名词所有格的练习题及答案(DOC 21页)

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名词所有格的练习题及答案(DOC 21页)_第1页
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1、名词所有格的练习题及答案精品文档 名词所有格的练习题及答案 名词在句中表示所有关系、所属关系、动作执行者及动作承受者等意义时常需用所有格形式。名词所有格也称为属格、主格,它主要包括s所有格、of所有格和双重所有格三种表现形式。 定义:表示有生命的东西的名词及某些表示时间、距离、星球、世界、国家等无生命的东西的名词后加 s来表示所有关系,叫做名词所有格。 名词所有格的用法: 一、名词+ s 1、单数名词和不以-s结尾的复数名词在词尾加s构成所有格 例如: Jimmys book Janes schoolbag Marks room Qianqians mother Childrens Day W

2、uhans summer is very hot. Qianqian s math is very good. 2、复数名词以-s结尾的只需要加 构成所有格。 例如: 1 / 24 精品文档 Twins father is Mr. Brown. Girls favorite food is ice-cream. 二、名词 +of +名词 如果名词是无生命的,我们通常就要用名词+of +名词的结构来表示所有关系。 例如: A bag of mine= my bag The name of the girl =the girls name The window of the bedroom = t

3、he bedrooms window 三、特殊所有格 若一样东西为两人共有,则后一个人名用所有格;如果不是两人共有,而是各有各的,则两个名词都用所有格,且其后名词应为复数。 例如: This is Tom and Jims room. 这是汤姆和吉姆共有的房间。 These are Toms and Jims rooms. 这些是汤姆和杰森各自的房间。 an hour and a halfs walk 四(s所有格所修饰的词的省略现象 表示诊所、店铺或某人的家等地点名词,其名词所有格后的被修饰语常 常省略。例如: 2 / 24 精品文档 I met her at the doctors(我在诊

4、所遇见了她。 He has gone to the tailors(他到服装店去了。 She went to Mr(Blacksyesterday(她昨天到布莱克先生家去 了。 名词所有格所修饰的词,如果前面已经提到过,往往可以省略,以免重 复。例如: Whose pen is this,Its Toms(这是谁的钢笔,是汤姆的。 The bike is not mine,but Wang Pinpins(这辆自行车不是我的,是王品 品的。 五(双重所有格及其用法 s所有格和of所有格两种所有格形式结合在一起,构成”of,所有格”形式,即双重的所有格。它通常表示部分观念,即全体中的一部分,在意

5、义上与”one of(”相似,它主要修饰of短语之前的那个名词。此外,双重所有格与指示代词连用时,常带有感情色彩,如赞赏、不满、厌恶等。它的主要形式如下: 1(名词,of,名词性物主代词。例如: a good friend of mine 我的一个好朋友 3 / 24 精品文档 an interesting story of his 他的有趣的经历 2(名词,of,s所有格。例如: He is a friend of my sisters(他是我姐姐的一个朋友 Look at that long nose of Jacks(看杰克的那个长鼻子。 试比较: a picture of Xiao Z

6、hang 小张的照片 a picture of Xiao Zhangs 小张的一张照片 3(不定冠词、数词、某些不定代词以及which等限定词,一般不与形容词性物主代词或s所有格等一起放在名词前修饰名词,而采用of所有格或双重所有格形式。例如: most of the students 学生中的大多数 three of them 他们中的三个人 I have read some books of his(我读过他的一些书 Which book of Qiong Yaos have you read,你读过琼瑶的哪一本书, A. s所有格、of所有格和双重所有格三者之间的细微区别 请仔细比较下面

7、三句话: 4 / 24 精品文档 1(She is Marys brothers friend( 2(She is a friend of Marys brother( 3(She is a friend of Marys brothers( 1句用的是s所有格,侧重说明她和Mary的哥哥是朋友关系,突出friend一词。 句用的是of所有格,侧重说明她和Mary的哥哥是朋友关系,强调突出了Marys brother。 3句用的是双重所有格,侧重说明Mary哥哥的朋友不止是一个,她只是其中的一个。 一(用所给词的适当形式填空: 1.Marchth is _Day. . 2.Taking twe

8、nty _ exercise every day is good for your health. 3.The shop sells _ handbags. 4.Teachers in western countries have a _ holiday in a year. 5.Ill give my English teacher a card for _Day. 6.Its only ten _walk from the station to the hotel. 7.Its an _ ride from here to the museum. 二(选择填空: 5 / 24 精品文档 1

9、(-Hows Joys skirt? -Her skirt is more beautiful than _. A.her sisters and KateB.her sister and Kate C.her sister and Kates D.her sisters and Kates 2(This is _ room. The twin sisters like it very much. A.Lucys and LilysB.Lucys and Lily C.Lucy and Lilys 3(In _ time, those mountains will be covered wit

10、h trees, too. A.few yearsB.a few years C.a few year D.a few years 4(We will have a _holiday after the exam. A. two month B. twomonth C. two months D. twomonths 5(Did you hear the _ _report? A. policemen B. policemensC. policemens D. policemens 6(Its about _walk from my home. 6 / 24 精品文档 A. ten minut

11、eB. ten minutes C. ten minutes D. ten minutes 7(This is my dress. That one is _. A. Mary B. MarysC. sister D. mother 8(Every morning Mr. Smith takes a _ to his office. A.0 minutes walk B.0 minutes walk C.0-minutes walk D.0-minute walk 9(Where is _ sweater ? I cant see it. A. Lucy B. Lucys C. Lucys 1

12、0(_ mothers made them have piano lessons. A. Peter and AnneB. Peters and Annes C. Peters and Anne D. Peter and Annes 11(The room on the right is _. A. herB. she C. Lucys D. Lucy 12(Well have a _ holiday. What about going to the West Lake? A. two daysB. two-dayC. two-daysD. two-days 13(The market isn

13、t far from here. Its only _ bicycle ride. 7 / 24 精品文档 A. half an hoursB. half an hoursC. half an hour D. an hour and a half 14(Wheres your father ? At _. A. Mr GreensB. Mr. GreenC. the Mr. Greens 15(The twin brothers always put small presents in _stockings on Christmas Day. A. each others B. each ot

14、her C. each others D. each others 16(My father will have a _ holiday next month. Hell take me to Qingdao. A. ten daysB. ten daysC. ten-days D. ten days 17(Where have you been these days? I have been to Bei Daihe with a friend _. A. in ChineseB. of JapanC. of Americans D. from Canada 18(When we saw the film Hero, I sat between Ted and Ben. That is to say my seat was between _. A. Ted and BenB. Teds and BenC. Ted and BensD. Teds and Bens 19(It is said that SARS has k


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