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1、2022年考博英语-西北大学考前提分综合测验卷(附带答案及详解)1. 单选题It has been ten years since I ( )you last.问题1选项A.seeB.sawC.didnt seeD.havent seen【答案】B【解析】根据last可知这里应该为一般过去时,排除选项A和D;根据句意可知,选项B正确。句意:自从我上次见你到现在已经有十年了。2. 单选题The hotel was a four-storey building away from the university where most competitors were accommodated.问题1

2、选项A.put upB.put downC.put inD.put over【答案】A【解析】accommodated在这里指容纳,安置。put up提供,建造,举起;put down 放下,镇压;put in 提交,放入;put over 推迟,驶过。选项A放在句中最为恰当,符合语境。3. 单选题The cost of making the programs was shared by a consortium of six public television stations.问题1选项A.conformationB.associationC.patchworkD.combine【答案】B

3、【解析】句意:制作这些节目的成本由六家公共电视台共同承担。consortium意为“联合,合伙”。conformation 构造,一致,符合;association协会,联盟,联合;patchwork 拼缝物,混杂物;combine联合企业。选项B与之意思最为相近。4. 单选题The Americans lost the nuclear weapon monopoly when the Soviets exploded their first atomic bomb.问题1选项A.controlB.businessC.superiorityD.privilege【答案】A【解析】句意:苏联第一

4、颗原子弹爆炸后,美国失去了核武器的垄断地位。monopoly意为“垄断,专卖”,也就是具有控制权。所以control与之意思相近。5. 单选题Some scientists hypothesized that there are intellectual beings on some ( )bodies.问题1选项A.astronauticB.celestialC.astronomicalD.astrological【答案】B【解析】考查形容词辨析。A项astronautic“太空航行的,宇航员的”,C项astronomical“天文的,天文学的”,D项astrological“占星的,占星学

5、的,占星术的”,B项celestial“天上的,天空的”,celestial body表示“天体”。由intellectual beings“有智力的生物”可知,空格部分表示“在一些天体上”。句意:一些科学家假设某些天体上有智慧生物。因此,该题选择B项正确。6. 单选题Diamonds have little ( )value and their price depends almost entirely on their scarcity.问题1选项A.extinctB.permanentC.surplusD.intrinsic【答案】D【解析】extinct灭绝的,绝种的;permanen

6、t永久的,不变的;surplus剩余的,过剩的;intrinsic本质的,固有的。 句意:钻石本身没有什么价值,它们的价格几乎完全取决于它们的稀缺性。选项D符合句意。7. 翻译题1.Libraries other than those listed above require additional registration before you can access their collections.2.In the past, he used to tell us of his expeditions through the woods and fields round his home,

7、 and how he explored the solitary brooks and ponds; and then he described the curious animals and birds he saw.3.七月份中国消费物价指数与去年同期比下降了 0.9%, 而六月份该指数下降了 0.8%。【答案】1.除了上面列举的图书馆外,使用其他图书馆的藏书,你还需要另行注册。2.以前他时常对我说关于他在他家周围的森林和原野中探险的事,以及他怎样找到一些偏僻的溪流和池塘的情形,然后他会描述他所见到的珍禽异兽。3.Chinas consumer price index in July d

8、ropped by 0.9 percent compared with that of the same period in last year and the index fell 0.8% in June.8. 单选题All the off-shore oil explorers were in high spirits as they read ( )letters from their families.问题1选项A.sentimentalB.affectionateC.intimateD.sensitive【答案】B【解析】sentimental 伤感的,多愁善感的;affectio

9、nate 深情的,充满爱的;intimate 亲密的,精通的;sensitive 敏感的,易受伤害的。句意:所有的海上石油探测者读到家人写的充满爱的信时,都会情绪高涨。选项B符合语境。9. 单选题He was filled with apprehension about the future.问题1选项A.fearB.hesitationC.excitementD.eagerness【答案】A【解析】根据句意可知,apprehension意为恐惧。fear 害怕,恐惧;hesitation犹豫;excitement刺激,兴奋;eagerness渴望,热心。选项A与之意思相近。10. 单选题Al

10、l individuals are required to ( )to the laws made by their governments.问题1选项A.obeyB.conformC.concedeD.observe【答案】B【解析】obey服从,听从;conform遵守,使一致,顺从;concede承认,退让;observe观察,注意到,评论。 句意:所有个人都必须遵守政府制定的法律。选项B符合句意。11. 翻译题疲劳是人们向医生、朋友和亲人最常抱怨的问题之一。或许你认为在这个拥有各种节省体力的装置和方便的交通设施的时代。很少有人会有理由感到如此疲劳。然而,今天与用手捆干草,用搓衣板洗衣服

11、的昔日相比,抱怨疲劳的人也许更多了。据医生们说,疲倦更可能是由于过少的活动所致,而不是过多的活动所引起的。情绪问题和烦恼,特别是忧郁和焦虑,显然是长期疲劳最常见的原因。【答案】Fatigue is one of the most common problems complained by people to doctors, friends and folks. Perhaps you think that few would have reasons to feel tired in the era of full of all kinds of strength-saving device

12、 and convenient transport facilities. However, maybe more people complain about the fatigue nowadays than the old days when baling hay by hand and washing clothes with a washboard. As the doctor said, fatigue is more likely to result from too little activity, and not to be caused by too many activit

13、ies. Emotional problems and trouble, especially depression and anxiety, are clearly the most common cause of chronic fatigue.12. 单选题You cant be ( )careful in making the decision as it was such a critical case.问题1选项A.veryB.quiteC.tooD.so【答案】C【解析】cant be too 为固定搭配,意为“再也不为过”。句意:这是一个如此重要的案件,你做决定时怎么谨慎也不过

14、分。选项C符合句意。13. 单选题The use of seat belts is ( )in many countries in the world; failure to wear them may result in fines.问题1选项A.covertB.cruelC.compulsoryD.constrained【答案】C【解析】covert 隐藏的,隐秘的;cruel 残忍的, 残酷的;compulsory 强制的,义务的;constrained 不自然的,过于受约束的。 句意:世界上许多国家对安全带的使用是强制性的,不戴可能会被罚款。选项C符合句意。14. 单选题These are signs that the presidency will attempt to put environmental issues on high its ( ).问题1选项A.legislationB.trendC.mainstreamD.agenda【答案】D【解析】legislation 立法,法律;trend 趋势,倾向;mainstream 主流;agenda 议程,日程表。句意:这


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