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1、定语从句专项报告-定语从句常见错误例析青岛六中 周汝宁【热点综述】定语从句是高中英语新教材中一个非常重要的语法项目 ,亦是一个难 点, 同时也是近几年高考英语单项填空题考查的热点。 由于其用法及内容繁 杂,还牵涉到动词时态、主谓一致、不定代词等项目 ,在使用中往往犯这样 或那样的错误 ,以至在考试中造成失分现象。为澄清对定语从句的理解上所存在的误区 , 避免由于判断上的失误而造 成的失分现象 ,现对在使用定语从句时常犯的错误进行归纳和总结。 1. 省去作主语的关系代词(1 【误】 The changes have happened in the past few years make the

2、city look evenmore beautiful.【正】 The changes that have happened in the past few years make the city look even more beautiful.(2 【误】 Those want to visit the art exhibition sign your names, please【.正】 Those who want to visit the art exhibition sign your names, please.【析】关系代词在定语从句中作宾语时可以省去,而作主语却不可省去。 又

3、如 :Most of the people who were invited to the conference were famous scientists from Africa.(who 不能省略2.从句中使用冗余的人称代词或副词(1 The compositions we handed th em in wot weeks ago haven t been marked yet.【析】从句中省去了作宾语的关系代词that/which,故 them 为多余 的 ,应去掉。(2 After living in Paris for 50 years, he returned to the s

4、mall town where he grew up as a child there.【析】关系副词where 在从句中作地点状语 ,使用 there 属语义重 复 ,故去掉。3. as 与 it, which 混用(1【误】 It has been mentioned above, the number of senior high school students isincreasing.【正】 As has been mentioned above, the number of senior high school students isincreasing.【析】 as 引导的非限定

5、性定语从句置于句首,对整个主句起说明作用。(2【误】 As is known to all that smoking does great harm to health.【正】 It is known to all that smoking does great harm to health.或 As is known to all, smoking does great harm to health.【析】 As 引导非限定性定语从句 ,若置于句首 ,要用逗号与主句隔开 ; it 放在句子开头 ,作形式主语 ,将从句置于句子后边 ,中间无逗号。 (3【误】 Tom drinks a lot

6、every day, as his wife doesn t like at all.【正】 Tom drinks a lot every day, which his wife doesnt like at all.【析】用 as/which 引导非限定性定语从句的区别在于 :as 从句既可放 在主句后 , 也可置于句首 , 而 which 从句只能放在主句后面 :当主句与从句 语义一致时 ,通常用 as ;反之则用 which 。也就是说 ,定语从句如果表否定 意义 ,往往用 which 引导。4.从句中误用人称代词或物主代词。(1【误】 China has hundreds of isl

7、ands, the largest of them is Taiwan.【正】 China has hundreds of islands, the largest of which is Taiwan或. China has hundreds of islands, and the largest of them is Taiwan.(2 【误】 He has two sons, both of whom are technicians.【正】 He has two sons, both of them are technicians.He has two sons, and both of

8、 them are technicians.【析】在定语从句中要用关系代词和关系副词,不能用人称代词和副词。人称代词和副词只能用在独立的单句或分句中。(3 【误】 The boss in his department Ms.King worked looked down upon women.【正】 The boss in whose department Ms.King worked looked down upon women.【析】从句中用whose 作定语 ,修饰名词。又如 :Have you seen the film“ Titanic” , whose leading actors

9、-famous?areworld5.关系代词与关系副词混用。(1【误】 What I miss badly are those happy hours when I spent together with them.【正】 What I miss badly are those happy hours (that/which I spent together withthem.(2 【误】 I live in Hong Kong, where is the Special Administrative Zone. 【正】 I live in Hong Kong, which is the Sp

10、ecial Administrative Zone. (3【误】 Is this museum the one where some German friends visited the other day?【正】 Is this museum the one that/which some German friends visited the otherday?【析】 关系代词在定语从句中作主语、表语和定语等 ; 而关系副词在从句中作状语。6.误用 v-ing 结构替换定语从句。(1【误】 The girl bringing milk here every morning is from a

11、 mountain village.【正】 The girl who brings milk here every morning is from a mountain village.(2 【误】 The scholars returning from abroad recently were awarded by the localgovernment.【正】 The scholars who had returned from abroad recently were awarded by thelocal government.【析】下列两种情况定语从句不宜用v-ing 替换 :定语从

12、句谓语动词的动作先于主句谓语动词的动作。7. that 与 which 的混用(1【误】 The weather turned out to be very good, that was more than we expected.【正】 The weather turned out to be very good, which was more than we expected.(2【误】 The stories about the Second World War were well written, of that this isone example.【正】 The stories a

13、bout the Second World War were well written, of which this isone example.【析】that 和which 各有使用的情况,两者不能混淆。在非限制性从句及介 词后要使用which 。 下 列 情 况 须 用that : 先 行 词 为something/anything/everything/nothing/all/much/little 等。 先行词被形容词最高级、序数词修饰时。先行词被all/the very/the only 等修饰时。先行词既有人 ,又有物时。如 :(1T he thief finally handed

14、 everything that he had stolen to the police.(2A ll that can be done must be done well.(3T he Origin of Species was one of the most important books that were published during the 18th century.(4I n class our teacher told us about the famous writer and his masterpieces that were unknown to us all.(5A h, here is the very thing that I am after.8.数的误用(1【误】 I, who is your close friend, will certainly help you when in trouble.【正】 I, who am your clos



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