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1、关于中学生英文的自我介绍3篇当进入一个新环境,我们总少不了要向他人介绍自己,自我介绍是一种相识自我的手段。如何编写一段特性的自我介绍?以下是我为大家整理的中学生英文的自我介绍篇,欢迎大家共享。中学生英文的自我介绍 篇1 Myame*Im hiteeyears old m f medum, 1 eter 6,te ent rowin e clas, lonshot se, hdsee oo i,a pairfys ar o bg,blu eyespel, a ig uhspecial ca say, asons yosai,a an hour is lsonopobem,is neiter ta

2、llnor ort,no at or thi body. Al inal, it iandome.go to schonBijng *, or cool iform otod, i is blue, isvr goodto recogne, it is middle scoostudnts My avantage istht I lov oe. vrmorning,Igo ttoxrci,un, play wi bars and so o.中学生英文的自我介绍 篇2 Good mornnveryn! am X,ro X. have knoneah othe fr me ti,Im ery le

3、asd tomae frienwth you al.Ialsolke signbt travelingis y vorte, I hae bent manyntesting laes in Chna ut haet bee o oher cories. ht pit! t shool, I ty hiee,Math,ngi, Coputer,and so n like ll of tm. Ioten hpy ch ta careom clasnd think Iam a t is godhepe.I live wimpents and e hoeon time every dy. When s

4、 t hom, oenelpd mymom to d o hsewok. Mom sad Ias also a it is goo elper. My mr i hairsser, he cut h hi wll. She is vry k andmanypeopleikehe. h often tehes m how to larn. f yu wanto lnEngs we, herer me ofmy suggetions. Yo hve t read a ot of aticles right fr the sart, ad you alo f words.foucome across

5、ome ne wod, yo can findhm i theditry Youshould ko wt te men an ho to rad nd spellte.If youkp rkg, ouwillscced Wel, you hould peak English a mch s youcan. eebr an odayg tti y t ou hartin, ohin in tworld is imposible. Nting moe, thank you中学生英文的自我介绍 篇3 中文: 大家好,我的名字叫项某某。我是一个刚刚迈入中学大门的初一新生,与众多新生一样,我带着充溢新奇

6、和有着剧烈求知欲望的心来到了神圣的殿堂。想必大家对我还不是很熟识吧!下面我就给大家做一下自我介绍 本人相貌平平:圆圆的脸上嵌着一双不大但炯炯有神的眼睛;眼睛下面是塌的几乎贴到脸上的鼻子,甚至能让人想起“坦荡平原”“;鼻子下面是我那张能说会道的嘴,它时常能帮助我给大家带来快乐!我虽然相貌平平,但是我的性格却和许多和我同龄的女生大不一样:我有一头乌黑、清爽的短发,再“配”上我的外表和名字,怎么看怎么像一个男孩子。我的爱好和性格也和众多男生一样,我爱好体育,羽毛球和乒乓球室我的最爱;我的性格也和男生差不多,我喜爱干事利索,一本正经,有始有终,不喜爱拖泥带水,磨磨蹭蹭的。这或许算是我的优点吧!因为,从

7、小我就喜爱一本正经、坚持不懈地去做一件事,就算遇上再大的困难,我也会接着。我可不是在吹牛: 记得我刚从老家转学到北京的时候,我对英语真得可以说是七窍通了六窍一窍不通。那时我已经四年级了,我这个人原来就要强,看着同学们在考试的时候总是能拿到志向的分数,自己却不行以,心里真得很不是味道。也就是在这时候,我在心里暗暗里下决心:我肯定要赶上我们班同学,争取超越他们!从那以后,我便起先为兑现自己的诺言付出努力:每周日都上个小时的课外班;每天晚上都做练习就这样,靠着我对英语的执着,我的英语成果渐渐的提高了,不知不觉中,我的英语成果已经名列前茅,这使得我别提有多兴奋了!同样,这也印证了中国的一句古话:世上无

8、难事,只怕有心人!你们说,是吗 没有一个人是完备的,当然我或许多缺点。但其中最“致命”的还是我特别的马虎。这个缺点已经伴随了我六年了,我真得很想改掉它。可是,我怎么努力也无济于事,总是在重要关头出现一些小错误。我真的希望我可以改掉这个缺点,还是那句老话:世上无难事,只怕有心人!我信任,总有一天我会有我的优点战胜我致命的缺点。你们相识我了吗?这就是我,一个相貌平平的我,一个像男孩子一样的我,一个坚持不懈地我,一个马虎的我。英文: ello, my na iXXX. I ama freshmn whust ntered te midlesch gaeLikmny frehmn, Iame tote

9、sced hal ith hecuriosit nd curioity. think u are not vey familiar wth me. Ill iveyou a ref intouctin Implin: round face h pair of all but bgt eyes; es bel is th cllapsef the ae almot touching the noe,even remniscento lai; he ne isy gli muh, can often hepme t rig yu!ltoh hav fltaperan, my characer is

10、quiteferent from a lo ogirlso my age. ave bac, rfrshing so har, admath my appeara ande, hw to ok lik aboy Myhobies an personlitys wellas manboys, I ke sorts, bdmintoad table ennis oom I lo; m chaacteran I love by lmos,dire ofile,ker-faed,enot love slow, dawdle. This m my advantageSince ws ung, lik t

11、o do soethin oem and unremitting, and een if I h igdiffcuty, I illcontinue m not bostg: I remeber when rst me home om thetrafto Bejin, mEngish reallycan esaid to be ot throuh he six oifices, ttelnan of. Att ime, was in rae fr, an I was rng eouh o eehtmy clasmates ould lway get the idea scres wile te

12、ywere inexainaions, but eycouldnt do i themsve.At his time, I made up my mind Scelin my eart: must catc up wit our classmtes and stri to ass hm! Snce hen,I bentowo hrd t ep my romise: 3 ous oflass las evry Sunay; ery night I o exercis. In this y, wth m prsistenc inEnglish, ynglsh ores gradualy mpove

13、d,andI raizdat Englih scres wer athe p f te it, whicmadmegld t mtioni. In tame way, i alsonirms n ancientChinse sayi: hee is noting dificut inth word, nlya mn of hert! You ay, right?No one peret, and ourseI have manyhortcmings.Bu the ostfata f te s hat I very arlss.Thi shortomingha ben with me osix years, andI a want to gt rd


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