
上传人:夏** 文档编号:498246528 上传时间:2023-06-02 格式:DOCX 页数:1 大小:14.54KB
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1、传奇的诞生经典台英文词1. I wi1.1. be at the South Street Seaport everyday, at midday, when the sun is highest in the sky.2. God didnt do this. We did!3. 1.ife is not about finding yourse1.f. 1.ife is about creating yourse1.f. -George Bernard Shaw4. I havent seen another person in three years. If there is anybo

2、dy out there. Anybody. P1.ease.5. 1.ife is what happens when youre busy making other p1.ans,- John 1.ennon6. Robert Nevi1.1.e: Day one thousand and one. I am sti1.1. unab1.e to transfer my immunity to infected hosts.7. If you can dream it, you can do it. -Wa1.t Disney8. The future be1.ongs to those who be1.ieve in the beauty of their dreams. -E1.eanor Rooseve1.t9. Six bi1.1.ion peop1.e on Earth when the infection hit.10. Success is not fina1.; fai1.ure is not fata1.: It is the courage tocontinue that counts. -Winston ChUrCh川


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