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1、2023年三年级英语钟点时间教案最新范本下面是我为大家整理的2023年三年级英语钟点时间教案最新范本,供大家参考。五年级英语老师要课堂上培养学生热爱自然的美好情感;激发学生的探知热情,让学生体验合作的愉快,培养学生的创造力与想象力以及跨学科学习的能力。以下是我整理的三年级英语钟点时间教案,希望可以提供给大家进行参考和借鉴。三年级英语钟点时间教案范文一Teaching points: Grasp the important words and phrases.一、Warming up: 1. Greeting:T: Hello, boys and girls. Let us recite the

2、 seasons. Ok?Ss: Ok.T and Ss: spring, summer, autumn and winter.T: What day is it today?Ss: Today is 2. Saying a chant:Hello, Meg, hello, Ted.Whats his name? He is Ben.Whats her name? She is Pat.How old is she? She is eight.How old is he? He is nine.3. Singing “Head, shoulders, knees and toes.二、New

3、concept.T: Oh, you are great .Today let us learnModule 6ActivitiesUnit 1 What do you do at the weekend? (Writing and reading)1. T: Do you like playing football?Ss: Yes, I do.T: What do you do at the weekend? (explain in Chinese )Ss: I play basketball.T: I like reading at the weekend .What about you?

4、Ss: I like swimming.T: You are great.T: And what do you have at school?You can say: I have Ss: I have English and Chinese.T: Do you like maths?Ss: Yes, I do. / (No, I dont.)T: What do you do at 5 oclock in the morning?I sleep in the morning. What about you?Ss: I sleep too.2. Do exercises: On the boa

5、rd write the following list1) What do you do at the weekend?I.2) What do you have at school?I have and 3. Listen and say. Play the tape, pause it after each utterance and let the Ss repeat the sentences.4. Show the Ss some books .For example “Maths” “Chinese” “Science”Show the Ss some pictures “foot

6、ball” “sleep” “swimming5. Text 1) Listen and look.2) Answer questions:What do you do at oclock in the morning?What do you have at school?三、Homework: 1) Read the text frequently and recite the text.2) Copy the following sentences 2 times.What do you do at the weekend?What do you have at school?三年级英语钟

7、点时间教案范文二教学重点:words and phrases: half, past, have breakfast / dinner教学难点: Whats the time,please? Its half past six.I have breakfast at half past six.热身复习:老师出示6个动词词组,学生读,并说出每个词组的意思。猜一猜:老师随意将6个词组反贴在黑板上,让学生分别来猜是哪个词组。(设计意图:用猜的方式让学生巩固动词词组,激发学生参与的兴趣。)说一说:老师在每个短语后附一个钟表,让学生先认时间,再用“You at oclock.”介绍老师的日常活动时间。

8、新课导入:As we know , there are three meals in a day. We learnt have lunch yesterday. So whats “吃早饭”in English? and whats “吃晚饭”in English?教授短语“have breakfast / dinner”。当学生掌握这三个短语后,老师把钟表的分针拨向6,问学生把时针指向任意的两个数字之间时都表示几点半。教授单词“half”,老师可以随手拿起一支完整的粉笔,从中间掰开,或者把一张纸撕成两半,向学生展示“半,一半”。等学生熟练掌握新单词“half”之后,老师再教授“half p

9、ast”老师用手势讲解老师出示几个半点钟的时间,让学生进行练习,再拨几个半点钟的时间,让学生来猜。抽一名学生上台,让学生拨时间,并用“Whats the time?”进行讯问。学生小组练习两种时间表达法。打开课本,18页,为大明安排吃早饭、吃晚饭的时间。课文教学:Daming has a good friend, Sam. Lets have a look: What time does Sam have breakfast and dinner? Listen to the tape , repeat what Sam says Open the book, listen to the ta

10、pe and point. Play the tape, and the students follow to read.家庭作业:听录音,背诵课文。补充上一节课的时间表,同样要求学生写出2-3个句子。三年级英语钟点时间教案范文三学习目标:1.能听说认读词组get up , go to school, have lunch, go home,watch TV, go tobed2. 能够运用句型I get up at seven oclock.来描述我在什 么时候干什么。3.能熟练朗读课文并掌握整点钟的时间表达。学习重点:1.能听说认读词组get up , go to school, have

11、 lunch, go home,watch TV, go to bed2.能够运用句型I get up at seven oclock.来描述我在什 么时候干什么。3.能熟练朗读课文并掌握整点钟的时间表达。学习难点:能用句型I_ at_oclock.(一)课前延伸:课前准备:录音机,单词卡片,头饰。课前预习:借助录音机等工具预习课文和新单词。课前展示:1.齐唱 “noodles and rice”2.唱“Ten little fingers”3.复习数字(二)课内探究:1.出示 “oclock”单词,老师示范发音,学生跟读。2.出示几个钟表,让学生说出时间。3.让学生跟我做钟表动作,从一点说到

12、十二点。4.出示我的作息时间表。5.老师说“I get up at six oclock.”导入get up,学生跟读, 同样的方法学习go to school, have lunch, go home,watch TV, go to bed6.学生领读。7.小组内学习词组,并加入动作。8.齐说 chant , “up up get up, school school go to school,lunch lunch have lunch, home home go home, TV TV watch TV, bed bed go to bed9.老师做动作,学生说单词,然后,互换。10.出示小鸟的作息时间表,我带上小鸟的头饰,我说“I get up at 4 oclock.”强调at 的用法,然后让学生跟读。11. 让其他同学来替小鸟说一下时间表,老师发小贴画作 为奖励。12.小组内讨论。13.小组展示。14.听音跟读课文。分层次作业:朗读课文(必做),制一张自己的作息时间 表并用英语说一说。


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