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1、 1. This _a computer.That _ a picture. 2. _ this your shirt?Yes, _ _. 3. _ that your jacket?No, _ _. No, _ _. 4. _ play football. wW w .Xkb 1.c O m 5. It _ warm today._ warm today. 6. _ _ is the dress?_ _ yellow. _ yellow. 7. What colour _ the shoes?They _ blue. _ blue. 8. What colour _ your sweater

2、?_ _ green. _ green. 9. _ is the art room?_ _ on the first floor. _ on the first floor. 10. Where _ the pictures?They _ on the wall. 11. Where _ the gym?It _ on the second floor. 12. _ _ is it?It _ six oclock. 13. _ _ is it now?_ ten oclock. 14. _ _ books do you have?I have ten. 15. _ _ books can yo

3、u see?I can see ten. 1 / 5 16. _ _ books are there?There _ ten. There _ one. 17. This _ the weather report. 18. It _ warm _ Hong Kong. 19. _ hot _ Moscow.21. _ they in the classroom?No, they _. 22. _ I wear my shirt?Yes, you can. 23. _ I wear my sweater?No, you cant. 24. Can you play football?Yes, _

4、 _. 25. Can you sing and dance?No, _ _. 26. It _ 7:05.Its time _ get up. 27. _ 10:00.Its time _ music class. 28. Go _ the playground.Hand _ the homework. 29. _ you have a library?Yes, I do. 30. _ you have a canteen?No, I dont. 31. Lets _ there. 新|课|标|第|一|网 32. The shirt _ red.The shirts _ red. 33. S

5、chool _ over. 34. Just _ minute. 35. They _ pants.These _ pants.Those _ pants. 36. It _ a dress.This _ a dress.That _ a dress. 2 / 5 37. I like the red shirt _ the yellow skirt. 38. Put _ your T-shirt. 39. What _ this?Its a book. 40. What _ they?They are books. 41. _ shirt is this?Its Johns shirt. 4

6、2. _ dress is it?Its Amys dress. 新课标第一网 43. _ they your jeans?Yes, they are. 44. _ these your socks?Yes, they are. 45. _ those my shorts?No, they arent.1. Is this your computer?(肯定回答) _ 2. Is this your computer?(否定回答) wWw .x Kb 1.c o M _ 3. What colour is the T-shirt?(红色) _ 4. What colour are the sh

7、oes?(黄色) _ 5. What time is it?(七点) _ 6. Where is the computer room?(在一楼) 3 / 5 _ 7. Where is Amy?(in the classroom) _ 8. Whose dress is this?(Amys) _ 9. Can you play football?(肯定回答) X| k |B| 1. c|O |m _ 10. Can you sing and dance?(否定回答) _ 12. Can I wear my sweater?(否定回答)_ 13. How many books can you

8、see?(two books)_ 14. How many books do you have?(two books)_ 15. How many books are there?(two books)_ 16. Are they your pants?(肯定回答)_ 17. Are these your shoes?(肯定回答)_ 4 / 5 18. Are your shorts yellow?(否定回答)_ 19. Whats the weather like today?(温暖)_ 20. Is it hot today?(肯定回答)_ 21. Whats the weather like in Beijing?(冷)_ 5 / 5



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