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1、最近在网上寻找资料,获益非浅。不能光索取而不奉献,花了一周的时间,牺牲了晚上和周末,得罪了夫 人。当然了,整理过程中,自己也有所提高。 同时也呼吁大家行动起来,多总结经验形成文字。当然了,年 轻人有所保留是可以理解的,毕竟为了减少竞争者;但是有些人说自己是退休者,为啥如此吝啬或障碍重重?网络是一个虚拟世界,现实生活已经有如此众多的虚伪,面子,为啥还要将其带入网络中呢?多么希望技 术栏目中能恢复人与人间的真诚与无私奉献,体现出知识分子.学者.工程师的风范。当然,许多人不错,但是 更多的人让我感觉差劲。我很少上网,也不愿与人争吵,只是提出个人的感受而已。铝电解电容的寿命电源产品中经常用到铝电解电容

2、,他的寿命往往决定了整个产品的寿命。因此,了解如何计算铝电解电容 的寿命很有必要。下面将我的一些心得整理出来,供大家参考。希望有助于提高国人的知识水平。说白了很简 单,只不过很多人找不到相关的资料而已。同时也希望学校的教材中能够近早讲解相关知识。我尽量少翻译, 因为我的语言能力及相关的专业术语还不行。仅供参考。Chapter 1 铝电解电容的特性1.1 Circuit model (等效模型)The following circuit models the aluminium electrolytic capacitors normal operation as well as the ove

3、r voltage and reverse voltage behavior. (此模型包含正常运行,过压,反压时的特性)CA= Anode capacitance (阳极电容)Cc= Cathode capacitance (阴极电容)RP= Parallel resistance, due to dielectric (并联电阻)ESR = Series resistance, as a result of connections, paper, electrolyte, ect. 等效串联电阻 L = Winding inductance and connections 等效串联电感D

4、= Over and reverse voltage 等效稳压管The capacitance Ca and Cc are the capacitance of the capacitor and is frequency and temperature depe nded. (Ca and Cc,它的容量是频率及温度的函数)The resistance ESR is the equivalent series resistance which is frequency and temperature depended. It also increases with the rated vol

5、tage. (ESR是频率及温度的函数,随着额定电压的增加而增加)The inductance L is the equivalent series inductance, and its independent for both frequency and temperature. It increases with terminal spacing. (L 是频率及温度的函数)The resistance Rp is the equivalent parallel resistance and accounts for leakage current in the capacitor. I

6、t decreases with in creas ing the capacita nee, temperature and voltage and it in creases with time. (Rp 的大小 决定了漏电流的大小,随着容量温度电压的增加而降低,随着使用时间的延长而增加)The zener diode D models the over voltage and reverse voltage behavior. Application of over voltage on the order of 50 V bey ond the capacitors surge vol

7、tage rati ng causes high。(D 模拟过压及加反向电压时特性) Leakage current and a constant voltage-operating mode quite like the reverse conduction of a zenerdiode. Applications of reverse voltage much beyond 1.5 V causes high leakage current quite like the forward conduction of a diode. Neither of these operating m

8、odes can be maintained for long because hydrogen gas is produced, and the pressure built up will cause failure.(加到电容两端的反向电压不能大于 1.5V)1.2 Capacitance (电容的容量)The rated capacitance is the nominal capacitance and it is specified at 120 Hz and a temperature of 25 C. Capacitanee is a measure of the energy

9、 storage capability of a capacitor at a given voltage.(额定容量: 标 称电压,120Hz, 259时测量)。The capacitance decreases under load conditions and increases under no load conditions over time. When reverse voltage or excessive ripple current is applied, or when the capacitor is repeatedly charged and discharged,

10、 an aluminium oxide film is formed on the cathode foil. This film induces a sharp capacitance drop. Capacitance in aluminium electrolytic capacitors is also affected by frequency changes. For example, the capacitance falls as the frequency rises. Variation of magnitude depends on capacitor type. (电容

11、上的纹波 电流,频繁地充放电导致阴极箔氧化,容量急剧下降)1.3 Equivalent series resistance (ESR)The equivalent Series Resistance (ESR) is the sum of all the internal resistances of a capacitor measured in Ohms. It includes:- Resistance due to aluminium oxide thickness- Resistance due to electrolyte / spacer combination- Resista

12、nce due to materials (Foil length; Tabbing; Lead wires; Contact resistance)At low frequencies (10 TOO Hz) the ESR is determined by the oxide thickness, electrolyte / spacer combination and the materials. Above the 100 Hz electrolyte / spacer combination and the materials predominate.The lower the ES

13、R the higher the current carrying ability the capacitor will have. The amount of heat generated by ripple current depends upon the ESR of the capacitor.ESR is both frequency and temperature dependent, increasing either will cause a reduction in ESR. The ESR is an important parameter in calculating l

14、ife expectancy as the power dissipation (internally generated heat) is directly proportional to its value.The limit is gen erally established at 120 Hz and 20 C.The ESR of the electrolytic capacitor can cause another effect, especially above the 1O kHz where the ESR is the dominant contribution to t

15、he capacitors impedance.When a current charges / discharges the capacitor, the voltage across the capacitor will increase / decrease: i = cdVdtand causes a voltage drop over the ESR (流过电容的充放电电流因为ESR而产生纹波电压)V 二 I - ESR如果电容由低占空比,高频脉冲电流充电时,比较典型的是fly-back电源的输出滤波电容,ESR引起的纹波 电压是最重要的,导致必须选用合适ESR的电容来满足要求。电容

16、的容量不是主要考虑的问题。电容ESR的危害:(1)电容上的纹波电压(2)纹波电流流过ESR发热,使电容寿命缩短。(DF:损耗因子)ESR与DF的关系(Fig. 1.2)1.4 Dissipation factor (tanS)损耗角或损耗因子影响损耗角或损耗因子的因素:电容的ESR,容量,工作频率The dissipation factor (also called Angle of loss or tangent delta) is a measure of the losses (or, the power factor) of a capacitor. When sinusoidal current is applied to an ideal capacitor, the phase of current should gain 冗/2, however the phase of current actu


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