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1、M3U11. Once out in the street, she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop. Once out in the street 相当于 Once( she was)out in the street ,时间状语从句Once 可用作连词conj,一 就 ; 一旦。 Once (it is) printed, this dictionary will be very popular. 一旦出版,这本词典会非常畅销。 Once可用作副词 adv,一次 ;曾经。 This book was once famous, but no

2、body reads it today. 这本书从前很出名, 现在没人看了. 2. Sorry, Miss, replied the man, the truth is that the fog is too thick for the bus to run that far. To tell (sb.) the truth (老实说,实话说) = in fact= actually =as a matter of fact=to be honest= To tell (you) the truth, I dont agree with you. 老实说,我并不同意你的观点。 3. raise

3、d: adj. 凸起的 raise vt. 举起,提高; raise your hand 举起你的手 raise the price提高价格 raise questions 提出问题We must do everything we can to raise the peoples living standards. 我们要想一切办法来提高人民的生活水平。筹集; raise money for the charity 为慈善机构募捐 养育(指人), raise a baby 养育小孩饲养(指动物),raise cattle and sheep 饲养牛羊种植(指植物) She lives by r

4、aising cotton. 他靠种植棉花维持生计。rise vi. (rise, rose, risen) 升起 The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东边升起。4. observe vt./ vi. 注意,观察到observe/see/watch/notice/look at sb do/doing listen to/hear sb do/doing 人们常看到他乞讨 比较 People often see him beg. ( )People often see him begging. ( )昨天人们看到他乞讨的. 比较 People saw him begge

5、d yesterday. ( )He was seen to beg yesterday. ( )5. sense n. 感官, 官能, 感知觉the senses (=the five senses) 五官 a sense of sight hearing, smell, taste, touch视觉听觉, 嗅觉, 味觉, 触觉a sense of humor/ duty/ honor 幽默感/责任感/荣誉感the sense of direction 方向感common sense 常识理 相关短语: in some sense 在某种意义上 make sense (话等)有意义, 合有理

6、 make sense of 了解.的意义, 懂得 There is no some sense in doing. 做.是没有有一些道理的意义的 vt. 感觉到, 发觉, 了解, 明白There is no sense (in) worrying about such a thing. 为这样的事烦恼没有意义. I sensed what she was thinking 我感觉到她在想什么. It makes sense to save money for the future. 节省钱是理智的. Can you make sense of what I said? 你能明白我的意思吗?

7、6. panic n/vi. 惊慌, 恐慌 (复数 panics) (panicked; panicked) (现分:panicking) (第三人称单数:panics) be in a panic (about sth) 对某事)恐慌/惊惶失措In case of fire, dont panic. 如遇火灾,不要惊慌。An earthquake hit the capital, causing panic among the population. 首都发生了地震,引发民众恐慌。7. sight n. 视野,视力,视觉lose sight of 看不见catch sight of 看到,发

8、现in sight 看得见,在视野内out of sight 看不见at first sight 一见就., 初次看见时 at the sight of 一看见就. Theyfellinlovewitheachotheratfirstsightandinashorttimeweremarried.他们一见钟情,过了一阵子就结婚了.He dashed out of the room at the sight of a snake. 他一看到蛇就冲出了房间.8. beat vi. (心脏、脉搏)跳动;敲打;打败We beat them by the score of 5 to 3. beat (b

9、eat; beaten; beating) 强调“连续不断地打”;hit (hit; hit; hitting) 表示“击中”,“打了一下”,通常是一次性的动作;strike (struck; struck/stricken; striking) 着重“敲,敲打”。(时钟)敲报(时间)One day he became so annoyed at my grandfather that he hit him on the head with a heavy stick. 有一天,他对我的祖父非常恼怒,以至于用一个大棍子狠狠地击中了他的头部。He feels very excited and h

10、is heart is beating very fast.When the church clock struck twelve, we realize it was too late.9. fear n. & vi. 害怕,恐惧fear to do sth. / doing sth./thatShe feared to swim in the river.My son fears staying at home alone at night.I feared that they would misunderstand me.for fear that 惟恐,以防Take an umbrel

11、la with you for fear that it might rain.in fear of 惧怕The step-mother was cruel and the children were in fear of her.10. wish for 期盼,盼望On his birthday he wished for his girlfriend to attend his birthday party.11. still adj. 静止的,不动的 silent 多用于人,指没有声音或不讲话。quiet “安静的,宁静的”,强调“安静”,没有声音,不吵闹或心里没有烦恼或焦虑。still

12、 指“不动的,寂静”,强调“静止的状态”,它不能用语心理上的安静,只用于物理上的安静,指没有运动或动作的状态。calm指平静的,沉着的,指无风或人的心情不激动,沉着镇定。Please keep still while I fasten your shoe. Now that the situation becomes worse, one must keep calm. 事到临头, 要沉住气.Immediately on his beginning to speak, everyone was silent. 他一讲话, 大家顿时安静下来.Could you keep the kids qui

13、et while Im on the phone? 我在打电话;你让孩子们安静点好吗?12. stare vi. 凝视,盯着看stare at sb./ sth. Its rude to stare at sb.stare sb. into sth. 盯着某人使其做出某种反应She stared him into silence. glance at 指用眼睛瞥或扫视;stare at 指由于好奇、无礼、傲慢而睁大眼睛凝望、盯着或瞪着看;look at 没有任何感情色彩,意思是“看着”;glare at 指由于愤怒而瞪着或怒视。Its impolite to stare at people.P

14、lease look at your watch and tell me what time it is.He glanced at the person and walked away quickly.He glared at the boy angrily.13. cant help doing 情不自禁做某事, cant help (to) do 不能帮助做某事 cant help but do sth. 不得不干14. be frozen with 由于而呆住The noisy class were frozen with the teachers single look.15. 和相

15、关的, 和.有关系,和有联系的 be related tobe linked to/with be connected with Wealth is seldom related to happiness. 财富鲜与幸福相关。The person in black is linked to the case.16. relief: n. 宽心,慰藉,轻松 to ones relief 使感到宽慰的是To my great relief/ Much to my relief, I wasnt late. 我最庆幸的是没有迟到.relieve v. 减轻,缓解This medicine will relieve your headache



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