人教版九年级上册Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark 教案【5】精修版

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1、人教版英语精品资料(精修版)Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.Period 5 Section B (2a- 2e P 30-31) 中心备课人:总第23课时执 笔审 核初三英语组课 型听说课课 时Period5授课人授课时间姓 名学案编号23【课 题】Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.Section B 2a-2e教师复备栏或学生笔记栏【学习目标】掌握本课生词和短语;阅读理解本课内容,完成2a-2e各项任务。继续掌握used to的用法。找一找自己的问题,学会分析与总结,让自己变得更好。【学习重点难点】阅

2、读理解本课内容,完成2a-2e各项任务。找一找自己的问题,学会分析与总结,让自己变得更好。【学法指导】运用亲身体会;根据上下文猜测生词含义。【教学过程】【教学过程】一、 导入(启发探究 3分钟)呈现学习目标掌握本课生词和短语;阅读理解本课内容,完成2a-2e各项任务。继续掌握used to的用法。找一找自己的问题,学会分析与总结,让自己变得更好。二、自学(自主探究 6分钟)自学单词。influence v. & n. 影响 p.30seldom adv. 不常;很少 p.30proud /praud/ adj. 自豪的;骄傲的 p.30be proud of 为.骄傲;感到自豪 p.30abs

3、ent adj. 缺席;不在 p.30fail /feIl/ v. 失败;未能(做到) p.30examination n. 考试;审查 p.30boarding school寄宿学校 p.30in person 亲身;亲自 p.30exactly adv. 确切地;精确地 p.30pride /praid/ n. 自豪;骄傲 p.30take pride in 为.感到自豪 p.30grandson n. 孙子;外孙 p.31勾画文中短语,翻译并背诵短语。a normal 15-year-old boybe proud ofcause problems for himself and his

4、 familydo well in make a decisiontalk with their son in persontook a 40-hour train ridea five-hour bus ridetake care oftake pride inIve been afraid of being alonepay more attention toHis parents love has made him feel good about himself.朗读课文,翻译课文。完成2b、2c、2 d三、交流(合作探究 10分钟)学习课文1、 同桌检查2c完成情况,核对答案。2、 听

5、磁带一次。揣摩语音语调、句群停顿。3、 同桌检查2b完成情况,核对答案4、 跟读磁带一次,模仿语音语调、句群停顿。5、 朗读课文,理解课文内容。同桌检查2 d完成情况,核对答案6、 阅读全文判断正误(T=true; F=false; DK=dont know) Li Wen is still a bad boy. ( ) There wasnt enough money for the family. ( ) Li Wen finally understood what his problem was. ( ) Li Wens grandparents didnt use to help hi

6、m. ( ) What his mother said didnt change Li Wens mind. ( )7、 默读课文,进一步理解课文内容,完成2 e,抽生检查2 e完成情况。8、 默读课文,回答下面的问题:(1) Why did his parents move to Guangzhou? (2) What did his parents make a decision to do? (3) Did the conversation with his mother change his life? (4) What is very important for parents? 9

7、、 情感引导教育:四、总结(引深探究 15分钟)1 cause vt 引起,使发生 n. 原因;理由;事业She is always causing trouble for people.Police are investigating the cause of the fire.cause sb. to do sth. 使某人做某事2.辨析 however和 but 二者都意为“可是,但是”; but是并列名词,连接两个并列分句,上下二句在总的意义上构成了对比。 I really dont like cheese, but I will try just a little this time

8、.我实在是不喜欢吃奶酪,但是这次我要尝一点。 however不能直接连接两个分句,必须另起新句,并用逗号隔开。 It was raining hard. However, we went out to look for the boy. 雨下得很大,不过我们还是出去寻找那个孩子 however比but用的场合更正式,so however用于书面语,而but 常用于口语. however后有, 而but 没有 另外,however的意思还不只局限于但是;然而 3、he failed his examinationsn. 不及格 a fail in math 数学不及格She failed in

9、the examination. 她这次考试不及格vi.失败 Our plan has failed. 我们的计划失败了。 He failed in everything he tried. 他做一切事情都失败了。 失灵;失去作用 The engine failed. 引擎出故障了。 (指健康)衰退;变弱;消失 His hearing is failing. 他的听觉在衰退。 vt. 失败;不能;忘记 He did very well, but failed to break the record. 他做得很出色,但未破记录。 没有通过(考试),评定(学生)不及格 The professor

10、failed almost half of the class. 该教授给班上几乎一半人评了不及格。 George failed history last semester. 乔治上学期历史考试不及格。 4、 Finally, his parents made a decision to send him to a boarding school. decision 决心,决定。名词 make a decision to do. 下决定,下决心= decide to do. =make up ones mind to do (1) His father agreed with his _. (

11、decide)5.even though 即使,尽管=though =although= even if不与but连用(1).Even though he is very young, he knows more than me.He is very young, _ he knows more than me.(2)._ it is dark,_ I can go home alone. A. Although, but B. Though, / C. /,although 6.they were always thinking of me and would take pride in e

12、verything good that I did. pride 名词 自豪,骄傲,它的形容词为proud 自豪的,骄傲的 take pride in 以而自豪=be proud of 如: His father always takes pride in him.他的爸爸总是以他而自豪 7.So his parents took a 24-hour train and a five-hour bus ride to get to .a 24-hour train 意为“乘24个小时的火车”a five-hour bus ride 意为“乘公共汽车5个小时的路程”24-hour是由“数字+连字

13、符+名词(单数)”构成的复合形容词,在句中做定语。类似的还有:a four-day holiday 四天的假期 a five-year plan一个五年计划拓展:另一类似的复合形容词结构为:数字+名词(单数)+形容词(各单词之间用用连字符连接)。此结构在句中也只做定语如:a 15-meter tall tree 一棵15米高的树 an 8-year-old boy一个8岁大的男孩五、练评(包含“考点链接” 应用探究 6分钟)适当的词填空1. Li Wen is a _(fifteen years old )boy.2. His mother couldnt _( pay for) her childs education.3. His mother looked after him as _ as she could.(good)4._ (luck), Li Wen caused problems for himself and his family.5. He was not interested in _(st


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