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1、姓名:常天越东城工作坊说课稿外研版Module 6 Unit 1 Cycling is more dangerous than swimming教学背景分析教学内容:本课是围绕着形容词比较级展开的一篇对话形式的听说课。主要话题是体育活动,主要题材是奥运会。通过学习本课对话,训练学生利用图片与文字的联系,建立概念 与所致关系的直接联系;训练学生掌握形容词的特点及多音节形容词比较级的用法;引导 学生了解有关奥运的相关知识,体会中国成为2008奥运会东道主的喜悦和自豪感,由此对他们进行情感教育。学情分析:学生总体情况:我校为崇文区的一所普通校,初一年级生源情况不是很理想, 本节课授课班级初一(3)班

2、是我校的一个普通班,学生英语基础参差不齐。1 .生理和心理特点:初一学生大部分是处于 13、14岁左右的学生,他们仍具有许多 小学生的特性,同时又是处于生理、心理高速发育时期-青春期。这一时期的学生渴望 得到关心,希望得到别人的尊重和肯定;青春期的孩子一方面认为自己长大了,想摆脱家 人和老师的约束,另一方面又缺乏自控力、判断力,容易受外界的干扰;他们活泼好动, 参与欲、表现欲非常强烈,但也有小部分学生性格孤僻、自卑内向、胆小;相当多学生 较懒惰、贪玩,学习目的不太明确,对学习抱着单纯的求趣心理,追求知识要符合自己的 兴趣,容易感情用事,对于感兴趣的东西就认真学,不感兴趣的就不学。心理的整体水平

3、 有待提高.2 .目前学生学习英语的状态:绝大部分学生对英语很感兴趣,学习热情较高,有学习英 语的愿望和兴趣,乐于参与各种英语实践活动。具体表现在:1有学好英语的信心,敢于用英语进行表达;2、乐于模仿,敢于开口,积极参与,主动请教;3、能体会英语学习中的乐趣,乐于接触英语歌曲、读物等; 4、能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相 互帮助,共同完成学习任务。但个别学生的学习热情较低,学习欠主动。3 .已有的语言知识和技能:(1)部分体育项目的名称basketball, football, volleyball, running, table tennis(2)形容词和副词的表述。(3)形容词和副词比较

4、级-er的用法。4 .已训练的学习能力:(1)课前预习;课后复习(2)在学习中集中注意力,在学习中积极思考(3)在学习中善于利用图画等非语言信息理解主题(4)会做笔记并善于归纳整理(5)积极与他人合作,共同完成学习任务;(6)主动向老师或同学请教;(7)通过重复其它同学的词句来培养瞬间记忆和快速记忆的能力,用学过的词句描述事物的能力。教学方式:以学生为主体,通过各种活动构建知识体系( 任务教学法,学生中心教学法,多媒体教学,归纳教学法)教学手段:图片、录音、多媒体课件、学案教学目标Language goal:1. Words & phrases: Olympic dangerous popul

5、ar unpopular exciting tiring boring relaxing safe ski gymnastic2. Grammar: Comparative adjectives withmoreAbility goals:By the end of the lessons,1. All of the students will be able to use adjectives properly and briefly to talk about sports.2. Most of the students will be able to talk about Olympic

6、 sports“ properly by using the structure and other things learnt in this class. On the other hand, the students will form positive attitude towards Olympic sports.Feelings and Values:Enjoy sports, love sports, love life!Focal points:Comparative adjectives with morePossible difficulties:Learn to desc

7、ribe different types of sports and how to use comparative forms.(激发学生的情感,提高学生表达思想的能力)教学过程Step 1 Warm-upLet students watch a short film about sports. The goal is to lead the students into the world of sports and know the topic of today.设计说明学生看一个与体育竞技相关的短片,让学生快速进入了有关体育和奥运的学习氛围, 为呈现和展开本课话题埋下伏笔。Step 2 P

8、re-learningLet students get to know the new words and do some exercises. The goal is to present the new words students will use in this unit.设计说明进行 “头月百风暴”, 教提出问题 :Do you know the following sports events? If you know them, please speak them out. How do you feel them? 然后用多媒体展示各种运动项目的图片。Step3 Vocabula

9、ry and listening1. Let students listen and number the sports. (Activity 1)2. Let students to listen and match pictures with sentences. (Activity 2&3)The goal is to help students remember the new words.设计说明听力训练培养学生捕捉相关信息的能力,同时图片与语词的匹配,帮助培养指与所指 的直接关系,帮助培养用英语进行思维的能力和习惯。通过听力的训练激活背景知识和 相关知识。Step 4 Practi

10、ce I1. Input the structures:Table tennis is more popular than tennis.2. Practice the structures.The goal is to present new grammar.设计说明让学生谈对各项体育运动的感受输入相关的形容词,同时对各项运动进行比较输入新的语法知识。然后给出几项体育活动和几组形容词,如:running, cycling, tennis, skiing/ exciting, dangerous, boring,popular等,进行口头组句的训练。巩固新的单词和语法点。Step5 Pract

11、ice II1. Listen to the dialogue and answer the question: What are Chinese good at?设计说明通过听力让学生了解主旨大意。2. Listen again and do Activity 5.What sports does Daming like?What sports does Betty like?GymnasticsbasketballRunningCyclingDamingBetty3. Read it in pairs and check the true sentences.(1) Chinese peo

12、ple are good at gymnastic&ut we aren t good at table tennis.(2) Daming thinks that table tennis is more popular than gymnastics.(3) Betty s favourite sport is basketball.(4) Daming thinks that running is more boring than basketball.(5) Betty thinks that skiing is more dangerous than running and cycl

13、ing.设计说明对话中涉及的细节内容,教师刻意涉及多种方式,如:听细节和判断对错,以帮助学 生更好地理解对话内容。Step 6 Production1. Make a short dialogue.A: What Olympic sports do you like?B: I like A: Why do you like it?C: Because it s than.What about you?A: I like.I think it s than.设计说明预先设计的这段对话和本课的学习内容有机的结合起来,不仅让程度偏低的学生在课堂上活了起来,也为下面的报告作了铺垫。2. Give an

14、 oral short report.(1) My favourite Olympic sportMy favourite Olympic sport is: table tennis I like it because it is : excitingIt is: more interesting than swimming (2) ReportMy favourite Olympic sport is.I lik e it because it s very .I think it sthanChinese people are (aren t)ood at. I hope we will

15、 win more medals in 2008 Olympic games.设计说明此项活动不拘与课文要求,通过学生发言培养发散思维,并进一步提高语言的运用能 力。Step 7 ConsolidationAsk students to make a summary about the grammar and the topic they have learnt today.Grammar: more + adj.+ thanTopic: sports设计说明通过完成以上练习,引导学生把握本课的主要内容,帮助学生从细节上理解和评价所学 内容,最后概括主要内容。这一过程有助提高学生的听说技能。Homework1. Copy the new words.2. Workbook: Ex1设计说明作业进一步把学生的学习进行了延伸,体现了新课程的基本理念。


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