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1、of动 词 + s b / a despoil ,fleece ,rob ,spoil ,pillage ,plunder ; bereave ,denude, deprive ,dispossess ,shear ,strip ; deplete ,drain ,empty ,impoverish ;cleanse ,clear ,disabuse ,disburden ,disembarrass ,ease ,exorcise ,purify ,relieve ,rid ,sweep ;accuse ,acquit ,convict ,impeach ;apprise ,inform ,n

2、otify ,remind ,warn ,admonish ; assure ,convince ,persuade ;cure ,heal ;cheat ,defraud ; avail ,suspect ;抢劫,剥夺,耗尽,消除,控告,提醒,保证,治愈,诈取, 利用,怀疑动词 +sb into doing sthdeceive ,trick ,fool ,lie ,bluff ,juggle ,delude ,bamboozle ,hoax ,cajole ,kid ,charm ,dupe ,coax ,con ,wile ,wheedle ,beguile ,jockey ,cozen

3、 ,lure ,entrap ,entice ,inveigle ,rope ,trap ,manoeuvre ,seduce ,humbug , hoodwink ;bounce ,browbeat ,frighten ,intimidate ,stampede ,surprise ; galvanize ,goad ,hurry ,provoke ,stimulate ,sting ; nag ,badger ;argue ,talk ,persuade ,misguide ,mislead ; 欺骗,吓唬,强迫,驱使,纠缠,劝说 动词 +sb /sth from doing sthdet

4、er ,discourage ,dissuade ,hinder ,hold ,inhibit ,keep ,prevent ,prohibit , stop ;ban ,bar ,debar ,enjoin ,interdict ;disable ,disqualify ,distract ,incapacitate ,protect ,save ,excuse,relieve ; 阻止,劝阻,禁止,使得无能,免于 动词 +sb for doing sth blame ,censure ,chide ,rebuke ,reproach ,reprove ,scold ,upbraid , c

5、hastise ,prosecute ;criticize ,lecture ,punish ; discharge ,dismiss ,fire ; excuse ,forgive ,pardon ;thank ; 责备,控告,指责,批评,教训,惩罚,开除,解雇,原谅,感谢,使人心 寒 动词 +oneself / sth to doing sth habituate ,adjust ,accommodate ,conform ,resign ,reconcile ,submit,limit ,restrict ;contribute ,dedicate ,devote ,give ,appl

6、y ; 习惯,适用,听从,反身代词限制,贡献,醉心,用于 动词 +doing sthshun ,avoid ,shirk ,miss ,evade ,escape ,save ;advocate ,advise ,suggest ,recommend ,admit ,acknowledge ,confess,deny ,defer ,delay ,hold off ,put off ,postpone ;bar ,discourage ,forbid ,prevent ,prohibit ,discontinue ,give up ,leave off ,quit ,stop ,recall

7、,recollect ,mention ,report; enjoy ,dislike ,grudge ,relish ,appreciate ,resent ,detest ,mind , overlook ;anticipate ,consider ,contemplate ,doubt ,can t resist ,cannot help stick ,risk ,finish ,involve ,resume ,keep ,practise ,excuse ; 回避,避免,没赶上,逃脱, 主张,建议,承认,后拖, 禁止,回忆,回想起,提到报道, 喜爱,不喜爱,痛恨,介意,忽略, 期望,

8、考虑,怀疑,打算,禁不住, 忍受,冒险,完成,包含,停止,继续 动词 +to doing sthfall ,take ,admit ,confess ,see ,descend ,resort ,contribute ;switch ,witness ,testify ,amount ,apply ,stoop ,submit ; 开始,承认,注意,竟做出,求助,转换,做证,证明,相当于,堕落 动词 +n./adv. +to doing sth set one s mind to ,get down to ,get around to ;what would /do you say to ,w

9、hen it comes to ,as to ,in/with referenceto ,with relation to ,with regard to ,with an eye to ,with a view to ,look forward to ,go far to ;be given to ,be/feel up to ;pass on to ,plead guilty to ,come down to ; 一心想,要,认真,花时间去做, 认为,关于,期望,大有帮助, 非常喜欢,觉得,担当, 转向,服罪,竟落到如此地步 易误用为及物动词的不及物动词 容许,广告,征求,赞同,坚持,应付

10、,处理,不赞同, 担心,干扰,开刀,误送,依靠,分享,参加,专攻, 订阅,回响,继承,情同,歧视,爆发,嘲笑,敲动 admit of ,allow of ,advertise for ,approve of ; adhere to ,deal with ,cope with ,disapprove of ;fear for ,interfere in ,operate on ,miscarry (误投,失败,流产,是不及物动词,不可用于被动语态 ) ;participate in ,partake of ,rely on ,specialize in ; subscribe to ,refer

11、 to ,reply to ,succeed to ,sympathize with ;discriminate against ,break out ,laugh at ,knock at ;名词 + of doingidea ,prospect ,intention ,hope ;property ,privilege ,risk ,probability ,possibility ,impossibility ,pretense ;act ,duty ,distinction ,expectation ; gratification ,hobby ,habit ; 想法,前景,打算,目的

12、,希望, 特性,特权,危险,嫌疑,假装, 行动,义务,突出,期盼, 高兴,爱好,习惯 名词 + to do sth /of doing sth aspiration ,authority ,challenge ,courage ; evidence ,appointment ,fortune ,effort ; plot ,permission ,attempt ; campaign ,occasion ,anxiety ; wish ,inducement ,order ,temptation ; invitation ,disposition ,impulse ,willingness ;

13、 渴望,权利,需要,挑战,勇气, 证明,雄心,决定,运气,努力, 约定,阴谋,容许,尝试, 战役,有理由,不着急, 动力,命令,有诱惑力,邀请,倾向,冲动,乐意名词 + to do sth 或 for doing sthinstruction ,time ,plan ,scheme ;warrant ,precedent ,excuse ,cause ,reason ,device ,preparation ; 通知,时间,计划,阴谋,凭证,先例,理由,器具,药剂 形容词 + to doing sthprior ,preliminary ,preparatory ,previous ,unus

14、ed ,unaccustomed ; equal ,comparable ,equivalent ,averse ,incident ,incidental ; 在之前,不习惯,等于,醉心,反对,伴随 形容词 + of sthcareful ,careless ,cautious ,disregardful ,heedful ,heedless ,irre spective ,argumentative ,demonstrative ,eloquent ,emblematic ,exhibitive , expressive ,indicative ,illustrative ,ominous

15、 ,portentous ,prognos tic ,prophetic ,remindful ,reminiscent ,revelatory ,representative ,sig nificant ,weary ,significative ,suggestive ,symbolic ,symptomatic ,sick ,tired guilty ,guiltless ,innocent ,deserving ,worthy ,unworthy ,mindful , mindless ,reckless ,regardful ,regardless ,thoughtful ,unmi

16、ndful ; aware ,cognizant ,conscious ,ignorant ,imperceptive ,incognizant , intelligent ,nescient ,presentient ,fearful ,selfaware ,senseless ,sensible ,sentient ,superconscious ,unaware ,unconscious ;afraid ,unafraid ,fearsome ,apprehensive ,shy ,ashamed ,inapprehen sive , frightened ,scared ;consumptive ,chary ,prodigal ,economical ,frugal ,sparing ,unsparing wasteful ,profuse ;


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