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1、一 假设你是李华,你的好友王林生病在家。目前请你给她写一封信,要点涉及:1 听到好友生病时的心情;2 协助她补习功课;3 劝她放弃熬夜;4 建议她常常锻炼,合理饮食等。DarWan Lin,I terlyrry toher hayouhave beenill fra w day andI oeyou wilecover s otworryabot yurlesns nd Illhelp ou mak t p when ou are elig ttr.Go healt,as we a knw, isour t valuab poesio. irs f ll, eughsleep durng th

2、eightiesentilfor ourhlth I know you ofte stayu late atniht,wichi reall dhbit It as dogreat ham o yurhealt andI expechat yo n gve up he bahabiSecondly, youd be takeegular xrie. akin re excise cn make oate an keep y fitIn addiion, you shold eat bale die, which is helpful t yuheathHopetosee yu wel son.

3、 r, Hua转载列表:转载 转载是分享博文的一种常用方式.近来喜欢了的博主:加载中二 如果你是新华中学的学生李华,美国朋友m一周前给你发了电子邮件,询问你暑假里的打算,但你因准备期末考试未能及时答复。请根据如下要点答复邮件:1 未能及时回信的因素2 你假期里的打算(兼职、旅行、做志愿者)Dear Tm, How ae y oig? (问候) You sd mi ou st leterot m la fr te oingsmr vaction.(写信背景) aorrytat dinrepl wtut dlay.(写信目的) Ho shI ould readanlyureal as oo as

4、Irecived . owevr, as busy preparng for m fil xaat thtime,ih is vital e. s a reult, ha no chebut tocpletely fuson my stud.I believetat f yu e e, you woul ake th sme chice.(第二段为道歉信常用套路) B the wy, I hve abusyschedule f my summervctio(主题句)irstand emost, ould do a part time job, sothatm inteprsoal skils

5、wold be mrov.(拓展句1) Aditionay, will take a ot trip ein to take a mme coue i the New riental School.(拓展句2) Ls butnoteat, mabe I will wras a voluneeforte shool s taig assistant.(拓展句3) Tesa mypl fo themmervacatio. Wha yr? a lookig forwad t you earliest rely.(以合理的客套话结尾)三、不同的人有不同的幸福观。某报正在中学生中惊醒幸福观的讨论,根据下

6、表的提示用英语写150次左右的短文投稿 Sudnts poessions benefit Sme mney byigd doinanyhng Sme health enoym Some weath rm prents beig fre romwrkI kowledg .apinsHapine mens differen ngst differt peop Forexamle,some tudenblietha fhyave a o neytheywill be hap, beausehey think thy wil b be to do aythig teywant to doad buya

7、ythng they anti the moey.o sudenhnk thathey sulde igoodealthso that thy a jo heir ife bete.Maystdt isht e mucheathfrom thirprent. In tis wayteydont hav t wokad, ad he can ow everythinI dot ely arewiththebove ponts. I dnt thinkmoney enshappines. We can buy mny mportant thns with oey, sch asheath, hap

8、pies,an knowlge. value knwlede,whihmaksme happy, orI can o mucforand with kwedge. Althogh iffret eope vlue happine iferently, my wealt hppinss is in mysud.四.假设你是李华,你在读美国中学生ak的博克时理解到她即将作为一名互换生来北京学习,但愿可以寄宿在一名擅长英语的中学生家里,以便更好的理解中国文化。请根据如下要点给ack写一封电子邮件:1欢迎她来中学习2。简介你个人状况3。邀请她住在你家里并乐意为她提供协助。ear J, m vr gla

9、dto learn tha your oming toBeiing s n exhne stdent an wn tstayi a locaoeth middlchool tdtho can peak exllent Eglish. Im hgh scho student, ad tsm sinee hoh you can sty with me. I am goo at ngsh nca ommunicat with freinr fluenty. esdes, ike eadig and traveln i mysartime,sof uae wth u, I cn tae ou roun

10、d Bijng nd le yoknow more abt ur brilant Chiee culture Bot my arnts and I re riendland ethuiastic inpersonity. So I believwe cn d riends Imsre I illd wa cn t help yu with yor Chiese. Im loking foward to ou comig. Bst shes. Your,i Hua五.假设你是李华,在互联网上看到高中生Dav等的一则启事:但愿结识一位中国朋友,以便学习中国的语言文化。请你以李华的名义给Dvi发一封

11、邮件,重要内容涉及:你如何得知avid的愿望2你乐意成为她的朋友3你打算如何协助她4。你盼望她的答复Der David,v lered t ote Intrnet ht u wantto make a Chinfried sos tolearn the Cies languge and culture.I ld thtyo ho uch geaiters iChina ad ouldlie t eyurriend Ill rymy bst t wrte to yuas often a possilto introdce yo h hinese culture.Wen yhae opportuity to oeto Ca, Ill eachyohow to spea a shwyo around sme famoshitori pacs of ineres. nywy, Im goigto hlpyo as muhas Ican How do youthink? m loongforwardt yourrepy.


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