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1、研究生基本英语(毛大威)课后答案Unit1- - - - 单词词组互译- - - 英译汉 ommuicaton saellite 通讯卫星 mobltephny 移动通讯 nel robo 智能机器人 lne 克隆 telecommunicatins 远程通讯 Untstock hoer 股东axng authoriy 税务机关 chaable rgaizatn 慈善机构 nonprit fim 非赚钱公司 saleforecs 销售预测 ecnomi forecst 经济预测 Uit3tuis reot旅游胜地ladsce sceney 山水风光 vigi forest 原始森林htchki

2、n 沿途免费搭乘她人便车旅行 outdoor advntues户外冒险活动a amper 野营者 Unit4antotic 抗生素gn 基因 El Nino 厄尔尼塔 maine 海产的,海运的;舰队,海运业 tamn 维生素it5humility 谦逊 endevor &v 努力,尝试 sincrity 真诚 诚挚 patritism 爱国主义aih 信奉,信念 vine神圣的,不凡的,崇高的 rconci 调和,和解 slf-servation自我审视Uni6ethics cass 道德教育课 computr-aide heating 运用计算机作弊failing grade 不及格 pa

3、giarsm 抄袭mandaory pena 强制惩罚 junk emal haassmen 垃圾邮件骚扰汉译英Unit1 文学litraure 科幻故事sieceicion 空间旅行space ravling 外星人 lin 人类社会humn oity 高技术high-tcnolgy信息时代nfrmation age 信息产业nformtion nurynt2管理 anagement 协调 coordinat 运作operae 人力资源 nresoures经费 ns 决策mk decisions政府部门gernmental agcs 金融机构finacia instiutionUi3远足hi

4、ke 兜风o for a ide 观光sihtseing 探险exlor, eploration交游go ouig 滑雪 kng冲浪rfin 睡袋seeping bag导游图 torst mp 夏令营sumer campnit羊羔lab 山羊g 猪崽pilet 奶牛cow 牛犊calf 家禽owl 哺乳动物mmmal 家畜 domstic aimls Unit5善意odwi,ood itntins 崇高noble 成就achievent, success, acomlishnt抱负amtion, siration 原则principle 奉献dicate 平等eqaityU6忠诚sierty,

5、loyalty,faithfulnss 抄袭coy / plagririse作弊 heating 道德准则 ethics校行政人员 schl ofical 开除 eplusin年 sool yer 读书报告bokreort 校园社区服务 on-coms cmmuny eve- - - - - -单词、时态填空- - - -nit1 pedict eeal doina i serch y amajo role in cal for in relity speulaton a de ran f repect1、Thy go ter he laterno ad wet round neac of a

6、plae tosta.2、Thestomerwe uestion on ide range sujects fm physicstopsychology.、se spd mor time wachin Td reading te ewspaers, the medi plays aajor oe ninfuecing thei opinions.、Therewsastrag ilence abot what was hppeng,but theetail fth murder erfinally revaled by the loclpaer.5、fr anher oundof negaios

7、, they final gned daration calling foran imediate ceasefie.6、Xao Ling lys seems so sefconfident,t inrealit she isxtreely shy.、I ave adi hat se is very nie asa oses, ut h dose tnd t oinate th conersation8、Ou o rspe for the whishe ofher family, thein wa ot rpored in th ocal ed.9、Th compnys en as pedic

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9、il comanis ainained clserelationsfor tnyers4、 large cmpx oranizati cnbeslo adapt o changs、T aility to use angage cn be acuired oly by the ct of usig the laguage6、Aasword s neded to gt acces to he compute syste7、Good reords are requed fo he pepationof olete a accurate tx uents8、Thy ead the str, t oly few fuly compreheded it meang.9、hy coverte the medeal ct ntoa beauifl heater.0、Thedoctor a cerin ar aining hs woundththe ol no osbly lv.Ui3 acessible o ph ff ata ce a caving for notiate ammodate uniqu consistntly1、Housin ud be obtand at a pr



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