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1、Punctuation Punctuation helps to clarify and sometimes emphasize the meaning of a sentence. It is necessary to learn to use all the puncruation marks correctly.标点符号有助于明确或强调句子的意思,因而有必要学会各种标点符号的使用方法。I The Comma逗号 (,)逗号表示句子内部的一般性停顿。假如你说下面这句话: When he came, I was busy cleaning my room. 你说完came后稍停了一下,那也就

2、是说把这个句子写出来时该打一个逗号的地方。但有时由于句子的结构需要也用逗号,即使在没有停顿的地方也一样。A complete sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with a period. This simple rule is important for Chinese to remember, for in Chinese writing comma may be used to separate complete sentences. The use of a comma in place of a period, a semi

3、 colon, a colon, or a dash in English writing is called the comma fault. Faulty:It was raining hard, they could not work in the fields.Improved:It was raining hard; they could not work in the fields.It was raining hard. They could not work in the fields.It was raining so hard that they couldnt work

4、in the fields.They couldnt work in the fields because it was raining hard. It was raining hard, so they could not work in the fields. As it was raining hard, they could not work in the fields.Of course, it is easy to see that the improved sentences lay stress in different points. Which one is prefer

5、able depends on the context and the writers intention.在并列句中,连词(and, but , or , for , so , nor , yet)的前面用逗号:He asked the question in a loud voice, but no one answered.We were tired, and we decided to have a rest.Come early, or you ll miss the show.She couldnt go to the airport to meet him, nor could

6、she send anyone in her stead.It must have rained last night ,for the ground is wet.He is an eccentric boy, yet you cant help liking him.如果两个或三个并列从句都很简短,意思又紧密相连,它们之间可不用连词而用逗号:A memoir is history, it is based on evidence. - E. M. forster 逗号的这种用法是特殊情况,有时可在文学作品中见到。状语从句或短语(包括介词短语和分词短语)如放在句子的主语前面,或放在句子中间时

7、,后面应用逗号: When the bell rang, the teacher dismissed the class. In the ancient palace, they saw the throne where emperors used to sit . To see the importance of this railway , one has to look at a map, Born and brought up in the South, she is not used to eating wheat. The audience, interested in the t

8、opic, asked the speaker many questions. 如主语前的状语成分很短,其后可不加逗号,当然也要考虑避免造成误解: On hearing the big noise I knew something terrible had happened, In one corner of the room they found the injured cat.主要从句在前,状语成分在后时,一般省去逗号: I was trying to reach her by phone when she walked 410 into my office. Youll be unabl

9、e to finish the work in time if you dont start at once. 一系列起同样作用的词语或短语要用逗号分开: The little girl likes to sing, to dance, and to act .She buys bread, butter, vegetables, and many other things from this supermarket.连词前的那个逗号,如省去不会造成误解,则可以省略。非限定性从句或短语和句子的主要部分之间要逗号隔开: Wang Ling, who is the best singer of t

10、he class, will teach us to sing the song .He had to leave his hometown , where he had lived ever since he was born.Dr. Li, the new chairman of the department, will speak at the meeting.An old lady, nodding and smiling, invited us in. 限定性从句和短语则不用逗号分开: The young man(who is) talking with the foreign re

11、porters is the inventor of the machine.This is the house where the famous poet was born.插入语的前后用逗号分开: Your work, I m sorry to say ,is not satisfactory.The director , in fact , has done very little work.To call a spade a spade, the experiment was a failure.They have many course: Chinese, English, Math

12、ematics, History, to name just a few. 逗号经常用于下列例句所显示的地方:Yes, I think so.No, its not very good.She is the new secretary, isnt she?The delegation will arrive on January 5,1993.He said , “The Summer Palace is like a fairyland.” “The Summer Palace is like a fairyland,” he said. “The Summer Palace,” he sa

13、id, “is like a fairyland.”写日期时,如次序是一月一日一年,在日和年之间加逗号。如次序是日一月一年,则不加逗号: She was born on May 24 , 1979 . She was born on 24 May 1979.千以上的数字可用逗号按千数把数字分开,也就是从右往左每三个数字后加一个逗号: 319 ,087 23,654,085注意:英语不用顿号(、)。中文用顿号处,英语可用逗号。II The Period句号(。)句号用在陈述句、语气舒缓的祈使句和间接引语问句之后,如: Every student should learn to use the p

14、unctuation marks.Learn to use the punctuation marks.They asked how the semicolon should be used. 句号表示句子末尾的停顿。如继续往下写的话,下一个词就该大写了,因为那是又一句的开始。省略词一般加句号:Mr. Mrs. Ms. Dr. Ph. D. U.S.A a.m.U.K N.Y. I.Q. B.C. B.A. Bros. p.m.现在的趋势是在省略词后不加句号,尤其是在团体、通讯社和广播电台的名称后面:UN UNESCO NATO BBC NBC YMCA 如对省略词后是否加句号没有把握,可查阅

15、较好的词典。稍稍分开的三个句号就成了省略号,表示在引语中省略了一个或更多的词。下面是一段引文:The descriptions of appropriate usage are based on the dicta of recognized authorities; on my own experience as reader , writer, teacher ,linguist, editor, and observer of the linguistic scene; and occasionally, simply on my own preferences and prejudices如省略其中的词,就可写成这样: The descriptions of appropriate usage are based on the dicta of recognized authorities; on my own experience as reader, writer, t


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