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1、Module 10 unit 1 its on your desk. 教学设计教学目标 (一)知识目标:(1)听:能听懂关于描述位置的介词和句子:in, on, under, Its in the box. Its on your desk. Its under the chair.(2)说:能够使用关于描述位置的介词和句子:in, on, under, Its in the box. Its on your desk. Its under the chair.(3)读:能够在图片的提示下,在语句中认读单词:in, on, under, box, bedroom及描述物品位置的句子:in th

2、e box. Its on your desk. Its under the chair.(4)写:能够正确抄写描述位置的介词:in, on, under(二)技能目标:(1)掌握描述物品所在位置的句子,并能在实际学习生活活中运用、交流、讨论。(2)培养学生听说读画猜的能力和综合运用英语的能力。(三)情感目标:(1)培养学生对所学的话题感兴趣,乐于参与讨论。(2)在活动中培养学生的合作精神和自评、互评意识。(3)教育学生不乱丢东西,学会整理好自己的物品。教学重难点教学重点:(1)能掌握、运用介词in, on, under (2)能掌握功能句来描述物品的位置:Its in the box. It

3、s on your desk. Its under the chair.教学难点:(1)介词under的读音 (2)描述具体物品的位置。The panda is in the hat.教学过程:Step 1.Warm-up1、Sing a song2、Free talk.Step2.Presentation1、Present: bedroom /box2. Present: on / underStep 3. Practice1. Listen and do.(教师说英语,学生做动作)Then look and say. ( 教师做动作学生说英语)2. Sing a song .(运用歌曲“找

4、朋友”的旋律,用本课的内容填词)找呀找呀找朋友,找到几个好朋友,in在里,on在上,under就是在下面Step 4.Presentation and practice1. Present: Its on/in/under .2. Present: Text 3. Look and sayStep 5.HomeworkListen and read the text for three times.教师到门边指卧室图)And whats this? Its a bedroom. “bedroom” , whats the meaning?T: Guess, whats in the bedro

5、om? “in”, whats the meaning?板书:in(学生没猜到,教师到“卧室内”拿出盒子)A box .(出示单词卡片)Ss practice saying: box.)T:(出示课前准备的猴子道具,放到盒子上,一边提问)Where is the monkey? Its on the box. Do you know “ on ” ? (2) 用同样的方法教授 “under”(用实物演示,直观地引出on和under两个新词,并通过做手势来操练, 让学生在“做中学,用中学”)板书:onSs practice saying: bedroom.Ss practice saying:

6、on. ( 边做动作边说英语:教师左手握拳,右手伸出食指,将食指放在拳头的上面)Practice in pairs.用英语简单问候,交流,拉近了师生间的距离,又为下一个教学环节做了铺垫。) (课前在教室门上贴上单词卡片bedroom和卧室的图,创设一种情景:教室门即卧室门,教室外即卧室内,为下一步课文教学打下基础) (既巩固了新词bedroom,复习了介词in,又为box的教学做了铺垫)(用实物演示,直观地引出on和under两个新词,并通过做手势来操练, 让学生在“做中学,用中学”)(将本课所学的内容巧妙的改编成一首歌曲,易化了教学难点,非常轻松的巩固了所学内容)板书设计Module10 positionUnit1 Its on your deskin 图片 Its in on 图片 Its onunder 图片 Its under



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