最新高中英语优秀教案必修二(人教版)全套(上)名师优秀教案(DOC 116页)

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最新高中英语优秀教案必修二(人教版)全套(上)名师优秀教案(DOC 116页)_第1页
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《最新高中英语优秀教案必修二(人教版)全套(上)名师优秀教案(DOC 116页)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《最新高中英语优秀教案必修二(人教版)全套(上)名师优秀教案(DOC 116页)(116页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、高中英语优秀教案必修二(人教版)全套(上)学生学习的方案,教师备课的设计 高中英语优秀教案必修二(人教版)全套 内容简介 新课标学案人教版?高中英语以英语课程标准为总纲,以人教社英语教材为主线,以学生认知水平为标准,结合了多年教学积累的优秀而独特的教学案,汲取了近几年的全国高考试题以及模拟试题的精华。学案既有条理清晰的知识点总结,经典的例题素材,又有精心挑选的习题;源于教材,又高于教材,从中既能找到课本的影子,又跳出了书本并开阔了学生的视野,使其具有丰富的英语综合能力。学案极具系统性和全面性,是学生学习的方案,教师备课的设计。 1 学生学习的方案,教师备课的设计 总目录 2 学生学习的方案,教

2、师备课的设计 Period 6 Assessment The General Idea of This Period: This period is to help the Ss to elevate their acquisition about cultural relics protection and their ability of employing the expressions and grammar learned in this unit. Teaching Aims: 1.Elevate efficiently the students knowledge about c

3、ultural relics protection. 2.Elevate the Ss ability of using the expressions and grammar learned. Teaching Important and Difficult Point: Help the Ss learn to assess whether their knowledge about this topic has increased. Teaching Methods: 1.Question-and-answer activity. 2.Pair work and group work t

4、o make the students work in class. Teaching and Learning Aids: 1.A multimedia. 2.A blackboard. Teaching Procedures: Step 1 Greetings Step 2 Revision T:So far we have finished this unit which is about.? Ss:Its about the cultural relics and how to protect the cultural relics that are in danger. T:In t

5、his unit we also learnt some drills about showing opinions,agreement and disagreement,do you still remember them? Ss:. Step 3 Assessment T:Today we are going to see how hard you worked and how much more you know about cultural relics. 非测试性评价 A quiz about wildlife protection. Tick the statements acco

6、rding to what you do or think. 3 学生学习的方案,教师备课的设计 1.I can easily name ten cultural relics in China and ten cultural relics in other countries. 2.I always try my best to protect the cultural relics I know. 3.I have visited many cultural relics in China. 4.I think everyone should do something for prote

7、cting the cultural relics we know. 5.I believe the cultural relics in the world will be protected better and better. 测试性评价 .Complete each sentence with one word you have learnt in this unit,making some changes when necessary. ?1.The Great Wall is one of the w of the world. 2.When the police arrived,

8、he had destroyed the e of his guilt. 3.Have you seen the latest d for the new library? 4.Her parents died in the accident,but she s . 5.I got a very friendly r when I arrived there. 6.Theres some d whether John will come on time. 7.My mother gave me this pen as a birthday g last week. 8.Well h up so

9、me milk for the coffee. 9.He went into his office and l up a cigarette. 10.She r at home to look after the children when her husband went out to work. 11.Your suggestion will be carefully _(考虑). 12.In order to _(证明)her point,she showed them the latest sales figures. 13.David and Rose were _(秘密)marri

10、ed last week. 14.I dont want to go;_(此外),Im too tired. Key:1.wonders 2.evidence 3.design 4.survived 5.reception 6.doubt 7.gift 8.heat 9.lit 10.remained 11.considered 12.prove 13.secretly 14.besides ?.句型转换 (A)把下面两个简单句组成一个复合句。 1.The bus is owned by the company.It often takes the children to school. _

11、2.On the train from Beijing to Dalian we met a Japanese.He spoke wonderful Chinese. _ 3.The Hope Project has helped a large number of children in poor areas go back to school.It started many years ago. _ 4.Winnie is a famous singer.Her songs are loved by many young people. _ 5.A young man asked me t

12、o give you the message.I did not know him. _ (B)改写句子 6.There will be a TV broadcast of the concert this evening. There is going to be a concert,_ _ _ on TV this evening. 7.It was certain that they had done that thing. There was _ _ that they had done that thing. 8.Which do you think is more deliciou

13、s? _ _ _,which is more delicious? 9.Unless you are invited to speak,you should keep silent at the conference. _ _ to speak,you should _ silent at the conference. 10.The judge cares only whether the eyewitness has given useful information,which must be facts,instead of opinions. 4 学生学习的方案,教师备课的设计 The

14、 judge cares only whether the eyewitness has given useful information,which must be facts,_ _ opinions. Key:A)1.The bus that/which takes the children to school is owned by the company. 2.On the train from Beijing to Dalian we met a Japanese,who spoke wonderful Chinese. 3.The Hope Project,which start

15、ed many years ago,has helped a large number of children in poor areas go back to school. 4.Winnie is a famous singer,whose songs are loved by many young people. 5.A young man,whom I did not know,asked me to give you the message. (B)6.which is broadcast 7.no doubt 8.In your opinion 9.Unless invited;remain 10.rather than ?.用适当的关系词填空 1.1 dont want to hire the boy _ fath


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