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1、 Suy o rinpleinBuinss Leter rit系 别:商贸系专 业:市场营销学 号:07060姓 名:孙欣慰 5月 3日contentsAbstract3Introduction4Chapter 1 A Brief Study of English Business Letters61.1 Definition Of English Business Letters61.2 The Classification of English Business Letters71.3 Stylistic Features of English Business Lettersseven

2、Cs91.3.1 Completeness91.3.2 Concreteness101.3.3 Clearness111.3.4 Conciseness111.3.5 Courtesy121.3.6 Consideration131.3.7 Correctness13Chapter 2 The Application of Other principles in business letters writing162.1 Cooperative principle162.2 Politeness principle16Conclusion17References19AbstactnglishB

3、usinesletes r imorta eans nd playa igificant ro in busness ctvtes .glish businessltte ae regadd as thelielineof mn business ommncation. The signfae of ngish businss lttr detenesth applcaion ofcooperatv stratis and politenessstrategies nd ters, tti,what language fomsar uet pesen te politeness fe Egls

4、h usiness letters. he pape, onthe ais oooperative prncipl ad oltene principle inrodues the efiniton an stistc eatue f Egli bsines letr, ad deals with the 7 princpl,reeai t aplicaon of coopeativeprncipl nd ptenes rniplenEnglih usne tter witig. thes povides a esciptie anaysis o the applicat fopertie h

5、e hesi ovies a esciiveanalysisn te appicatin ofcoopatie ttgiean politenss strateges i the nglshbusnes lettr.Howev, the ppliation of politeness stragess vriolmanifstd, amonwhih siaties and fences coexist.Hopefully, thi theis can be osoe hep and gv ome inpatin to busiess pe wkng on nlsh business tewri

6、in.ey ods: Engls buinesste; 7Cs ; Picpentroductionessletter efrre intistudy i a kind o eterdelng withbuin atiities ininteratinal rads. In thi modesocity,it is still th maj means of witteomunicationin buiness. “Broal speking, the functosf a busies letter ybe said to e: fisty, to akr rooney formati; s

7、econl, to mkor o accepan ofr; hirdy,o dl wthmates concering negoiatioof siness” ood comuicatioisso ssetal in busineacivities tht it reques principest uide comnicatio. Busns leters, s oe o a fms main man f commucation wih ers,squaliy sone of imoran eens r scessfl bne,tu itne t aached muh importance t

8、o prove th l ritingobusinslees. Judgngro examls o h pplctin o coprave principle insucful commnicatio, e had tertomasize t role f ppyingthe rinie ich willcotribue t te mrovmn ofbusiness letrs witing.Peolehavefod that cooperaveprincpeas ben wiely ppled rig buiness lettes in tes yar Grcs coperatie prcp

9、le (CP) is oneof the ceas in mtic which issigiant iguing verba commnication n hlvin wo, and v commncaio incle oral commncato n written commncaion “I at,opre princilisvry ommonot oly in verl comuniatio bu als in almot al huan inrcion”. In buines letters wrting, te cperativepinl is sedwidely to ahiev

10、tersefic purps Hoeve, since th coprative princpleis ollowersonalyintad o forcibl, t seofeprpdoes not mean th it illbe flwe byeverbody all the tme. ometme pople violate th oortive rincl for secial rpose whic willgeneteconversatonllictiv. B taki uine lettes functionsint consiration, it isnotooeneen in

11、 wittnbusies comuncion.Te busins ltter i th pricial mes used y compaes; an efeti counictionprodued byeter is ery imprtant for sccsulworkng of aogization Thus,thedutis of a uie letters ritee ar mo thaneely putng he ege in orecting Englih.We should e toit tathmessage i liel tacieve t upoe r ic its wri

12、teThis tesi attemptt anale e aplicatioof cooperativeprinile n Englih usie tter, inthe hope f findin wast writeqlid binesslette, terby, ofeigelpothepeopl involed inbusinessaffair.Chape1 Brief SuyfEglisBsiness Leterhbusn leteristhe bsic ansof communication beteentw conis It sestimate tha closet 0milliobsinsltterae rtenea okda It is a docmnttypicalys


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