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1、LessonLWhatsYourFavouriteSeason? Xiaode Primary School Wu QianContents ThislessonisfromEnglishThisWay,Book7.Ittalksaboutthe activities of the fourseasons.Objectives1. Knowledge aims: 1) .To pronounce and use the words correctly:go swimming, eat ice cream, eat fruit, go skating. 2). To master the sen

2、tence pattern: -Whats your favourite season? -I like. -Why? -Because I can. 3). To know something about the activities of every season.2. Ability aims: 1).To develop Ss abilities of listening and speaking. 2) .To train Ss ability of working in groups. 3) .To foster Ss abilities of communication and

3、innovation.3. Emotion aims: 1). Speak English bravely and work in groups freely. 2). Enjoy the four seasons, enjoy every day in our life. Focalpointsanddifficultpoints 1. To master these new words. 2. To master the expressions of possessions and use them in their daily life.Teachingaids PPT, picture

4、s, a model kite.ProceduresStep1 warmup 1. Greetings. 2. Enjoy a song: The seasons song. 3. Review: Four seasons. T: How many seasons are there in a year? Ss: There are four seasons. T: What are they? Ss: Spring, summer, autumn and winter. 4. Chant: Spring, spring, I like spring. Summer, summer, I li

5、ke summer. Autumn, autumn, I like autumn. Winter, winter, I like winter. 5. Ask and answer: -Whats your favourite season? -I like . T: Well, I like spring. And whats your favourite season,P1? P1: I like.Step2 Presentation 1. spring-fly a kite 1). T: I like spring. Do you know why? Because I can fly

6、a kite. 2).Read: fly a kite. 2. Learning: go swimming 1). Play the video: swimming. swimming-go swimming. 2).Swimming match: swimming, swimming, go swimming. 3). I like summer. Because I can go swimming. 3. Learning: eat ice cream 1).Play the video: ice cream. ice cream +eat = eat ice cream 2).Woode

7、n child. 3).Read by groups: ice cream, eat ice cream, I can eat ice cream. 4). -Whats your favourite season?-I like summer.-Why?-Because I can eat ice cream.4. Learning: eat fruit 1). (Take out some fruit.) T: Wow, there are some fruit. Do you want to eat? 2). eat + fruit = eat fruit 3). Magic hand.

8、 4). Read by groups: fruit, eat fruit, I can eat fruit. 5).Practise it in the sentences.4. Learning: go skating” 1).Do and guess. 2). Teach: go skating. (little teacher) 3).Rock, paper and scissors: go skating, go skating, I can go skating. 4).Practise it in the sentences.Step3 Practise and consolid

9、ation 1. Bomb game. 2. Missing game. 3. Hitting golden eggs. 4. Work in pairs: -Whats your favourite season? -I like. -Why? -Because I can. 5. Listen and answer. 1). Roses favourite season is_. A. spring B.summer C. autumn D. winter 2).Le Le loves winter because he can_. A. B. C. 6. Read and match.S

10、tep4 Sum-up 1. Enjoy a video. 2. Sum-up. 3. Homework: Draw a picture: My favourite season.(write: I like . Because I can .)Layout of the blackboard Lesson L Whats Your Favourite Season?Whats your favourite season?I like.(fall)TVWhy?Because I can. fly a kite go swimming eat ice cream eat fruit go ska

11、tingSelf-evaluation一、运用语言创设情景。运用语言创设情景是指教师时而用富有情趣的、生动形象的语言,描述事件发生的场景,叙述事情的经过,使学生在教师的语言描述中入情入境,产生深刻的体验;时而用亲切的目光、期待的眼神、热情的微笑、潇洒的手势,对教学情景起到补充、配合、修饰作用,教师通过表情让情景的表现更加准确、丰富,更容易为学生所接受,引导他们全身心地投入到情景中去。但是本堂课在语言创设情景中仍有不足之处,当我在引入Spring is my favourite season时,在开头可以用生动的语言给学生描述春天的美好:its warm in spring.birds are

12、singing.bees are working I like spring.教师在描述时加上丰富的表情、动作,完全把学生带进了春天的世界,为后面学习四个季节提供了更为真实的情景。同时运用语言创设情景适合于课堂的任何时候,这种方法也是最简洁,最方便的方法之一。二、巧用游戏活跃课堂。游戏是学生喜闻乐见的活动形式。因为有了游戏的设计,带给了学生兴奋、快乐、竞争的体验,避免了学习的枯燥乏味。德国教育家福禄贝尔是西方第一个提出游戏和教学结合起来这一思想的教育家。他认为,游戏是儿童活动的特点,儿童游戏往往伴随着语言的表达,这有利于儿童语言的发展。而在小学英语教学中,游戏一直是激发学生学习兴趣、维持学生学

13、习意愿的有效策略。如在本堂课中,我采用了炸弹游戏、Whats missing? 和砸金蛋的游戏,不仅让他们掌握了新知识,还能够活学活用,拓展了思维。当然,如果能将砸金蛋游戏中的单词拓展到句子的应用上,对学生的综合水平会有更大的提升。三、运用多媒体优化效果。随着多媒体技术在教学中的引入,灵活运用各种电教手段,为学生提供了真实自然的语言示范,能使教学变得生动、活泼、感染力强,让学生置身于以英语为第二语言的情景中,体验英语的实际运用。在本堂课中,我在引入go swimming, eat ice cream时,采用了倒霉熊和吃冰淇淋的动画短片,趣味性强,孩子们都喜欢,一目了然。运用多媒体教学手段,拓展

14、了教学情景,多方面的调动了学生的感官,让学生多渠道地获得信息,从而增长了知识,丰富了实践体验。四、运用生活实际拓展情景。苏霍姆林斯基说:“把知识加以运用,使学生感到知识是一种使人变得崇高的力量,这是兴趣的重要来源。”这正如我一直思考的问题,学生得到了书本上的知识,但是缺少运用知识的机会。我们只有在课堂中创设真实的生活情景,把书本上抽象的知识还原为生活中实实在在的情景,将书本世界与生活世界紧密联系,才可以增强知识直观性,便于学生理解语言、感受语言、感受文化。因此,我在最后一个环节中设计了一段Four Seasons的配乐诗朗诵,在视频中播放了一年四季,并描述司机的特点及人们的活动,表达了对四季、大自然的热爱!孩子们在这个环节里能将学到的单个的单词汇成四季的认知体系,进一步拓展了自己对知识的运用。


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