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1、Grammar被动语态用法小结【句例呈现】1. The students are made to write a composition every other day.2. Thousands of people got killed in the Indian Ocean Tsunami.3. Effective measures have to be taken to combat bird flu.4. The poem reads smoothly.5. I am very surprised at your response.6. The flowers are being wat

2、ered.7. They were reported to have been sent into the moon last year.8. More trees will be planted in spring next year.9. The exit sign may be stuck on the side door.10. Generally speaking, no one likes being made fun of in public.【用法小结】1. 当动词不定式在一些动词后面作宾语补足语时,在被动语态中不能省略to,这组动词为感官动词(see, hear, watch

3、, notice, observe 等)和使役动词(make, have等)。(例1)2. get 用于被动语态,相当于be。(例2)3. 根据语境需要选择恰当的情态动词用于被动语态,表能力,义务,可能性等。(例3,9)4. 有些动词用主动形式表示被动意思。(例4) 又如:(1) Cotton doesnt dry quickly.(2) The door wont shut. (3) The pen writes smoothly.5. 有些动词形式上是被动语态,但功能是形容词。这类词非常多,例如: surprised; annoyed; pleased; delighted; disapp

4、ointed 等。(例5)6. 根据语境确立正确的被动语态的动词构成形式。其基本形式是be + done;其进行式是be + being + done;完成式是:have / has been done;将来式是:be going to / will / shall be done。其形式不一一列举,同学们可以在实际运用中归类总结。(例6,8)7. 固定句型在被动语态中的使用。主语+被动结构+动词不定式: be said / believed / reported / thought / supposed / hoped / . to do sth.。(例7)8. 短语动词用于被动语态中。(例10)


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