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1、本文格式为Word版,下载可任意编辑高考语法填空练习 训练( 一) Wen ime bee iffit, rembr a omet n yr lif h wa filled ih joy nd hppiss、 emer 1 t de you el, nd ou il hae the strength yu eed to get thugh y trial、 he lf hrw yu e moe bstacl 2 you hin yo can hanle, remeber smeing yo achiee thoug 3 (eseere) an by stugln t te nd、 In oig

2、 s, yo will find you ave he aility 4 (oere) ach osacle n our path、 When you fi 5 exhsed , remmber t find a place t et、 Take 6 necsay tme in or own life to dem ou drem an rne yo energy, 7 ou wil be ready to f eac new day、 When you feel esion 8 (ui), ind oehing fun t d、 Yull n tt the stress yu fe wll

3、fde way ad or thoughts will bee clarer、 hen you 9 (fc) with so many negatve and rain ituations, and you iw yor lie 10 hoe n remer the ositive things, you will eali h small prblems may seem、 、_ 2、 _ _ 、 _ 、3 5、 _ 6、_ 7、 _ 8、 _ 、9 0、 _ 训练( 二) ) ce here ived a rih man 1 _anted to do somhin o te ole of

4、his own、 2 _irst he ante to nd ou whethr they desere s hep、 n the nre of te main ad into t tow, e paed 3_vey large son、 Then h 4_ (hide ) bein a tre and waited、 Soon an old an ame along with h cow、 ho ut ths tone i th cen of the road? aid th od man, bu e did no ry to remoe the sone、 Insted, with sme

5、 dificly he sed arud th stone a cotnue on hs wy、 5_man ame alog and di he same thing; tn anther cme ,n anothe、 Al of hm plaed abut stone but not tred to rmve 6_、 Late in the aftenoon a yung an ame alog、 e sa th tone, 7_ (say) to hiself: he gt 8_ (be) very dak、 Som nihrs il e along late in the drk nd

6、 wil fall aganst the son、 Then he ben o moe the stone、 pushed and pulld wh all hs _ (srog) to move it、 H great was his surprie at lat! 10_the stne, e foud bag of money、 1、_ 2、 _ 、5_ 、 _ 、3_ 6、_ 7、 _ 8、 _ 9、 _ 10、 _ 训练( 三) Our experience t he Chdrens Medcal Car enter w ee-openng、 W saw a l of childe

7、hout hir e to their radiaci tent、 We play wih the ad taught them to d tur、 The cidren, hough 1 (sffer) su reat pns, re so friedy tha it as muh eier to interact wih thm tan we 2 (expect)、 One da, an incident deep toue s、 A irl ggeted that h teach us how o fod papr、 She tught us 3 great iene, exinig a

8、h step sloly ad lealy、 hough we coul esily o tht, we still reend to knw nothn about i、 We fllowed r, sp by step, doing veythng he tol us、 nl, 4 e finsed ur ork suesully, h ve eac of u 5 big hug、 We oud see the ride an hapiess on er fce、 Hr fatr as o thanful o s tat he hld our hands tigly, es in s ey

9、e、 nd was n ntil then 6 e nw the girl wold rceive n erato the next day、 May sorie hapee at the ceter、 I was reay a 7 (vau) eprenc to u l, enricn our le n a psitv ay、 The chlde appy fas ad 8 stron inds wll stay ith us frer、 e days we pent at he Ceter insprd boys 9 (reflect) on my higs、 e began to ref

10、lect on o o deal wih the diffulties lif, cause or trbls em not wth mentong at all pad wit 10 tee nnoen kids are goin troh、 1、_ _ 、3_ 、 4、 _、 _ 6、_ 7、 _ 、01_ 、9 _ 、_ 训练(四 四) ere in China, a he awareness of lime hang iprvs, realizin a low-abo y of if, so knwn as redung your crbon oprint, s a rowng trn

11、d n n Cnse、 Zen i work at offie i Bejgs Cnra Business Dstict.Evry ay, 2 tas h rouhly 40 mtes to go to wr y us.Bu se is hnking of 3 (switch) to a dient wa o trnso-a bcyle.Whe bying thes, sh wil choo those puly made cotton 4 it takes less r to prce ottn chsSh also adapting o a vegeable di a livestock(家畜) ca mke man ntibuts 5 odas most serious environmental proble、 recent survey hows 6 78% of all te 7,000 people uestiond ave dveped nvironmet



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