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1、2022年考博英语-外交学院考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 单选题He was always declining their invitations on the( )of ill health.问题1选项A.groundsB.reasonC.excuseD.cause【答案】A【解析】考查固定短语搭配。根据题干可知考查on the ground of“以为理由,根据”。句意:他总是以身体不好为由拒绝他们的邀请。因此A选项正确。2. 单选题I would rather have his( )than his company.问题1选项A.roomB.houseC.coatD.a

2、ssets【答案】A【解析】考查固定搭配。A选项room“房间;空间;余地;机会;房间里所有的人”;B选项house“住宅;家庭;机构;议会;某种用途的建筑物”;C选项coat“外套;上衣;大衣;女大衣”;D选项assets“资产;宝贵的人才;有益的品质; 财产;有利条件;有价值的人或物”。rather have ones room than his company“不愿与某人结伴为伍”,与prefer ones room to his company同义。句意:我不愿与他结伴为伍。3. 单选题The argument was simultaneously a policy debate an

3、d an extended exegesis of a crucial phrase in a 1986 federal law that regulates the hiring procedures.问题1选项A.exportationB.expulsionC.explicationD.expiation【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项exportation“出口;输出;出口货”;B选项expulsion“逐出;开除;除籍”;C选项explication“说明;阐明;展开”;D选项expiation“补偿;赎罪;抵罪”。句意:这场争论同时是一场政策辩论,也是对1986年一项管理招聘程

4、序的联邦法律中一个关键短语的延伸注释。exegesis“注释,解释”,C选项与该词意思最相近,因此C选项正确。4. 单选题I dont believe you are going to have the matter looked into today,( )?问题1选项A.are youB.do youC.arent youD.dont you【答案】A【解析】考查反义疑问句用法。题干属于陈述部分为主从复合句的反义疑问句。一般有两种情况:当陈述部分为主从复合句“主语+从句”时,疑问部分一般应与主句保持一致,如He knows that where I live, doesnt he?;当陈述

5、部分为I think(believe, suppose)that.等时,疑问部分通常与从句保持一致,如I dont think he will come, will he? 题干陈述部分为I dont believe (that).从句部分为you are going to have.,因此A选项正确。5. 单选题An emergency rights issue by HBOS was a flop: only 8.3% of the British banks shares were taken up by investors.问题1选项A.misfeasanceB.washoutC.fl

6、ameD.optima【答案】B【解析】考查近义名词辨析。A选项misfeasance“过失;行为失检;不当行为”;B选项washout“冲刷;失败者”;C选项flame“火焰;热情;光辉”;D选项optima“最合适条件;最佳状态”。句意:苏格兰哈里法克斯银行(HBOS)的一次紧急配股发行失败了:投资者只认购了这家英国银行8.3%的股份。flop“彻底失败,不成功;沉重、松散又笨拙的动作”,B选项与该词意思最相近,因此B选项正确。6. 翻译题Bookended by 9/11 at the start and a financial wipeout at the end, the first

7、 10 years of this century will very likely go down as the most dispiriting and disillusioning decade Americans have lived through in the post-World War II era. Why did so much bad stuff happen in this decade? Was it just rotten luck or something more? In large part, we have ourselves to blame.It was

8、 almost as if we said in previous decades, “Why do today what we can put off until the first decade of the 21st century?” But we didnt rise to those challenges. What we just lived through, then, was the chickens coining home to roost.If we are now watching the sun set on a Decade from Hell, does it

9、naturally follow that the next decade will be all good and glory? Of course not. And yet there are some hopeful signs. We have seen the destructiveness of deferral and neglect on infrastructure, national and global politics, financial markets and corporate governance, the awareness of that danger is

10、 much higher now.We may continue to see our global dominance erode. But very significantly, we still hold many of the worlds trump cards. If we avoid the easy outs of deferral and neglect, then the next decade should be a helluva lot better than the last one.【答案】始于9/11恐怖袭击,止于金融大危机,本世纪的头10年很可能成为美国人在二


12、续看到我们的全球主导地位被侵蚀。但非常重要的是,我们仍然握有许多世界王牌。如果我们能够避免不必要的错误,对重要的事件给予必要的关注,那么和过去的十年相比,未来十年间我们会有创世纪的发展。7. 单选题The pomp and ceremony with which President Barack Obama will host Indias Prime Minister Manmohan Singh at a White House-state dinner on Tuesday wont alter a perception in India that it has lost ground

13、to China in the new Administrations Asia policy. Many in New Delhi saw Obamas performance last week in Beijing as acquiescent toward an emboldened Beijing, New Delhis longtime regional rival. And they see India having a diminished role in the economic and geopolitical calculations of Obamas White Ho

14、useat least in comparison to the centrality it enjoyed in the Bush Administrations Asia policy.They may have winced at his blunders in Iraq and elsewhere, but many Indians welcomed President Bushs embrace, which strengthened ties between the worlds largest democracies to an unprecedented degree afte

15、r decades of Cold War estrangement. Singh faced opposition at home from parties skeptical of close ties with the U.S., but staked his political reputation on the growing relationshiphis government was almost deposed by parties of the left protesting a nucleartechnology deal he concluded with the Bush Administration.“Under Bush, India was being encouraged to be an Asian power,” says Brahma Chellaney, professor of strategic studies at the Centre for Policy Research, a New Delhi-based think tank. Impli


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