江苏省宜兴市和桥高级中学2016届高考英语一轮复习 专题15《写作-名词性从句》

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《江苏省宜兴市和桥高级中学2016届高考英语一轮复习 专题15《写作-名词性从句》》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省宜兴市和桥高级中学2016届高考英语一轮复习 专题15《写作-名词性从句》(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、小专题15:写作名词性从句英语写作,避免不了的要体现句与句之间的逻辑关系。句有小句和更大层级的句子。小句也称为从句(clause)。当小句语意完整,成分没有残缺,句尾跟句号,小句不小,就是简单句。两个小句表达的语意是并列关系的,则组合为一个大一级的句子,这类句子叫并列句。并列句的连词有“and”、“so”、“but”、“for”、“while”、“either or”、“not onlybut also”等等。由于英语句法中的并列句与汉语句法中类似逻辑表达相近,因而以汉语为母语的学生掌握起来则难度不大。当小句的功能仅起到三类词(即名词、副词或形容词)的功能,小句即被称之为名词性从句、副词性从句

2、或形容词性从句。由于名词在句中的功能经常作主语、宾语、表语和同位语,所以名词性从句具体地讲又分为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。前三类从句,如果细细琢磨,与汉语的表达还是近似的。不过,引起从句的连词需要关注,它们都起到桥梁的作用,连接主句和从句。“that”,表示陈述概念,在从句中不作任何成分,也没有对应的汉语翻译; “whether” 和“if”,表示一般疑问概念,在从句中作状语,有对应的汉语翻译,即“是否”;“what”、“which”、“who”、“whom”、“whose”、“when”、“why”、“how”、“how many”、“how much”、“how long”

3、、“how often ”、“whatever”、“whichever”等,表示特殊疑问概念,在从句中作主语、宾语、表语、定语或状语。引起同位语从句的连词以“that”居多,同位语从句的内容是前置词的细化,前置词在从句中不充当任何成分。需要进一步说明的是,“if”一般只引起宾语从句,而“as if”和“as though”可以引起表语从句。1. 主语从句 Therefore, it can be seen that all these teenagers spend little time in doing exercise or sports. Personally, whatever we

4、 do cant do harm to others. Its true that failure will make us powerful. It turned out that his colleague had mistaken him for a robber. Second, at weekends and during holidays, whoever charges to tutor students cant get away. Whoever wants to make a contribution may go to Room 103 at the first floo

5、r of the school library. However, with so many to take part, it is certain that some better solutions will be presented. Also, what is contained can be updated easily. What is above mentioned is my answer to the question how we should get along well with friends. Its true that the influence produced

6、 by the practice has been beyond their original expectation. Honestly, what the supermarket has done makes a great difference. 2. 宾语从句 I hope my suggestions will do good to your job. He thought nobody else could find it out. I understand how you are suffering because I had the same experience last y

7、ear. They agree that interviews may assess students thoroughly and, comprehensively. They argue that the interviewers are likely to be subjective and one-sided, which leads to unfairness. Please keep in mind that the deadline is May 16th. From my experiences, I know how important help is in real lif

8、e. 17% of the teachers and students surveyed complain that in modern society they are much too stressed, suffering a lot. The students replied that the animals, especially wild animals, would die before they grew up. Honestly speaking, in the beginning, I dont know what my life would be like in Amer

9、ica because it was the first time that I had gone abroad. 3. 表语从句 This activity was what we had expected. My belief is that your job will make a difference not only to yourself but also to others, or rather all of us. How do you like the belief that life is partly what you make it and partly what it

10、 is made by the friends whom you choose. My belief is that its necessary to stress the reasons for filial piety.4. 同位语从句 In my mind I have an idea that if we all contribute a little, a difference will be made. The belief that helping others is helping yourself has been struck in my heart. What is ab

11、ove mentioned is my answer to the question how we should get along well with friends. How do you like the belief that life is partly what you make it and partly what it is made by the friends whom you choose? There is no doubt that such exercise benefits us a lot, contributing to our studies as well

12、 as building up our body. 5. 第五类名词性从句 Im very delighted that we will meet soon. Im sure the above-mentioned measures will count. 以上示例显示,在书面表达的写作实践中,主语从句和宾语从句使用活跃,表语从句使用频率低。同位语从句如果恰当使用就会使全文出彩。阅卷老师一定会对考生的同位语从句的驾驭能力给予肯定的。示例作文中还出现了“第五类名词性从句”,即:主句是主系表结构,表语是形容词,从句由“that”引起。这里,作表语的形词多以“态度”或 “情绪”类为主。尽管 “第五类名词性从句” 在书面表达出现频率不高,学生掌握是必要的,因为它们在口语和阅读中出现频率还是高的。最后,需要明确指出的是:名词性从句由 “whoever”引起,从句所指的是“人”,既“whoever”可以分解为“anyone who”,从句其他部分则是定语从句的内容了,而名词性从句由“who”引起,从句所指是“一件事”。1


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