口译学习过程中的几点体会(DOC 9页)

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《口译学习过程中的几点体会(DOC 9页)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《口译学习过程中的几点体会(DOC 9页)(9页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、口译学习过程中的几点体会Little Enlightenment from the Preparations of Interpretation一、概述口译隶属于翻译范畴,是一种集语言信息、语境信息、文化信息、 心理信息等于一体的综合 交际活动, 必然对译员的各方面素质要求很高。 结合自己目前的双语水平和上海高级口译考 试要求以及口译教材整体安排,我将整个备考过程进行分段认真学习、练习,强化和提高, 并及时总结归纳自己的心得体会。 现阶段我的重点是, 第一步针对教材提供的材料自己先进 行视译; 第二步参考教材所提供的范文与自己的翻译进行比较分析, 吸收精华翻译句子和词 汇,并总结翻译处理策略、

2、方法、和技巧;第三步集中掌握材料的所涉及的相关内容,熟悉 并熟练掌握常用词汇、 句型和表达方法。 总之, 目前是口译学习中最基础也是最核心的阶段, 所感知到的只不过是自己不确定的感性认识和心得。 在这里我将它写出来, 希望得到老师的 指导和建议。1. IntroductionInterpretation, belonging to translatology, is a comprehensive communicative activity including kinds of information such as language, context, culture and psycho

3、logy. Admittedly, it requires a highly-qualified interpretor.Considering the lower bilingual competence of my own and the rigid requirement of Shanghai Advanced interpretation, I made a meticulous plan for my preparation consisting of different periods, and during each period good learning, enough p

4、ractice, further improvement and immediate enlightenment summarized are emphasized. At present, I am in the first preparatory period and three main steps are involved. Firstly, I carry out the sight interpreting depending on the materials of the course book; secondly, comparing my own translation ve

5、rsion with samples provided, I find out my mistakes and improper thinking way, most importantly, draw and sum up the strategies and skills applied in the course book. Lastly, I strive to memorize useful phrases and expressions, and try to put them into practice. In a word, because the present stage

6、plays a foundation role in the whole process and needs more time and energy, much enlightenment may appear but just my own subjective thought. Here I d like to share them with you, in the hope of receiving valuable advice and guidance from teachers and friends.二、语块在口译备考中的作用2. Language Chunk在自己背诵前七章的

7、过程中,渐渐亲身体会到语块对自己口语和口译起着极其重要的作 用。 凡是自己背诵过的话题, 在自己以后遇到相关的话题时, 能迅速做出英汉互译双向的反 应。 而以前往往不知从何下手进行翻译。 基于自己的亲身感受, 我阅读了几篇关于语块知识 方面的论文, 目的是想增强对它的理论认识进而更好的指导自己口译备考, 提高口语水平和 英语运用的综合能力,并希望在以后的英语教学中能有意识地利用语块理论指导教学实践。 下面将我自己所整理的关于语块的理论框架分享如下 :Actually, I ve just completed the task of seven chapters in the course bo

8、ok. However, there s a growing sense that the language chunk is of significance to oral English and interpretation. Every time I come across the topic related to my recitation, I feel much easier to respond to it in both English and Chinese. Therefore, based on my own experience in recitation, I stu

9、died several papers on the application of the language chunk to EFL teaching, aiming to provide a solid theoretic background to guide my interpretation preparation and teaching practice, improve my comprehensive communicative competence. The framework of language chunk is displayed as follows:语块,简单地

10、说,就是词与词的组合,是一个多词的单位。其结构固定,可以做公式化 的反复操练,一般指同现频率较高,形式和意义较固定的大于单词的结构(引自柴宏琳 2006 。这种话语片段以一个固定的单位存储在记忆中,说话、阅读,写作需要时随时可调 用。简单地说, 即指词汇短语, 就是事先预制好且被频繁使用的多个词的组合,这种词汇组 合有自己特定的结构和相对稳定的意思, 可整体或稍作改动后作为预制组块供学习者提取和 使用。 (吴静,王瑞东 2002Language chunk is unit of multi-worlds, put it simply, the word combination, which a

11、re pre-arranged and frequently used. Generally speaking, its structure is fixed, stored in memory as a whole. It can be put into use repeatedly by learners when speaking, reading and writing.语块具有在形式上的整体性和语义上的约定性, 其结构介于固定搭配或者习语和自由组 合之间,相对灵活, 既包含了固定的交际结构,又含有半固定的搭配形式, 享有不同程度地 灵活性, 可以根据不同的使用环境更替预制语块的部分结

12、构, 所以语块的生成性强, 具有高 度的创造空间。 由于语块的概念突破了传统上的单词、 词汇范围, 且作用已经远远超出了词 汇搭配等的范围, 而扩大到整个句子, 甚至语篇领域, 所以语块教学将会是带动整个英语教 学的最佳突破口。Language chunk enjoys both the unity in form and the conventionality in meaning. On one hand, It is relatively flexible and has a high productivity and creativity in line with specific c

13、ontext due to its structure, which locates itself between the fixity of idioms to the free combination of words. On the other hand, because the concept of the language chunk surpassed words, vocabulary and goes beyond the word collocation, even to the sentence and discourse, undoubtedly it willprovi

14、de a best access to English language teaching.语块是一种完全预制或部分预制的单位。 它们作为不可分的组块储存在大脑词库中, 很 容易自动检索。 它们给学习者提供在缺乏丰富的语言资源时自我表达的可能性。 语块不是一 成不变、毫无规则的,它们可通过语法规则进行分析。根据不同情形, 它们既可看作是语汇 中不可分的单位, 又可使用句法规则重新生成, 这就确保了语言的稳步发展。 随着学习者语 言水平的提高, 语块允许在原有习得知识的基础上进行扩充, 因为它们可与功能用法联系起 来。语块可用在保证交谈顺利进行、转换话题、提出请求、与人打招呼等众多交际功能上。

15、语块的这一功能表达特征使学习者通过对起始程式的扩张以越来越复杂的方式表达同一功 能, 所以它就构成了语言发展的起始点。 词汇组块可由学习者作如此处理, 使得程式不断生 成。这就构成了语言发展的基础。Besides, the language chunk is a complete or a semi- pre-arranged unit. Firstly, it is easy to self-retrieval when needed for it is stored in our brain as a unit. Also, language chunks provide learners

16、 with possibility to express themselves when they are short of rich language resources. Secondly, language chunk is by no means an irregular or fixed unit but can be analyzed according to grammatical rules. Namely, it can be either regarded as a whole or reproduced as a new on in different contexts, which ensures the stable development of languages. Thirdly, with the improvement of learner s language ability, language chunks allow learners to expand their ab


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