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1、北京市朝阳区2020届高三英语上学期期末考试试题第二部分:知识运用(共两节,45 分)第一节 语法填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 15 分)CThe debate (7) junk food in schools has gone for many years, and people on both sides feel very strongly.Some people believe junk food, such as candy, cookies, potato chips, and soda, (8) (taste) good, but its not good for

2、 the human body. This is (9)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容填空。在未给提示词的空白处仅填写 1 个适当的 they have made an effort to ban it from schools. They think taking junkfood out of schools will make kids healthier.单词,在给出提示词的空白处用括号内所给词的正确形式填空。AOthers, however, believe this kind of ban doesnt make much of a difference. Instead of ban

3、ning junk food, they suggest students should be given choicesTo celebrate his sixtieth birthday, Devons father organized a family vacationbetween healthy and unhealthy ones. (10) (learn) to make healthierto Alaska. On the long northward flight, Devon (1) (think) that she would have preferred a tropi

4、cal (热带的) island. But she changed her mind on their third day, (2) they hiked out onto Root Glacier (冰川) with a guide. Standing inside an ice cave beneath the glaciers surface, Devon stared in amazement at the glowing neon (氖) blue of the glacial ice surrounding her. This was (3) (definite) worth th

5、e trip!choices on their own is an important part of growing up.BWhile bottled water is convenient, it is also really bad for the environment. Not only does it create rubbish, but it also uses more resources because it (4) (ship) to the shore. To be more eco-friendly, make it a habit (5) (carry) a re

6、usable water bottle with you everywhere so that you can drink water on the go. Plastic bottles are usually the (6) (light) and most convenient. You can also find glass water bottles that are a great choice if dont like using plastic.第二节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分)New Distractions (使人分心的事)Madeline

7、s family vacation to the beach was usually the highlight of her summer. This year, however, her parents announced a new (11): no phones allowed for the entire week. “No distractions,” they said.“But my friends will be (12) updates,” Madeline protested. “Theyll have to (13),” her mom said.“What if so

8、mething bad happens?” Madeline changed her (14). Her mom shook her head as she opened a drawer. Madeline saw that her parents phones were already in it. Madeline had to (15) her phone in, too.That evening, Madeline lost herself in the jigsaw puzzle again. She felt a little excited every time the sha

9、pes (26). Soon, all that were left were a few gaps. She quickly put the remaining pieces into place. The puzzle was (27).She stepped back to (28) the finished puzzle. The picture showed an old painting of several farmhands working in a brown field and there was a giant rainbow arching across the sky

10、.Madeline enjoyed the puzzle for a few minutes, trying to (29) the image in her mind. Then, she quietly started taking it (30). That, she thought, was just for me.The drive to the beach house took most of the day. That night after dinner,11.A. ruleB. resultC. dateD. discoveryMadeline wandered into t

11、he kitchen, where her father was (16) dishes.12.A. providingB. expectingC. consideringD. selecting“Still hungry?” he asked.13.A. waitB. guessC. searchD. judge“No,” she answered. Then she gave him a (17) look and said in her14.A. behaviourB. strategyC. mindD. moodsweetest voice, “Couldnt I have my ph

12、one back? Just so I can tell everyone what15.A. bringB. hideC. pushD. dropa(n) (18) time Im having?”16.A. servingB. preparingC. washingD. cooking“Cant,” he said. “Its not here. Remember? (19) out the bookcase in17.A. curiousB. seriousC. strangeD. lovingthe living room,” he suggested. “Might find som

13、ething you like.”18.A. limitedB. amazingC. boringD. ordinaryShe walked into the living room and spotted a jigsaw puzzle (拼图玩具) on19.A. PickB. FigureC. CleanD. Checkthe bookcase. She took it, put the pieces on the table, and began to (20)20.A. collectB. sortC. mixD. examinethem.21.A. readingB. thinki

14、ngC. workingD. watchingAfter what seemed like minutes, she looked up. It was past ten oclock. She22.A. shareB. drawC. explainD. discusshad been (21) for almost two hours! The puzzle was less than half done.23.A. warnedB. remindedC. convincedD. persuadedIt would have been nice to (22) a picture of th

15、e puzzle with her friends,24.A. speechlessB. hopelessC. amusedD. confusedshe thought.25.A. rolledB. pointedC. shotD. roseThe next morning, a golden sun was rising over the blue ocean. The sky was26.A. movedB. changedC. metD. gatheredcloudless. The scene (23) Madeline of a photo that Brandi had shared.27.A. clearB. separateC. complexD. completeHer friends had oohed and ahhed over it. This view was even better. It would leave28.A. recognizeB. resolveC. appreciateD


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