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1、第五节 被动语态,练习及其译法、阅读理解讲解 第一部分 被动语态的使用 1主动语态变被动语态的方法主动语态变被动语态要遵循以下的规律:“主(语)变宾(语),宾(语)变 主(语)动词变be + done其余部分带下来。”*done代表各种动词的过去分词。e.g.: The student broke the window yesterday.主语动词宾语其余部分The window was broken by the student yesterday.主语 动词(be done形式)宾语其余部分I am carrying a box into the room. 我正在把一个箱子搬进房间。Th

2、e box is being carried by I (me) into the room. 一个箱子正在被我搬进房间。(主语I变成by形式,宾语a box变成主语放在句首,动词am carrying变成is being carried形式,而其他部分into the roo m带到下句,一般将by结构省略。) 2几种特殊句型的被动语态 含有双宾语句子的被动语态。e.g.: Igavehima pen.主语 动词 间接宾语 直接宾语本句有两种变法,既可以将间接宾语变成主语(a),有可以把直接宾语变成主语(b)。a. Youwere given a pen. b. A penwas given

3、 to you.注意将直接宾语变成主语,要用to来连接动词和间接宾语(宾格形式),切不可 省略。 含有复合宾语句子的被动语态。e.g.: Weelectedhim our president.主语动词宾语宾语补足语按照变化规律本句应变化为:He was elected our president by we (us).但是有些情况(如下),要用to来连接宾语补足语和动词。I made the door open.The door was made to open.*注意:在本句中make是使役动词(包括感观动词),它后接不加to的不定式做宾 语补足语,但是变成被动语态时要将to还原,不可省略。

4、She saw me walking along the street.Iwas seen to being walked along the street 含有情态动词句子的被动语态。e.g.: He need look after his mother in the hospital.按照变化规律本句应变化为:His mother need be looked after in the hospital.含有情态动词句子变被动语态的规律是:情态动词+be+动词原形。 含有动词词组句子的被动语态。e.g.: He looked at the picture. 按照变化规律本句应变化为:The

5、 picture was looked at by he (him).注意:在过去分词looked后,切记不要忘记at这个介词,因为look at是完整的动 词词组。 含有宾语从句的被动语态。e.g.: I think that she is a nurse. 如果按照变化规律变化本句的话,宾语是一个句子,而不是词。这时可以有以下 两种变化方法:将宾语从句中的主语看作宾语而进行变化,即: Sheis thought to be a nurse by I (me).将宾语从句用it这个形式主语来代替而进行变化,即:It is thought that she is a nurse by I (m

6、e).We said that he has been rich. 变化为:第二部分 词汇及语法练习41. If you smoke in a non-smoking section people .A) have objected B) objected C) must object D) will object42. There was a drop in support for the Union in the 1974 election.A) delicate B) distinct C) distant D) downward43. The computer works very f

7、ast, data at the speed of light.A) having handled B) handing C) handled D) hands44. Through out his life, Henry Moore an interest in encouraging art in thecity of Leeds.A) contained B) secured C) reserved D) maintained45. They claim that 1,000 factories closed down during the economic crisis.A) suff

8、iciently B) approximately C) considerably D) properly46. If you happen to my lost papers while youre looking for your book,please let me know at once by telephone.A) come across B) come up C) come to D) properly47. Her fluency in English gives her an advantage other girls for the job.A) above B) ove

9、r C) than D) with48. It is impossible to find a good educational computer program in this partof the country.A) barely B) hardly C) merely D) nearly49. What he told us about the affair simply doesnt make any .A) sense B) idea C) meaning D) significance50. As a mother, she is too towards her daughter

10、, she should let her see moreof the world.A) hopeful B) protective C) modest D) confident51. “Doesnt he know that it is not?” “Yes, he does.”A) truth B) some truth C) the truthD) any truth52. That tree looked as if it for a long time.A) hasnt watered B ) didnt waterC) hadnt been wateredD ) wasnt wat

11、ered53. Hitler set out to conquer all of Europe in the belief that the Germans were themaster .A) race B) human C) blood D) brains54. Ever since Picassos painting went on exhibit, there large crowds at themuseum every day.A) is B) has been C) have been D) are being55. Dont forget to walk the dog whi

12、le I am away, .A) can you B) shall you C) do you D) will you56. It is a pity that we should stay at home when we have weather.A) so fine B) such a fine C) such fine D) so fine a57. There were beautiful clothes in the shop windows.A) spread B) displayed C) exposed D) located58. Mr. Smith advised us t

13、o withdraw .A) so that to get not involved B) so as to get not involvedC) so as not to get involved D) so that not to get involved59. in a seemingly endless war, the general was forced to evaluate thesituation again.A) Since the loss of 50,000 soldiers B) Because of 50,000 soldiers having lostC) Hav

14、ing lost over 50,000 soldiers D) 50,000 soldiers were lost60. Knowing something as a whole is far from knowing all its .A) instance B) character C) items D) details61. for your laziness, you could have finished the assignment by now.A) Had it not been B ) It were not C) Werent it D) Had not it been6

15、2. The minister had his secretaries a press conference.A) arrange B) to arrange C) arranging D) arranged63. She left the reception early because she get up early the next morning.A) needed B) might C) used to D) had to64. Lets not wait any longer, he might not at all.A) turn over B) turn up C) used to D) turn down65. Anne couldnt concentrate what she was doing whi le her family werewatching TV.A) to B) on C) for D) in66. My wife said in her letter that she would appreciate from you sometime.A) to have heard



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