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1、新联小学英语B Unit2单元测试卷班级_姓名_得分_听力部分一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词、词组和句子。(读两遍;10分)( ) 1 . low . shall C how ( ) 2 Ajb B. jo C. jup( ) 3 litr . lttr .ittle ( ) 4. .some B. same C. oon( )5. A rememr B eay C. lowr( )6.A. dance beer . dancebautuy C.do tter ( ) . A. rn fast Brun fae C rai fat( ) 8. A sme of the bys .al the

2、by C. hother bos( ) 9. A Dnt wy Do more ercise. C hats tre( )0. A.He is oin hs homewk. . e needs ep wth h homeor. C. e doesnt ee helpithhs hmeork. 三、听录音,选择正确的应答。(听两遍5分)( ). A. e, they o. B. Ys, dos. C. No,shedoesn( ) 2.A Jom is talle. B. Jim s as tall as om. C. Tom s 10ctalle tha im. ( )3. A. ohnuns

3、 fastr. B.am uns faste C.Sor, I ont n( ) .A. 8:0. B :. C. 8:30.( ) 5. A He is1 B. He i 10. Heis 14.四、听录音,完成下列短文。(读三遍1分)Hello, ImJll.Im13 ears l,3 yea_ tha m brther il. Bu m _ and _tan Bill. Im _ at _ foal,so I py_than im. Bll _ wellin umpig, ad e _ thane. Bi gets ps _ ame. We o to chool tgtervery da

4、y. 笔试部分一、选出与其余三个划线部分读音不同的单词。 (6分)( )、A lw . blw C towel D sow( )2、A.frther B. quatr . start D. park( )3、A. ore B. wrl C. horse D. sports( )4、A. ear B ear . hea D. her( )、A breafast B. fas . ast D gras( )6、A. rall B.thetr . ear . nealy二、英汉词组互译(4分)1擅长体育_ 2游得比他慢_ 3.比我的重_4,比你瘦一些_5跳得和你一样远_6.更喜欢唱歌_ 多锻炼 8.

5、我的数学方面需要帮助 9.一个优秀的篮球选手 0画得比他们都好 11.atc ananl show 12.plaall games_1.need hpith 14.paythegame thyor paner _15.go for wlaruthe ae 6.Wuld ou ples l me yurnae 17latball in the prts ield 18.wel don 三、单项选择。(15分)( )1.W seaks _, e r TBen peks _ha To A. wel, wel B.wel,beer C. ette,bt( )2_ David ump _tan Mik

6、De,ighe B D,hiher Does, high( ) Ji is god _Maths. Bn doewell _. A. a; n .in; at C at;t ( ) 4_ pencisare therein yourag A. Hwuch B How may Co d ( ) 5. _is aler than avi A. os B. Who C. Whos ( ) 6._ rleris lne A. Who B Who CWhos( )7. Bty i twelv ear _. S is one yer _than me.ol; od youner B oldr;old C

7、l ,ode ( ) 8. Were ood at _ and_.ru, jp B runng, ump . running,jmping ( )9.Gao hn _astrtan his fiends. A. swms B. swiming swm ( )10. _ you un fase tha me lst year A. Do B. Wee CDi ( )11.Jias_storybothan hs lasmts. A.many B moe C. muc( )2.Yng Lin sates as_as Helen. A. ll B. god C.beter( )13._urwin it

8、er get uearlit you A. B.Doe C.Do()1_or ucles tallr thn our faterA. s B.Doe C.Are( )15.Do yu hve _ ss_pctues .some , or B. any,and C. an , r四、根据中文提示,完成下列句子。(10分 每句一分) 1. 我跳舞跳得和迈克一样好。 I_as _ aMike. 杨林昨天睡得比我晚。Yag ng _o ed _ than me esteray.3.看,汤姆跑得比迈克快。是的,但通常他跑得没有迈克快。 Look,o thanMieYe, but uualyhe han ie. 4. 昨天女孩比男孩篮球打得好吗?是的。_thegrls than the ysyesterday es, he _.5. 她的头发比我长,但我的眼睛比他大。 Herhaiis _ tn _, bu y eye ar_hn _. 6.我的表妹擅长于绘画,但是她的字写得不好。My is , but she ell . .多做锻炼,不久你就会更强壮 ,yo . 我会起得比以前更早些 .9. 汤姆比你跑得快吗?不是的,他和我跑得一样快。_ To _ _ hn yo No,he _. He _s_ s m.0. 谁上


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