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1、教育硕士专业学位论文题 目: 城市高中教师职业压力状况与学校管理对策的研究 以南京市城区部分高中为例 TITLE: Study on Occupational Stress of Teachers and Management Strategy of City Senior High School Examples came from partial senior high schools of 6 city zones in Nanjing学 科 专 业: 教 育 管 理 作 者 姓 名: 导师 及 职称: 副教授 论文提交日期: 2006年4月 授予学位日期: 现 工 作单位: 南京市第六

2、十六中学 二OO六年四月城市高中教师职业压力状况与学校管理对策的研究以南京市城区部分高中为例摘 要职业压力已成为一种普遍现象,教师职业压力的危害不容忽视。笔者在本文中试图通过问卷调查、访谈等途径,对城市高中教师的职业压力状况进行调查和研究,并通过成因分析,有针对性地为教育行政部门和学校提供一些可资借鉴的有关教师职业压力问题的参考材料和建设性的意见。笔者对南京市的6个城区、17所高中、197位教师进行了问卷调查和分析发现,66.0%的教师感到职业压力较大或很大,27.0%的教师感到职业压力很大。另外还有:女性职业压力感高于男性、一线教师的职业压力感高于行政人员、任教毕业年级教师的职业压力感高于任


4、松绑”教师身心的氧吧;(五)教师心育提升抗压能力的良方。 关键词:压力 职业压力 教师职业压力 压力源 城市高中教师 Study on Occupational Stress of Teachers and Management Strategy of City Senior High SchoolExamples came from partial senior high schools of 6 city zones in NanjingAbstractIt should not be ignored as occupational stress has already become a

5、common phenomenon and paid great harm on many teachers body and mind. In this paper, we conduct a study on occupational stress of teachers in city senior high school through methods such as questionnaire and interview etc. Based on such surveys, we want to provide some parameters related to occupati

6、onal stress of teachers and some effective suggestions related to administrations for managers in city senior high.Based on analyses of data of questionnaires and interviews from 197 teachers from 17 senior high schools distributed in 6 city zones of Nanjing city, we found 66% of the interviewed tho

7、ught occupational stress relatively great and 27% felt the stress very great. Additionally, we also found some distinct characters related to occupational stress of the teachers. For example, of the interviewed, females felt greater stress than males, teachers felt greater stress than managers, teac

8、hers in senior class felt greater stress than those in junior class, teachers who teach key courses felt greater stress than those teach common courses, teachers in charge of classes felt greater stress than common teachers, and extent of teachers occupational stress was association with status of t

9、he schools who were in.In our opinion, there are 7 exterior factors account for occupational stress of teacher in city senior high school, they are orderly as examination for enter a higher school, steering student, affairs related of administration, education innovation, content of occupation, welf

10、are treatment, and relationship between colleagues. And the intrinsic factors which account for the stresses are individual opinion of merits, status of body and mental, and demands of self development etc.As managers in grass roots of educational cause, in order to improve efficiency of management

11、and relax the occupational stress of teachers in senior high school, they should focus on 7 strategies related of educational management as follows. (1) developing appraisal mechanism, which can rectify the errors in the appraisal system; (2) mechanism of forecast for occupational stress, which can

12、relax the stress of teachers at anytime and can avoid the accumulation of the stress; (3) notion of humanism solicitude, which is a shock absorber for management institution; (4) notion of regard as people as roots, which can also relax the stress of teachers; (5) psychological education for teacher

13、s, which can improve the health level of psychology of teachers.Key Words: stress; occupational stress; teachers occupational stress; resource of stress; teachers in city senior high school. 目 录一、导论1(一)研究缘起1(二)研究价值1(三)文献综述2(四)论文框架3二、概念界定3(一)压力与职业压力4(二)教师职业压力5(三)压力源6(四)城市高中教师7三、城市高中教师职业压力状况的调查7(一)调查说明7(二)总体情况8(三)主要特点9四、城市高中教师职业压力问题的成因11(一)外源性因素11(二)内源性因素2


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