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1、北京语言大学21秋高级写作复习考核试题库答案参考1. By 1929, Mickey Mouse was as popular _ children as Coca-Cola.A.forB.inC.toD.with参考答案:D2. Parents and teachers should work together to ( ) students lives.A.effectB.makeC.influenceD.shape参考答案:D3. The individual TV viewer invariably senses that he or she is _ an anonymous, st

2、atistically insignificant part of a huge and diverse audience.A.everything exceptB.anything butC.no less thanD.nothing more than参考答案:D4. There are only ten apples left in the baskets, _ the spoilt ones.A.not countingB.not to countC.dont countD.having not counted参考答案:A5. Jim isnt ( ), but he did badl

3、y in the final exams last semester.A.gloomyB.dullC.awkwardD.clumsy参考答案:B6. This sick man was _ in a blanket.A.inputB.issuedC.ensuredD.wrapped参考答案:D7. ( ) there, he found a great deal to interest him.A.This being his first visitB.Never having visitedC.This being his first time to visitD.Having never

4、been before参考答案:A8. She often talks with a _ appearance but in fact she is always telling lies.A.tidyB.sincereC.worshipD.merry参考答案:B9. In Brasilia, all busy road are kept away from _ areas.A.residentialB.businessC.shoppingD.industrial参考答案:A10. I wonder how this place has ( ) for a four-star hotel.A.

5、goneB.settledC.passedD.taken参考答案:C11. ( ) you work hard, you will certainly succeed.A.ThoughB.IfC.BecauseD.For参考答案:B12. This ( ) your first composition, Ill ask you to write a short one.A.isB.will beC.wasD.being参考答案:D13. His suggestion was approved by a(n) ( ) majority in the company.A.overwhelmingB

6、.countlessC.manyD.unlimited参考答案:A14. Why do you stand and watch the milk _ over?A.boilingB.boiledC.to boilD.being boiled参考答案:A15. Much to my surprise, I found Beijing completely _.A.changingB.to be changedC.changeD.changed参考答案:D16. It&39;s no use ( ) with him. You might as well ( ) with a stone wall

7、. He is incapable of seeing anyone elses point of view.A.arguing; argueB.to argue; arguingC.arguing; arguingD.to argue; argue参考答案:A17. Joe is not good at sports, but when it _ mathematics, he is the best in the class.A.comes up toB.comes around toC.comes toD.comes on to参考答案:C18. It is _ hot in the r

8、oom _ we have to go out for a walk.A.such; thatB.so; thatC.as; asD.such; as参考答案:B19. Lets listen to my new type, shall we? -_.A.Any time will doB.Its rightC.That sounds like a good ideaD.Thats all right参考答案:C20. The ability to store knowledge makes computers different form. every other machine _ inv

9、ented.A.everB.thusC.yetD.as参考答案:A21. She can speak _ in front of Mack, but she can&39;t eat for _ in his restaurant. A) free,She can speak _ in front of Mack, but she cant eat for _ in his restaurant.A) free, freeB) free, freelyC) freely, freeD) freely, freelyC副词freely表示“自由地,随意地”,for free表示“免费”,是固定搭

10、配。22. She broke it by accident. _ the whole, she didnt do it _ purpose.A.at, onB.in, onC.on, onD.on,for参考答案:C23. “Are you still homesick? Believe me, youll soon ( ).”A.get it overB.get over itC.recoverD.recover it参考答案:B24. He will agree to do what you require _ him.A.ofB.fromC.toD.for参考答案:A25. That

11、radio company is so big that it has a lot of _ in foreign countries.A.introducersB.instructorsC.conductorsD.agents参考答案:D26. economical 选择能代替的选项( )A.prudentB.extravagantC.economicD.sparing参考答案:B27. Its essential that a photographer ( ) first to use the equipment.A.must learnB.learnC.has to learnD.wou

12、ld learn参考答案:B28. You _ your homework lately and your classwork isn&39;t up to standard either.A.didnt doB.havent doneC.werent doingD.wont be doing参考答案:B29. We must _ that the experiment is controlled as rigidly as possible.A.assureB.secureC.ensureD.issue参考答案:C30. We offer four courses, each ( ) two

13、 weekly programmes.A.consisted ofB.made upC.consisting ofD.was made up of参考答案:C31. The statistics _ that living standards in the area have improved drastically in recent times.A.provesB.is provingC.are provingD.prove参考答案:D32. You had better keep him at ( ) length; he is dishonest.A.handsB.fingersC.armsD.legs参考答案:C33. The engineer didn&39;t do it, _?A.isnt heB.doesnt heC.did heD.didnt he参考答案:C34. Many people nowadays save money to _ for their old age.A.caterB.supplyC.provideD.equip参考答案:C35. AtimesBskillsCnewsDsuccessesAtimesBskillsCnewsDsuccesses正确答案:A解析:本题为词义选择题。A时刻、场合,B技巧,C新闻,D成功。36. My


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