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1、商务英语情景对话A: seller B:byeA: Hell, elo to XX coman, Im te(职位).Thee are my Collague , Ms and Ms .B: Hi, nice t eet yu. I the (职位),romX comany,(都市,国家)A: ice tosee ou, to.eri ou catague foyour eferece. s ere anth prticular ur intersedi? B: Well, Im iterstedi your golden deliiouspp.A:Yuhe a goo dgment.Gold

2、 dliious apple faous as tsfrst classqaty, rich juice, and swetsou taste.Itslo produe roShadong provie wic has agod retat of apples.B: wel, Imver imprese .May I ve se idea of you price?: ure, UD er ton, CIF Newyork.(: Your pice rgolndelicious apleat SD er tn s on hehiide, antaccepit.:You ust e waetha

3、t the picof goldn elicisppe ha beincreain sine syerI isfixaccoig pward trnd in thenenionl rket price.B:But ieimuch highe thn te rkt pc.aild ives uch ower price:The ualit f thi kind of glnelcis apple i much beter. Ian qute you on aple of quai and the pricewil defnitel e lower. Our prie varis acorn he

4、 qual.B:Whai mean thatyou pie i hghe than of e same qaity It ll hardorus topeade urlints to accpt such a rie.An a know, anyples ar in fct ting he price tryin to t a arge market sha.A: But our prduc an al with the optin .Youcan see tha havealra ot any order ad oe e omg. Itsow ta or roctndpice are ace

5、ptalB:uld yo ive ome quantity disout?:ell, if ou place a sbstanta oder, we ud alowyou some discun, % fr 20Tons andfor 30 os.AsanCofidece for thfutue usiness, this t best can do.B:I mConfidntwe cn dmre bnes, s anto le orer fo50Tons goden delciousaple, I blieve ttyou ca ive meme dicont insted of you s

6、aid before, like ?A:You plce me i a veryiffiut positin, peas wait amment, Imut nstwit my mager. OK, we canugest yo%discont, henwoud yu want m t ship te ood?:Tis ites must bereahed befor Deembe, s tht ecaredy fo te hrista Ee. So it s refcttat make an elivery on October A:I don think o. Wcn suly 50 on

7、 fr yobeforOctober,bu 30 Ton. f yu have methig relly gent, howabout oerin the oth inds of apple?: se ind of pples are good enug. Chistms Eeis vyimprtant tour rea,we only wantoCeebrat it wt the est thngs.s here ay ssibilityor yu toak yorsuplirs to povide us 50Tos ?A: ell, tll ehard to do O supes revy

8、commite f sevral mos t ome am s orr tht 30 ons isoly th moswcan upply yu.B:Fie,plase sed me30 Tonsfirs as st as ucan,an the oth 0 tons mustbsipedefrNoveb on codtn thate ranhipment e t led,becausei will dd to th risk ofamgeandma dela th arvl.: Nowe will coactt shingcompay tonfm, plee wait amte.O, ter

9、e areso rect sselfr uaghouo ew Yk i Septemer nd Octber .So el dlver 30tons plsin Septembe, th mainer wll b hied i Octob.: Sr!B: Now,W ettl the probl of rce, ulitd quatit. Wt aouthe erms fayment.A: e geerally acept pamnt by irrevocableL/C at ight.B: We, yu know ourr i lrgethat it i b too costly toope

10、 a /C. Tal euour mony andcrethe cotof our ims.: Whatdo you hae i mine?:ld you accept D/Ar Pistead of L/C ? o y t akes n gat diferen, bttmet de.A: I am afrid not. I ite unerand yurpoiti .Btn L/C allos expore protection. So ayent by L/ is he nymod w canacet. Especily for ne customer ihsbtatialorder, w

11、e have to make ure the an g paidfor he goddeliver.B: Juas you meioe, this is our fist rnai, col you give usmore fvoabletems f aymet s esture ncurai oreture buinss?A: I ellcat help yo,you kow, the nancial makt sflucuatig Soit nesary f s to do usness ona L/C basiso as tt thebakers guarantee.B: Dotyuth

12、ik is t ces t ae anxception to us ? e have stron worof moth , s our credit srworthy anmore fexilePymnt terms oul ep to ps the sae of our ruct.A:Iellyant he you.B: ell,Ill hve no choie but to agree L/payment But coud you acept time /C an allo us tdla pment,ay, 60day ter sigt?A: I toknf good faith, well accpt yourpropsal.B: Shalwe dscst



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