Unit 4 Keeping Clean[4]

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《Unit 4 Keeping Clean[4]》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 4 Keeping Clean[4](6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 4 Keeping Clean (Reading and writing)教学设计 设计教师:江门市新会实验小学 林鸿丽教学年级:六年级课题名称:Unit 4 Keeping Clean (Reading and writing)教材版本:(粤人版)广东人民出版社 英语第七册授课时间:40分钟教学内容本节课是广东人民出版社英语第七册Unit 4 Keeping Clean.第三课时。主要内容是复习形容词warm, cool, wet, dry, clean, dirty, tidy, messy等和学习句型“It wasbut itsThere was/isThere were/ar

2、e” .并学会相应的阅读技巧。教学重点难点1.重点知识:形容词warm, cool, wet, dry, clean, dirty, tidy, messy掌握句型:There was/werebefore. But there is/are now.掌握课文意思,能流利、准确、有感情地朗读、复述课文。2.难点知识:会用一般现在时和一般过去时流利描述周围环境的变化。设计思路本课的教学对象是六年级学生,他们有一定的英语基础,并能用英语流利地交流。本课围绕阅读教学内容,展示图片比较before & now,复习It wasIt is句型,以广州的建设标志引入主题,通过歌谣、听读、复述等教学方法教会

3、学生阅读的策略与技巧,拓展话题,让学生在创设的情景中,练习灵活运用现在时和过去时描述同一地方不同时期的变化,从而提高语言综合运用能力。结合各种形式总结教育学生在生活中养成良好的卫生习惯,培养爱护我们家园美好环境的主人翁精神。知识目标1.能掌握 be动词的一般过去时和一般现在时;2.能运用阅读内容中的新单词和新句型表达生活中过去和现在的情景。3.能听懂课文内容,并作出正确的判断。4.能抓住关键的信息,流利地复述话题“Old Guangzhou and Guangzhou today”。5.根据提示,写出主题为“Old Xinhui and Xinhui today”的小短文。学习策略1、从学生学

4、习兴趣和认知水平出发,根据语言的规律,提供适当的资源,在听、说、读、写等方面展开操练,通过游戏、歌谣、竞赛等形式进行学习。2、能在小组活动中积极与他人合作,相互帮助,共同完成学习任务。3、掌握阅读技巧,通过所学的知识和图片的提示读懂内容,并通过自己的语言描述图片内容。4、指导学生通过评价学会自我反思,不断改善和调整自己的学习策略。情感目标1. 让学生体验学习乐趣,培养学习的兴趣,从而提高用英语交流的能力,达到愿学、乐学、会学、善学的境界;2. 学生通过学习,能够掌握如何运用英语介绍各个地方的变化情况,激励学生刻苦学习,为祖国的美好发展作奉献而努力学习。3. 培养学生正确的人生观,热爱生活,热爱

5、家乡,养成良好的生活习惯,树立保护大自然的美好环境的主人翁意识。 板书设计beforenowU4 Keeping Clean (Reading and writing)manynot manybulidings roadscars and taxisbikes bigsmallshops教学过程:IWarming up1. Greet the Ss warmly. Hello, everybody! How are you?2. Chant together: It was warm but it is cool now.3. Praise the top students in the cl

6、ass.(设计意图: 通过轻松地聊天,自然引入本课的主题学习。) II. ReviewReview the past tense and present tense.The pencil was long before but it is short now.He was young before but he is old now.The shoes were clean before, but theyre dirty now.(设计意图:通过游戏复习与本课相关的时态,巧妙地让学生在趣味刺激的游戏中复习了相关的知识,为新课的学习做好铺垫)III. Presentation and pre-

7、reading1. Leading in: Show the pictures of the Guangzhou Tower and the Pearl River. (设计意图:直观激发学生的学习兴趣,让他们对熟悉的Guangzhou产生好奇。)2. Listen to the passages and read after the teacher.3. Match the correct names and pictures.(设计意图:初步感知新课,了解课文大意。)IV. While-reading1. Listen and repeat.2. According to the pass

8、age, write T or F.(1)In Guangzhou there were many tall buildings now.(2)a. All the roads in Sams city were small before. b. There are so many cars and taxis on the roads now.(3)a. There is much fast food now.b. Things in the shop were expensive before.(设计意图:通过学习,使学生对课文进一步熟悉,训练学生听、说、读的能力。)3. Teach th

9、e new words and sentences. New words: buildings, roads, the fast food Sentences: There wasbefore. But there isnow. There werebefore. But there arenow.Post-reading and Consolidation1. Fill in the blanks.(设计意图:培养学生合作完成课文的复述。)2. Show the picture: old Xinhui and Xinhui today(1). Talk in groups and show

10、time. First, teacher makes an example. Then, show the pictures of old Xinhui and Xinhui today, and give the students some key words. After that, let the students talk in groups. Finally, ask some students to show.(设计意图:培养学生合作意识,树立正确的人生观。)(2). Writing.In the old days, there _small houses in Xinhui. T

11、here _ so many _now. The roads _small before, they _ big now. There _ so many _ and buses on the roads now .There _ only one shop near my home before, but there is a big _now .The park _ smallbefore, but it _big now. There _ many flowers and _ in it.So the air _clean now. Summary and assignment1. Su

12、m up.2. Assign the homework. Find some information about the city you like. Then write something about “Old city and new city”.教学反思:(1)本节课的教学设计是通过学习城市以前与现在的变化,让学生学习使用一般现在时和一般过去时描述周围的环境。整节课条理清晰层次分明,符合小学生学习语言的规律,通过听力理解模仿朗读复述课文仿写等环节,一步步深入,让学生自然地学习新的语言知识。整节课体现英语学科培养学生核心素养的特色。(2)在阅读过程中运用丰富的肢体语言、手势等引导学生理解课文,体会自己家乡的变化,在自然的情境中学习语言。 存在问题:这节课也有做的不够的地方,学习新课后设计的拓展活动只有仿写,不是很充分。另外学生复述故事的能力还有待加强,这些在平时教学中教师要创造更多的机会让学生训练与提高。


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