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1、2022年考博英语-中国地质大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 填空题Small children need to be( ) to look both ways before they cross the road.【答案】told【解析】语义题。句意: 小孩子需要被吿知横穿马路前要看两边/需要告知小孩过马路要看两边。因此tell符合句意, 空格处应用动词的过去分词形式和前面的be动词一起表被动。2. 填空题A Oh, Professor Donaldson, its such (1)honor to meet you! Ive read all your books and

2、 as many of your articles as I could get my hands on.B Youre not Zhang Qing, are you?A , (2)but how do you know my name?B Prof. Li told me to be sure to meet you when I visited the campus. He said you were very interested in our research.A Thats true, and Ive been(3) forward to meeting you ever sinc

3、e I heard you were coming to Beijing.句意:哦,唐纳森教授,非常荣幸见到你!我己拜读过您所有的书籍,且阅读了大量我所能接触到的你的文章。你不是张青吗?我就是,但您是怎么知道我的名字的?李教授让我务必在参观校园时与你见面。他说你对我们的研宄很感兴趣。 是的,自从听说您要来北京后,我就一直期盼着与你见面。【答案】1.an2.Yes3.looking【解析】1.语法题。Such跟honor之间用不定冠词,因为honor以元音发音开头,故用an。2.语法题。当反意疑问句的前半部分是否定,后半部分是肯定时,如果事实是肯定,就用Yes,如果事实是否定就用No。3.固定搭

4、配。look forward to:盼望,希望。句中用到现在完成进行时,故用looking。3. 单选题The scientists were very frustrating as they tried again and again to use the mechanical arm to pick up the smooth, slippery object from the bottom of the sea and bring it into the vessel.问题1选项A.were very frustratingB.as theyC.again and againD.brin

5、g it into the vessel.E.没有问题【答案】A【解析】形容词误用。frustrating改为frustrated。frustrated:挫败的,泄气的,符合句意。frustrating:令人沮丧的。4. 填空题Yesterday afternoon, while John and Linda were both at work, thieves (1)into their flat and (2)money, jewelry and an expensive new computer.【答案】1.broke;2.took【解析】1.固定搭配。break into 闯入。因此此

6、处填break的过去式broke。2.语义题。第二空也填动词的过去式, 由其宾语money可知填 took (带走了)。5. 填空题A: How long have you and your team been(1) on that final report?B: (2)a week and a half now. The deadline for submission is tomorrow at 5 oclock. If we dont get it done (3)then, well really be in hot water! I havent slept a wink (4)th

7、e day before yesterday.A: No(5) you look so tired then! Is there that I can do to help?B: I dont think so, but thanks for offering.A: Well, I (6)you luck!【答案】working; For; by; since; wonder; anything; wish【解析】句意:你和你的团队在完成最后那一篇报告上花了多久时间?到现在有一个半星期了。上交的截止日期是明天五点。如果我们在那时间点还没完成的话,我们就会有麻烦了。从前天开始我就没合过眼了。难怪

8、你看起来很疲惫。我可以帮你做点什么吗?我认为不用。但是谢谢你的好意。好,祝你好运!1.固定搭配。work on 致力于,继续工作,因为后面是final report,说明之前还做了其它工作,因此这里应该是取“继续工作”之意。2.语义题。此处的a week and a half是一个时间段, 因此用for。3.语义题。此处表示 “截至”那个时间点会有什么样的后果,因此填by。4.固定搭配。no wonder 难怪。5.常用语。”Is there anything I can do to help?(有什么可以帮到你吗)”是常用的交际用语。6.常用语。I wish you luck 祝你好运。6.

9、 单选题With traffic constantly on the increase in the streets of Beijing, the metro is the best way to get around the city during rush hours,however the crowds in the metro trains are now also a problem.问题1选项A.get around the cityB.constantly on the increaseC.get around the cityD.hours,howeverE.没有错误【答案】

10、D【解析】句子连接错误。however后面加逗号。however在句子中表示然而,表示转折时,通常用逗号与句子其他成分隔开。7. 填空题The radio isnt loud(1 ) . Could you turn it (2)please?【答案】enough; up【解析】1.语义题。句意: 收音机的声音还不够大。请你调大一点,可以吗?此空应填一个后置定语,故填enough符合句意。2.固定搭配。Turn up 调大音量。8. 填空题These documents are all in Chinese. We need to(1) them translated(2) English i

11、n time (3)the meeting with the foreign businessmen(4) Friday.句意: 这些文件都是汉语,我们需要在周五和外商开会前及时将他们翻译成英语。【答案】1.get2.into3.before4.on【解析】1.语法题。使役动词get在这里表示 “使翻译成”。2.固定搭配。Translateinto 将翻译成3.语义题。句意:在会议开始之前。4.语法题。考查介词。在具体的某天前用介词on。9. 单选题We are undertaking a survey to evaluate the extent to which the education

12、al system that exists in China today answers the needs of society.问题1选项A.are undertakingB.the extent to whichC.answersD.of societyE.没有问题【答案】E【解析】10. 填空题My parents have been(1) me to (2)married for the last two years, but I still havent made up my (3).句意: 在过去的两年里,我的父母一直让我结婚,但是我仍旧没有做好决定。【答案】1.asking2.

13、get3.mind【解析】1.固定搭配。Ask sb. to do 要求某人做某事。此处表示 “一直”,用现在完成进行时,所以填asking。2.固定搭配。Get married 结婚。3.固定搭配。Make up ones mind 下决心。11. 单选题The students, arriving at the usual time for breakfast, were extremely fhrious when they discovered that the prices of almost the food items had doubled overnight.问题1选项A.s

14、tudents, arrivingB.were extremely fhriousC.almost the food itemsD.had doubledE.没有问题【答案】B【解析】副词多余。去除extremely。由 furious 的英文释义“marked by extreme and violent energy or extreme anger”知它已经含有extremely“极其;非常”的意思,故B项这里的“extremely” 属于重复,应该去除。12. 填空题I have(1) good news for you: John has (2)to buy your old motorcycle.【答案】1.some2.decided【解析】1.语义题。句意:告诉你一些好消息。2.固定搭配。Decide to do 决定。13. 填空题Mr Ames cant come to the phone. Hes talking to a client at the(1) .Could you call(2) (3)twenty minutes?【答案】1.moment2.back3.in【解析】1.固定搭配。At the moment 现在。


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