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3、最喜欢的动物的表达法。b.掌握动物特点的形容词,并能谈论喜欢某一种动物的原因。2.难点a.表达动物的的词义和读音。b.kindof用法c.如何用所学句型进行综合运用。使用like的一般现在时句型使用like的一般现在时的疑问句,并做出肯定和否定的回答。使用what和like的特殊疑问句名词的单复数的使用教学课题Whydoyoulikepandas?Period 1 (Section A 1a, 1b, 1c) 教学时间 40 Minutes教学目标 To observe and describe animals. To talk about their preferences 重点 1) 学会

4、描述动物的性格及特点。难点 名词的复数形式表示一类事物;第三人称单数形式教学准备 Tape recorder ;PPT附课件 三教学步骤:Step1:WarmingupTeachershows some toys of all kinds of animals. Then ask and answer. Whats this?Itsa dog. Do you like it?通过这种方式引起学生的兴趣,把学生引入英语学习的气氛中Step2:Newwords1)Presentthenewwordsbyshowingthemapofzooandpicturesofanimals.To create

5、 an English environment, the teacher shows the class some pictures of a zoo. And ask some questions about animals:Do you like to go to the zoo?Do you like animals?Then have them to recall the animals they had learned and write them on the blackboard as he/she can.( e.g. animals-sheep, monkey, cat, d

6、og, mouse, cow, duck )2) Presentationa. Ask them to talk with their partners about the animals they like using the words they know (Two students a group).What animals do you like? I like pandas.Because theyre b. Then show the class some pictures of animals and present other animals. And ask them: Wh

7、ats this in English? Its a tiger. (Then lion, panda, elephant, koala, giraffe) Ss look at the picture and try to remember the new words of the animals. 3)Practicethenewwordsbymatchingthewordswiththeanimals.(通过匹配练习,巩固已学的动物名称)4)Thenchecktheanswers. Step3:Newdrills1)Listeningpractice2)Presentthenewdril


9、S2:Whydoyouwanttoseethepandas?S1:Becausetheyaresmart.Ss try to guess and remember the names of the animals. Step 4: Listening Work on 1b. Tell Ss to listen to the tape and check the animals they hear in 1a. Play the recording again and check the answers with the class. Work on 2a 2bStep 5: Pair work

10、 1. Ask the students to imagine “ We are in the zoo, there are many kinds of animals here.” Then ask a student to do the model with you: Lets see the lions first. Why? (why do you /does she /does he like lions?) Because they are interesting. 2. Ss work with their partners practice the conversation u

11、sing the animal in 1a. Step 6.:Game (Guessing game.)T: Describe some sentences on the big screen. Let Ss guess what animal it is. Its a koala.Step7Groupwork Makeasurveyandtelluswhatanimalsyourparentslikeandthereasons,andthenfinishthechart and report.NameWhat animals do you like?Why?Report like this:

12、 In my group, I want _ in Alaer Zoo. Because theyre _ . (Name) likes _. Because theyre _. (Name) likes _. Because theyre _. (Name) likes _. Because theyre _. Come to our zoo and have a look. I think youll have fun.Step 8.Homework1.Oral work: Talk about your favorite animal and state the reason. 2.Written work: Copy new words on Page13 and Page 14. Write down your report.



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