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1、Unit 11 复习检测题一、翻译下列短语 (10分)1.洗澡_ 2.起床_3.去上班_ 4.整夜_5.在下午_ 6.看早间新闻_7.做作业 _ 8.回家_9.刷牙_ 10. 在8:35_二、选择(将答案写在前面括号中)(10分)( )1. _ do you go to school? I often go to school _ 7:30 pm. A. What time ;on B. What time; at C. When ; in D. What; in( ) 2. What time is it? _ nine fifteen.A. The time is B. Its C. At

2、 D. This is ( ) 3. Its seven oclock. Its time to _. A.go to home B. the home C.go home D. go to the home ( ) 4. The bus usually _ him to work. A. take B.takes C. / D. bring ( ) 5. How can I go to school? changjian -You can take_ A. the number 13 bus B. 13 bus C. the 13 bus D. number 13 bus ( ) 6. _

3、your father _ homework? A. Does ; does B. Do ; does C. Does; do D. Do;do ( ) 7. I go to _ work after _ breakfast every day. A. /; the B. /; / C. the; a D.the; / ( ) 8. -When do you do_ homework? - I often do _ homework in the evening. A. you ;me B. your;my C. your; me D.your; I ( ) 9. Rick _ early m

4、orning news on TV. A. sees B. reads C.watches D. have ( ) 10. Do you want to know _my afternoon? A.for B.about C.with D.of三、根据句意、首字母的提示完成句子(5分)1. Please w_ and tell me about your morning.2. School s_ at 6:50 in the morning?3. The students in our school have no classes on S_ and Sunday.4. My aunt usu

5、ally eat lunch at a_ seven oclock.5.Can you think what Jims j _ is? I think hes a teacher. 四、用所给词的正确形式填空(5分)1.People love _(listen) to him.2. He usually_(brush) his teeth at 8:00?3. She _(do) her homework in the evening.4. Best_(wish) for you.5. Please write and tell_(we) about you.五、完成句子 (5 分)1、他的爸

6、爸通常在晚上9点睡觉His father usually_ _ _at9:00 .2、谢谢你的帮助_ _ your help.3、你想了解我的一天吗?Do you want to_ _my day?4、汽车通常在19点15分到达他上班的地方The bus usually _ _ _at 19:15.六、补全对话(10分)A: Tom. You have a big family.We want to know about your family.B: OK.A: When do you _?B: I run in the morning.A: _ _does your brother run?B: He runs at 7:00.But my father runs _ _ _(在下午) .A: Does your sister go to school?B:Yes.He _ _ _ _ 8:00.七、作文(5分)假如你是李雷,根据下列时间表,写信向Tom介绍一下你早上的活动get upruneat breakfastgo to schoolschool starts6:306:457:008:008:40 _ _



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