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1、staff, the successful completion of various tasks assigned by the superior, will now work are summarized below. 1 first, honest work, a sound mechanism. Strengthening organization and leadership. To carry out clean government and the anti-corruption work, the Centre attended the regional animal husb

2、andry and veterinary Bureau is honest work leading group, and according to the district, the District Government, the discipline Inspection Commission with regard to the requirements of the clean, practical, involved in the development of the animal husbandry and veterinary Bureau of XX district 201

3、5 construction work and Division of labour programme, clear clean of responsibility, in accordance with the requirements of layers implement work. Second, accountability. Superior level management of global clean government work, the number one responsibility, team accountability, anti-corruption wo

4、rk mechanism requires, animal husbandry and veterinary Bureau and signed a clean government responsibility centre, centers signed with the workers honest responsibility, tasks, responsibilities, broken, for good honest work has laid a solid foundation. 2, prevention first, intensify the supervision

5、and constraint. To do a clean government and anti-corruption work, and effectively prevent and reduce the incidence of crime, Centre for learning method of combining education and focused on exploring the root; one is to carry out the anti-corruption study, build a strong ideological defense line, f

6、urther study and implement the improved style, close ties with the eight provisions of Yunnan province, and six prohibitions. Second, focus on preventing job-related crimes warning education, organize workers to focus on watching the warning education documentaries, organize cadres and workers to XX

7、 prisons involved in the warning education; third, to establish a sound system of internal financial control. Through mechanisms, activities to further promote the de Chang Xiu as Chief of staff, Chang Si greed of victims, often sets the heart into concrete action in the thought really solve the ini

8、tiative to accept supervision and constraint problems, and consciously abide by honesty and self-discipline regulations. 3, seriously carry out three-three education. In the form of concentrated study and group discussion, learning and practicing the three-three primary content. All cadres and worke

9、rs to strengthen party spirit, belief and faith, enhance the moral realm, the pursuit of noble sentiments and consciously stay away from vulgar, and consciously to combat evil. Practical planning and work, the ideas, policies and programmes in line with the actual situation . System management, Syst

10、em Manager, system management mechanism, strengthen the supervision and management of cadres and workers, so as to increase the strength of honest work. Seriously implementation Central Commission for discipline inspection on strictly ban using positions Shang of convenience seek not due interests o

11、f several provides in the of provides; seriously implementation party supervision Ordinance (pilot) and the supporting system in the of provides; a years to no leaders violations received cash, and securities and paid voucher of phenomenon; no occurred eat, and took, and card, and to of phenomenon;

12、no occurred leaders weddings dacaodaban, and participation gambling, and bus private, and bus tourism of situation; seriously implementation payments two article line Provides that no small coffer exist without violating the self-discipline国家电网公司变电站工程建设监理工作表式(2007版)国家电网公司基建部二OO七 年一月编制与使用说明1、国家电网公司变电

13、站工程建设监理工作表式(2007版)其内容涵盖了建设工程监理规范(GB503192000)的全部表式,并根据公司现行质量管理制度以及变电站工程特点,增加了部分表式。2、本表式适用公司系统110kV及以上变电站工程项目,每个工程项目可根据工程特点,选用其中的表式。110kV 以下项目可参照执行。3、本监理工作表式共分三大类,即:A类表(施工承包单位用表)、B类表(监理单位用表)、C(设计承包单位用表)。其中:A类表14子类46种,B类表20种,C类表6种。A类表子类使用说明如下:A1:有关工程开工的报审A2:有关工程施工策划文件的报审A3:有关工程分包、外委单位资格的报审A4:有关工程施工质量、

14、试验、调试结果等的报验申请A5:有关工程款支付的报审A6:有关监理通知的回复A7:有关工程进度的报审A8:有关费用索赔的申请A9:有关工程材料/构配件/设备的报审A10:有关工程竣工初检的申请A11:有关工程转序的交接验收申请A12:有关工程变更、设计变更的报审A13:有关工程质量事故的报审A14:有关工作联系的表式4、监理工作表式表号、编号填写格式要求:1) 表号由三部分组成: UU(工程类型代号)UU UU(子类代号)UU(流水号) DJB(变电站) 子类编号A、B、C最后的流水号只在A类表中使用。已确定的表式,按规定的表号,不得变更。在使用过程中需要增加表式时,如果在同一子类中增加,则子

15、类代号不变,流水号往上增加;如果增加子类,则子类代号中的编号往上增加,流水号重编。2) 表式编号分两部分填写: UU UU(单位代号)UU(流水号) 单位编号(按进场顺序) 拼音字母(T、D、SL、SY、JL、SJL)拼音字母为单位性质的缩写,如:T:土建(包括场平、桩基等)施工单位;D:电气安装施工单位;SJ:设计单位;SY:试验单位;JL:监理单位。单位编号用来区别多个同性质单位(如只有一个单位,则单位编号不填写),按照进入现场时间的早晚顺序填写, 如场平单位为第一个进场的土建单位,编为T01,主体单位为第二个进场的土建单位,编为T02。流水号用来区分同一种监理表式,统一用三位数字填写,按形成的先后顺序编号,第一份为001,第二份为002,。5、表式内容填写总使用说明:1) 工程名称:以施工图设计文件名为准。2) 项目部(施工、监理单位)名称以项目部公章为准。按填写、使用说明要求盖公司章外,所有需要盖公章的,一律盖项目部的章。3) 承包单位填写内容部分采用打印方式,项目监理部审查意见、建设管理单位审查意见采用手写方式。4) 所有姓名、日期的签署采用手写方式。5) 项目监理部审查意见如果在栏内写不下,可附页,并注明“具体意见附后”字样。附页内容采用打印方式,并手写签署姓名


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