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1、.单词荟萃1interpret v诠释,解释;翻译 _ n口译者;译员 interpretation n解释;翻译;口译2. _ v结合;联合 combination n联合3ambition n志气,抱负,雄心 _ adj.有野心的4regulate v规定,管理,整顿 _ n规则;规章;法规5. _ adj.自愿的;志愿的 _ n志愿者 v自愿,自愿效劳6. _ n(痛苦、忧虑等得以)解除,减轻,调剂 relieve v放松7. _ v使轻松,使陶醉 relaxed adj.放松的 relaxation n放松;轻松8symbolic adj.象征性的,作为象征的 _ n象征;符号;标志.

2、短语检测1与的情况相同 2与进行来往 3突然间 4利用,凭借,依赖 5当众,公开地 6挤过人群 7除此之外 8使继续存在 9没听懂,不明白重点 10认真对待 (be) true of/for make contact with all of a sudden draw upon in public push ones way through the crowd in addition to keep sth. alive miss the point take sth. seriously .佳句再现1. _ songs like that.我不能容忍听那样的歌曲。2Therefore, th

3、e Grammys are not _ by some musicians or music fans.因此,格莱美并不为某些音乐家或音乐迷看重。四、词汇学习1reliefn(the feeling that comes when something burdensome is removed or reduced)(痛苦、忧虑等的)解除,减轻;调剂(1)breathe a sigh of relief 松了一口气 to ones relief 使某人感到欣慰的是(2)relieve v. 解除;减轻;缓和relieve anxiety/guilt/stress 消除焦虑/内疚/缓解压力(3)

4、relieved adj. 感到宽慰的;放心的【经典句式】What a relief! 可轻松了!It is a relief to do sth.做是一种宽慰。【情景记忆】 【活学活用】(1)_ , the kids arrived home safe and sound.让我们感到宽慰的是,孩子们都安然无恙地回来了。(2)_ to find you here.见到你在这儿我就很放心了。(3)She felt _ when she heard the news.听到这条消息,她放心了。2honour v尊敬,敬重 n荣誉;尊敬;光荣的人(物)(1)be/feel honoured to do

5、 sth. 做某事感到荣幸 be honoured for 因为受到尊敬/赢得荣誉 be honoured with 被授予(2)an honour to 为增光 in honour of 出于对某人或某事物的敬意3regarding prep.关于(1)regard vt.把看作 n尊敬;问候pl. regard _ 把看作;认为(2)regardless adv. 不管怎样;无论如何regardless of 不理会;不顾【温馨提示】表“看作、当作”的短语还有:consideras/to be 把看作;认为think ofas 把看作;认为thinkto be 认为是look onas 把

6、看作;认为treatas 把看作,对待【活学活用】1根据汉语意思完成句子(1)She said nothing _ your request.她对你的要求只字不提。(2)I regard your suggestion as worth considering.I _ your suggestion worth considering.我觉得你的建议值得考虑。2单项填空This special school accepts all disabled students, _ educational level and background.Aaccording to Bregardless of

7、 Cin addition to Din terms of 【解析】 B句意为:这所特殊教育学校接受所有的残疾学生,无论他们有怎样的教育程度和背景。对比四个选项:according to 根据,依据;regardless of不论,不顾;in addition to除之外;in terms of就而言;可知只有选项B符合语境。 六、短语用法1come on (表鼓励、催促等)快,走吧;加油;得了吧,算了吧【活学活用】根据语境判断come on在下列句中的含义(1)Oh,come on, dont lie! _ (2)Come on, well be late! _ (3)Come on, yo

8、u can do it! _ 2keep sb./sth. alive 使活着;使继续come alive 生动起来;活跃起来;有精神起来【活学活用】(1)We should try to _ .我们应该努力把那些好传统保持下去。(2)She _ when she sat down at the piano.她只有坐在钢琴旁才会有精神。3push ones way (through) 穿过;挤过make ones way (艰难地)走向;(向某地)走去lead the way 带路;引路lose ones way 迷路feel ones way 摸索着前行fight ones way 奋斗前进

9、wind ones way 蜿蜒前进force ones way out/in/through 挤出去/强行进入/挤过work ones way 费劲地(到达某地);通过干活【活学活用】(1)We lost our way when we _ toward the valley.我们向峡谷走去时迷路了。(2)There were so many people in the room that we had to _ out.房间里人太多了,我们不得不硬挤出去。 六、句型学习1. (1)Its the same with classical Chinese music.中国古典音乐也是一样。(2

10、)The same is true of my second instrument,the guzheng.对于我的第二种乐器古筝,情况也是如此。句型公式be true of/for sb./sth.; Its the same with sb./sth.对也适用/也如此【归纳比较】表示“也如此”还经常用到:So it is with sb./sth. So do I.Neither/Nor do I.【注意事项】“So do I”只用于单一的肯定情况;“Neither do I”只用于单一的否定情况。如果要表示既有肯定又有否定或有多个不同类谓语动词的情况时,要用It is the same

11、with sb./sth.或者So it is with sb./sth.。【活学活用】1根据汉语意思完成句子(1)In Chinese,the same pronunciation with different tones has different meanings. The same _ .在汉语中,读音相同音调不同,意义也不同,音乐也是如此。(2)He is clever but he doesnt work hard,so _.他虽聪明但学习不努力,他的姐姐也是这样。(3)He is not good at expressing himself._ .他不擅长表达自己,我也是。2单项

12、填空I hope we have a good flight. _.I dont like flying, though.ASo I do BSo do I CNor do I DNor I do【解析】 B根据句中的though表示“尽管”,可知后者是同意前者的观点,表示“我也是”,因此答案选择B。 .单词拼写1He is very d_ because he failed in the examination.2Charities (慈善机构)rely on _(自愿的) donations/contributions.3Different musicians can have different ways to i_ the same piece of music.4Forget your worries and _ (放松)5When he left the company,the manager _ (赠送) him with a gold pen.选词填空cant stand, dance to, share with, give the concert, the moment1._ on Saturday by a wonderful artist.2.She _ the music with her boyfriend in the moonlight.3.


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