高一英语 Book Ⅳ Module 3学案 外研版

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1、Book Module 3 Body Language andNonverbal CommunicationPeriod Introduction & Reading ComprehensionMay. Do the exercises in Activities 13 on P21. Fast reading: 1. Read the passage and choose the best title in Activity 1 on P22. 2. Read it again and decide T or F in Activity 2 on P23. . Careful reading

2、. 1. Read the passage again and fill in the form:SituationsIn Different CountriesBody LanguageIntroduced to strangersEuropeans & AmericansFormal Greetingsin ancient Chinagive a “salaam”HindusInformalGreetingAmerican youths 2. Translate the following sentences into Chinese or English: We see examples

3、 of unconscious body language very often, yet there is also “learned” body language, which varies from culture to culture. 即使今天,有些人在非正式地问候时,也仍然用手来做一个信任的姿势。 . Translate the words and expressions below: 1. shake vt. & vi. 摇动;震动 (past) (p.p.) 2. point at point to point out 3、与某人握手 4. wave ones hands 5、

4、给某人指路 6. say goodbye to sb. 7、在远处 at a distance 8、和某人交流 9、给出的理由 10、保持警惕 11、成交 12、互相信任 13、暴露 14、举手 = 15、能看透别人心思的人 16、入乡随俗 1. shake hands;put the right hand over the left and bow slightly;Muslims;join their hands and bow their heads in respect;“Give me five.”2. (1)我们经常看到无意识肢体语言的例子,然而也有习得的体态语,这因国家的不同而不

5、同。(2)Even today, when some people have very informal styles of greeting, they still use their hands as a gesture of trust.IV1. shook; shaken 2. 指着;指向;指出3. shake hands with sb. 4. 挥手5. show sb. the way 5. 和某人告别7. in the distance; 隔一段距离8. communicate with sb.9. give a reason for10. on guard 11. make a

6、 deal12. trust each other 13. give away14. hold up ones hand; raise ones hand15. a mind reader16. When in Rome, do as the Romans do.Book Module 3 Body Language and Nonverbal CommunicationPeriod Language Points May. 1. I shake hands and sayshake (past) (p.p) vt. vi. 摇动,震动;动摇 和某人握手 n. C摇动 with a shake

7、 of ones head (1)他的话动摇了经理对他的信任。 (2)我和他握了握手,并向他问好。 (3)老师摇了摇头,拒绝了我的请求。 The teacher refused my request 2. not at all 一点也不= not a little eg. 这本书我一点儿也不喜欢。 Are you cold? / (一点儿也不。) I felt not a little tired after 2 hours walk. at all “ ”可用于肯定句、否定句和疑问句(1)用于否定句,表示“一点儿也不”或“ ”(回答Thank you; Its very kind of yo

8、u等)(2)用于肯定句和疑问句,起强调作用,译为“ ” What did you do at all? (3)用于条件句,译为“既然;果真” Work hard if you do want to go to university at all. 【拓展】 after all in all above all first of all all the same all of a sudden 3. Can you give reasons for your choice? give a reason for sth. /doing sth. eg. The monitor suddenly l

9、eft without giving any reason. 【拓展】 reason for for some reason reasonable adj. adv. 合理地;理智地4. When in Rome, do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。在when, while, once, before, till/until, whenever, if, unless, though 等引导的时间、条件、让步状语从句中,如从句S与主句S一致或S是it,经常可以省略“S+be”部分。eg. (1)When ( )in Rome, do as the Romans do. (2)如果有必要的话,我会请你帮忙。 I will ask for your help . (3)虽然很累,但他继续走了下去。 5. vary from culture to culture


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