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1、北师大版八年级下册数学期中试卷和答案,可打印20012,2013学年度八年级第二学期期中数学试题 姓名 班级 考号 得分: (考试时间:100分钟 满分:100分) 一 二 三 1,10 11,16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 一. 填空题(每空2分,共30分) 1( 用科学记数法表示0.000043为 。 ,122y1,032.计算:计算 ; _; (),1,,,,3x3,2xxxab,, ; = 。 ,2a,bb,axyyxy,2x,113.当x 时,分式有意义;当x 时,分式的值为零。 x,5x,1m,1y,4.反比例函数的图象在第一、三象限,则的取值范围是 ;在每一象限m

2、x内y随x的增大而 。 my,5. 如果反比例函数过A(2,-3),则m= 。 x3,m6. 设反比例函数y=的图象上有两点A(x,y)和B(x,y),且1122x? 6m 当x0x时,有y1;减小 5.-6 3227xy206. m3 7.16 8. 4或 9.5 10. 343二(11(B 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.C 16.C 22a,1a(a,1)x,y三(17. (1)解:原式= 1分 (2) 解:原式=.1分 ,a,1(a,1)(a,1)y,xa,1a(x,y)(x,y),=2分 =.2分 a,1a,1y,x(x,y)(x,y)a,1,a=.3分 =3分 a,1,(x,y

3、)1=-x-y4分 =4分 a,1,a11,a1,,.18(6分)解:原式=1分 ,,2,a1(a1)a,2(a1)(a1)1a1,a11a1,,a,,,. =2分 =3分=4分 .,,222,a,1(a1)(a1)a(a1)a,选一个数代入计算.6分 19.(8分)解方程: 1xxx,28,2,(1)解:1分(2)解: 1分 x,3x,3x,2x,2(x,2)(x,2)两边同时乘以(x-3)得 两边同时乘以(x+2)(x-2)得 21=2(x-3)-x .2分 x(x-2)-=8.2分 (x,2)解得x=7 .3分 解得x=-2.3分 经检验x=7是原方程的解.4分 经检验 x=-2不是原方

4、程的解,所以原方程无解.4分 7 八年级数学第 页共6页 20.解:连接AC,?AB?BC,?B=90?1分 2222?AC=10.2分 AB,BC8,6222222?3分 AC,AD,10,24,676,26,CD?ACD为直角三角形.4分 11?四边形ABCD的面积=1446分 ,6,8,24,10S,SABCACD2221. (6分)你吃过拉面吗,实际上在做拉面的过程中就渗透着数学知识:一定体积的面团2做成拉面,面条的总长度是面条的粗细(横截面积)的反比例函数,其图像y(m)x(mm)如图所示. 128(1y,).2分 x1282(2)当y=50时,50, x=2.56?面条的粗细为2.

5、56.4分 mmx1282y,80(3)当x=1.6时, ?当面条的粗细不小于1.6mm,面条的总长度最长是1.680m6分 22(解:在不耽误工期的情况下,我觉得方案(3)最省钱。1分 理由:设规定日期为x天,则甲工程队单独完成这项工程需x天,乙工程队单独完成这项工程需(x+5)天,依题意列方程得: 4x,,14分 xx,5解得x=205分 经检验x=20是原方程的解6分 x+5=20+5=25 方案(1)所需工程款为:1.520=30万元 方案(2)所需工程款为:1.125=27.5万元 方案(3)所需工程款为:1.54+1.120=28万元 ?在不耽误工期的情况下,我觉得方案(3)最省钱

6、8分 336y,y,x,23.(1);m=3; n=4.3分(2)6分 x42(3)答:存在点P使?PAO为等腰三角形; 点P坐标分别为: 13,1313P(0,) ; P(0,6); P(0,) ; P(0,) 10分 123468 八年级数学第 页共6页 (英文版 ) Two regulations promulgated for implementation is in the party in power for a long time and the rule of law conditions, the implementation of comprehensive strictl

7、y strategic plan, implementation in accordance with the rules and discipline to manage the party, strengthen inner-party supervision of major initiatives. The two regulations supporting each other, the adhere to a positive advocate, focusing on morality is of Party members and Party leading cadres c

8、an see, enough to get a high standard; around the party discipline, disciplinary ruler requirements, listed as negative list, focusing on vertical gauge, draw the party organizations and Party members do not touch the bottom line . Here, the main from four square face two party rules of interpretati

9、on: the first part introduces two party Revised regulations the necessity and the revision process; the second part is the interpretation of the two fundamental principles of the revision of laws and regulations in the party; the third part introduces two party regulations modified the main changes and needs to grasp several key problems; the fourth part on how to grasp th


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