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1、 20112012学年7年级英语(北师大版)上册素材(含教案和练习) Unit 2 Families (2)一. 教学内容:Unit Two Families (2)Lesson 7 My mom likes comedies.Lesson 8 I prefer watching action movies.二. 重点、难点:学会表达喜欢,不喜欢学会连词and, but, or的用法Lesson 7 My mom likes comedies.I. Words Study单词学习:action moviedocumentarysports programcomedyromantichorror

2、justalwaysfightagreelovedifferentthinghateeitherfavoriteactresspersonII. Expression Patterns常用的表达方式:1. 各类电影的表达方式drama 剧情片romantic comedy 浪漫喜剧片comedy 喜剧片romance 浪漫片artsy movie 艺术片alternative movie 另类片foreign movie 国外片documentary 记录片action movie 动作片horror movie 恐怖片thriller惊悚片animation 动画片sci-fi movie

3、(science fiction)科幻片2. 喜欢的表达方式1) A: Do you like ? / Do you love ? B: Yes, I do. I like / Yes, I love No, I dont. I dont like / No, I dont. I dont love如果说喜欢做某件事,like或love后面应该接动名词like v-ing / love v-ing-Does your dad like horror movies?-Yes, he loves horror movies.-Does he like comedies?-No, he doesnt

4、.2) A: What is your favorite?B: My favorite is (1)favorite a. 喜爱的,中意的Her favorite writer is Hens Anderson.(2)favorite n. 特别喜欢的人(或物)The Livepool Metropole is my favorite.在英语中,表达喜欢或不喜欢有很多方法,不同的方法反映了不同的程度。 如果你爱某样东西,可以说 “I love.” “I love eating ice-cream.” “I love travel.” 如果你很喜欢某样东西,可以说”Be fond of”,”I

5、like” “Shes fond of Chinese food.” “I like swimming very much.” 如果你喜欢某样东西,可以说 “I like.” “He quite likes going to the cinema.” “I like cooking.” 如果你既不喜欢也不讨厌某样东西,可以 说 “I dont mind.” “I dont mind doing the housework.” “I dont mind walking to work.” 如果你不喜欢某样东西,可以说 “I dont like.” “She doesnt like cooking

6、 very much.” “I dislike wasting time.” 如果你很不喜欢某样东西,可以说 “I cant bear.”, “I cant stand.”, “I hate.” “I dont like sport at all.” “He cant stand his boss.” “She cant bear the noise from the street.” “I hate being disturbed when I am working.” “He detests being late.” “She loathes celery.” 记住: dislike这个词

7、比较正规,fond of多用于和别人谈论食品。而一般用like的话,则要跟名词或动名词,如:I like something or like doing something. very much 或a lot这类副词要跟在名词后面。For example, “I like reading very much”, 不是 “I like very much reading”.Lesson 8 I prefer watching action movies.I. Words Study单词学习:watchwatch TVradiolisten to the radiohomework do home

8、workpaintpracticemeanfreein ones free timeevenwellmostreallyindoorsfishingallswimpreferuseinternetII. Expression Patterns常用的表达方式:1. listen to the radio 听收音机listen to 当表示收音机,电视等需要注意去听的事物时要用到listen to sth.He spent all his time listening to the program.Anne, you need to listen to me this time.2. play c

9、omputer games 玩电脑游戏参与到某项游戏、娱乐、运动当中,需要用到play。play cardsplay basketballplay football3. read magazines读杂志理解式的阅读报刊、书籍、文章时要用到readread newspapersreadpoetryread the articleread the book4.I prefer watching action movies. 我更喜欢看动作片。表示两个事物中一个更为喜爱,用prefer。The woodworks green now. I preferred it blue用法:prefer on

10、e to anotherI prefer Barber to his deputy.I prefer to go on self-catering holidays. Grammar 语法知识并列连词and but or连接词是一种虚词,不能单独作句子成分,只起到连接词与词、短语与短语或句子与句子的作用。连词分并列连词和从属连词,并列连词是连接两个或多个并列关系的成分;从属连词主要引导各种状语从句。做这一部分题时,我们必须弄清连词前后的关系,即连词前后部分在意义上是并列关系还是从属关系,是顺从还是转折,是目的还是让步等。1. and 和,并且(连接两个并列或对等的成分:主语,谓语,宾语,表语或

11、分句)在语义上表示其所连接的成分是对前项的补充和引申,包括肯定和否定两种意义的引申。Its important to set aside time for relaxation, hobbies, and entertainment as well. 重要的是还要留出时间进行休息,发展自己的爱好和娱乐活动。Not only is he himself interested in the subject, but all his students are beginning to show an interest in it.由and连接并列成分除表示语义增补之外,还可以表示其他意义。He is

12、 Jack of all trades and master of none. (表示意义增补)Think it over again and youll find a way out. (表示条件)Mary likes music and Jim is fond of sports. (表示对比)He opened the door and went in. (表示先后顺序)还有一些由and连接的语法结构形似并列,实际并非并列结构This room is nice and warm. (= nicely warm)Ill go and bring back your boots. (= go

13、 in order to bring back)You must try and come to the party. (= try to come to)2. or或者,表示选择的关系You have to do it one way or the other.The workers were cheerful, or at least they appeared to be cheerful.除表示选择之外,还可以表示否定的条件Make up your mind, or youll miss the chance.Youll either behave yourself, or youll

14、 never go out with me.3. but但是,表示语义转折和对比的关系The young man has often been praised, but he is never conceited.He said that he was busy today but that he would be free tomorrow.This coat is not mine but yours.It never rains but pours.【模拟试题】(答题时间:80分钟)一、单项选择( )1. What class are you in? I am in _.A. class Four B. Class Four C. four class D. Four class( )2. _ names Sun Mei. Whats _ name?A. I; your B. My; you C. My; your D. I; you( )3. Jim and Tom _ in Row 5.A. is B. beC. am D. are( )4. _ Whats this in English? Its a jeep.A. Hello! B. How do you do?C. Excuse me.D. Sorry.( )5. Jim, _ my teacher



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