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1、世界各国饮食文化 the western culture manner s “ dinner table mannersthe habit of have mealing of west is different from we much have, especially colloquy a western meal the party, rules is rather many.when join in a western meal parties should notice the following items:1, the wine that foreigner is general

2、 did not let the habit let the vegetables, therefore you like to eat the what, no harm to much take the point.2, should wait the all guest the in front to all ascended the vegetables, hostess to picked up her knife with after fork signal hint can just use the meal.3, the table napkin should spread o

3、n the knee.can also defend at the neck is last or chest front, but not very square.can wipe the oil on your mouth or stains on the finger with table napkin dime, but the absolutely not can the wipe cutlery.4, have meal to sit properly body not want two arms lay down horizontally on the table.5, usag

4、e knife and fork hour, should the left hand use the fork, and by hand use the knife.slice the meat should avoid the knife to slice on the porcelain dish to send out the sound.midway let go of the knife and fork, and should report the eight the matrix cent put on the plate.if the knife and fork put t

5、ogether, mean to complete with meal.6, want to drink the water, should be first food pharyngeal bottom.while drinking the water with glass cup, want to wipe the oil stains on the mouth first, and the in order to prevent make dirty the cup.7, if sneeze or cough, or want the bathroom, should humality

6、that face surroundings sorry.8, have meal, always remain mum to is not polite , but mastication food the hour dont speak the words, and swallow again answer.9, be the bellboy according to this give the guest top vegetables, walk to the left side that you, just the your turn take the plete with meal,

7、 and the hostess stand to rise, and can just leave the seat.the table napkin puts on the table, and dont shine on the original kind fold good(一)基本的讲究排列座次时,国内外的基本作法有所不同在涉外场合排列座次时,一般均应遵守国际惯例1.我国传统作法在排列并排的座次时,我国的传统作法是以左为上,即认为居左之位高于居右之位当前,国内在举行会议及正式合影时,仍多沿用此法2.国际通行作法并排排列座次时,国际上的通行作法是以右为上,即认为居右之位高于居左之位在涉

8、外场合,它已被广泛采用关于中国人的宴席座次礼仪古代中国素有“礼仪之邦”之称,讲礼仪,循礼法,崇礼教,重礼信关于中国人的宴席座次礼仪 ,守礼仪,是中国人数千年的传统所谓“礼节民心,让则不争”;“衣食既足,礼让以兴”,礼就是个人利欲心的节制和人群利益的调度讲礼,就是要谦恭退让,“礼”与“让”往往相连,这就是“礼让”一词的由来和义释中国最早的礼和最普泛、最重要的礼,可以说就是食礼,“夫礼之初,始诸饮食”,用食来敬神,表明“礼”是极隆重的事,并且是起源很早的礼是以个人的文化学识与心性修养为基础的检验一个人修养的最好场合,莫过于集群宴会了因此,“子能食食,教以右手”(礼记内则),家庭启蒙礼教的第一课便是



11、与突出位置设首位通常服务员摆台时以口布折叠成花、鸟等造型,首位造型会非常醒目,使人一望而知而隆重的大型宴会则往往在各餐台座位前预先摆放座位卡(席签),所发请柬上则标明与宴者的台号这样或由司仪导入,或持柬按图索骥、对号入座,自然不易出错english style of eating habits is also easy, pay attention to nutrition. breakfast is usually porridge milk or a cup of red juice, coated with butter toast, fried bacon or sausage, eg

12、gs. at noon, the children eat lunch at school, adults at lunch on the job on the vicinity to buy a sandwich, a cup of coffee on, just kill. only to the weekend, the british people will be rich on a table. usually the main course is meat, such as grilled chicken, roast beef, fish and so on. a wide va

13、riety of vegetables, like cabbage, fresh peas, potatoes, carrots and so on. vegetables in general are no longer processed, mounted on a tray, poured from the supermarket to buy ready-made sauce will be consumed. after the main course there will always be together digestible of sweets, such as cookin

14、g fruit, fruit pudding, cheese, ice cream and so on.fried fish and fries (fish and chips)this is the traditional british fast food nation (fastfood). it is in the 19th century 60s pop up. at that time, the railway put start fresh fish one night directly (direct) transported from the east coast to lo

15、ndon. english at the fish paste on top ofgood deep-fried in oil, and fried potatoes be eaten together. people put a mixture of salt and vinegar sauce and pour it into the article on fish and potatoes, with a newspaper bag, and then eat from the paper in hand. today, people often use a clean paper pa

16、ckaging, and to provide a fork (fork).cha (tea)british national enjoy a cup of tea. at the traditional british (tradition) on people with porcelain tea cup, one person a cup, a spoonful of tea. the majority of british people like to drink strong tea, but i want to add much milk. many years ago, people used to put milk into the cup, then add the tea, and finally add (coffee)now in the


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