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1、交互英语视听说4视频对话文本完整准确版Unit 1 The Straight StoryVideo 1 transcriptTalia:It aS so in credible, Mom. I iwork ing on a story about one of the n ati onal soccerplayers, Nick Crawford No, that s the thing. He knows that one of his teammates has framed him. A nd I believe he s innocent.Knock on doorTalia:Look

2、, Mom. I have to go. I ll call you tomorrow, OK? Bye. Yes, yes, me, too. Bye.Nick:Hi. I came as soon as I could. What s up?Talia:I vbeen thinking about this all day Now tell me, again: When and how did youmeet this Jackie Baker woma n?Nick:I ve already told you. She came up to me at the juice bar. W

3、e set up a meeting.Talia:Right. At her office. Except you n ever went up to her office.Nick:Right, so she meets me in the lobby, we shake han ds, and she takes me to lun ch.Talia:Yes, to a little place around the corner, as I recall.Nick:Right. And the n she asks me to en dorse a new pair of shoes.T

4、alia:Yeah. You told me they rKicOtedNick:Right. And she explains that I ll hahetohoearvfrhen I play. And the companywill use my n ame in the ads.Talia:OK. Can you thi nk of an ythi ng else?Nick:Well, we did talk about an idea for a Kicks commercial.Talia:A commercial? What commercial?Nick:I told you

5、 about that, didn ntSdTheytw doe in a commercial.Video 2 transcript (1 48)Talia:Hang on a second. You never said anything about a commercial. I want to hear moreabout this. Don t leave out any details. This could be important.Nick:OK. So, over lunch she describes the deal Jackie: So, you ll wear our

6、 shoes when you play. And we ll use your name in ads. Do that andfifty thousa nd dollars is yours.Nick:Sounds good. And this will be sometime next year?Jackie:Uh, yeah, that s right. We can work out the detailsffcatehis, but we ll probably wantyou to appear in a commercial.Nick:Cool!Jackie: In fact,

7、 I m working on an idea for a commercial right now. Do you want to hear aboutit?Nick:Sure.Jackie: OK. Picture this. You re sitting in a park. On a bench.atbeautiful spring day.Nick:So far, so good.Jackie: OK. A young kid comes up to you and says, “ Hey!Aren ytou Nick Crawford, thesoccer star? ”Nick:

8、Uh-huh.Jackie:And you say,“ That Ormomiething like that.Nick:Right.Jackie:And then the ki d says,“ Wow! Cool shoes! What are they?” And you Wlyatelse?”Nick:That s it?Jackie:That s it.Nick:So, all I have to do is sit on the bench and talk to a kid?Jackie:That s all you have to do.Talia:That s what I

9、thoughtThis Jackie person recorded your conversation over lunch. Thenshe edited the tape so it sounds like youaccept ing a bribe.Nick:Oh, wow!Unit 2A Hot LeadVideo 1 transcriptTalia: Tony, I need to see you. I have to bring you up to date on the Nick Crawford story.Tony: Come in. What s going on?Tal

10、ia: I just spoke to Nick. He was tricked. The tape was edited. He didn t take a bribe. It justsounds that way.Tony: Well, what does your audio expert say?Talia: I forgot to tell you. It s definitely Nick he saidth&oapss wad definitely edited.Tony: But I don t get it. W/behind this?Talia: One of Nick

11、 s teammates, Dean Bishopresents being in Nick s shadow. He wants tobe the only star on the team.Tony: Of course! The bottom line is bein tathie worth a lot of money in en dorseme nts.Talia: Still. I can t imagineTony: OK. So, now, what s your plan?Talia: I have an idea. I n eed some help from Amy.T

12、ony: Fine. You can have another day on this and we won t run the story yet. But one morethi ng, Talia, I hope you re n ot emoti on ally in volved in this story.Talia: Me? Emotio nally in volved?Tony:I know you wanna clear Nick s Batmfey ou wanna have a career in journalism,you have to remember to st

13、ay objective.Video 2 transcriptPatty: Hi there. What ca n I get for you?Amy: How about a large iced tea?Patty: Coming right up.Amy: and a little in formati on?Patty: What kind of in formatio n?Amy: I m trying to get hold of some one n amed Jackie Bishop. I was told that shes a member ofthis club.Pat

14、ty: Hmm. She used to be, but n ot any more. She stopped coming here a while ago. Maybe ayear ago, eve n.Amy: Oh. Too bad.Patty: Her brother Dean, the soccer player, works out here, though. I remember see ing him yesterday, around lun chtime. Maybe you could speak to him.Amy: Actually, I d rather avo

15、id seeing him. It s a little complicated between him and me, if youknow what I mean.Patty: Oh, I see. Well, here starnkdeackie s taking acting classes over at the university.Maybe you could catch up with her there.Amy: She s tak ing acting classes at the uni versity?Patty: Mmm-hmm.Amy: Ah Yes Thatsa great idea. Thanks for the tip.Patty:Oh, likewise! Tha nks!Unit 3Jackie, The ActressVideo 1 transcriptAmy: Talia, are you almost here?Tal


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