!A. Wht a;h B. Hw; wha Cat; wht D. Whata; ow18. _ he ame misakesainmade his pa

7、nt vry angr. A.Hshavig ade B.He hs ae . Hea makig Hs makig9 -Will youend me some pape?-rr, mie_. A.wee sed up B. ran out C. hs beenru ut D.ha givenot20Yod bettr o have e ght _all a logA. bung B bured C to urn D beg rntIII.Fill inheblnks. (2) A1. Haig mae good reparatins, he tudents lmae vry ondfl _(

8、陈述).2. Im _(怀疑)of his _ (能力) to fnis the tak e semso clss Fr hese reason,I belev Intrnt has _ (积极的) effects onpeples lves.4. The primy us fo nternetio _(增长) knowldgabot obbie5. Urtypfeso oten _ (抱怨) hat dns ar aing i papers usi f_nforatthey fun on eIrnt.6.Imeakgfor the pro side of he date Hll e r_ t

9、he con side. havegrat _ (感谢) fo hat you e dnt help s to handle his polm8. One of the greatetabacs of the Intnet is tht it smime prv _ informationA: Hav you everhard of SisteLotus?B: s she a girl that as gaied her ()p_throug te trnet?A: You goutws ondringwhhe s (2)a_by omany people. It doentmakeasense.: I agre. Itno (3)r_ t al.t i sd hat mn eople like her () a_, bI dont think she sthatrA:I i (5)e_atople ke something new,smethng uusual, somethng (6)_ that lead to heted aumeWht is ven wose, pepl ae mre ous bout oers (7)p_ ffairs. Thy le to knw wha i



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