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1、高考英语put短语put sth/yourself across/over (to sb)to communicate your ideas, feelings, etc. successfully to sb 清楚地表达(自己的想法、感情等):Shes not very good at putting her views across. 她不大善于表达自己的观点。 He was trying to putting across a serious point. 他想解释清楚一个重要的问题。 Kate is good at putting herself across at interview

2、s. 面试时凯特善于清楚表达自己的意思。put sth aside1) to place sth to one side 把放在一边:She put the newspaper aside and stood up. 她把报纸放在旁边站了起来。2) (= put sth away) to save some money to use later攒钱,积蓄:We put some money aside every month for our retirement. 我们每月都存一些钱供退休后使用。3) to keep a period of time for a particular task

3、 or activity 留出(时间):I put aside half an hour to write my diary. 我每天留出半小时写日记。4) to try to stop thinking about a problem, argument, or disagreement, because you want to achieve sth 把(某事物)撇开不理;不考虑:They decided to put aside their differences. 他们决定搁置双方的分歧。 You must put aside your pride and apologize to h

4、im. 你必须放下自尊向他道歉。put sth away1) to put sth in the place where it is kept because you have finished using it将收起;把放回原处:He washed the dishes and put them away. 他把盘子洗干净放回碗柜。2) (= put sth aside) 攒钱;积蓄:Shes putting some money away for college. 她正在攒钱准备上大学。put sth back1) to return sth to its usual place or t

5、o the place where it was before it was moved把放回:If you use something, put it back! 用过的东西要放回原处!2) to move sth to a later time or date 推迟;延迟:The meeting has been put back to next week. 这次会议已延期到下周了。3) to cause sth to be delayed 拖延;延缓;使延迟:This fire could put back the opening date by several weeks. 这场大火会

6、使开业日期延迟几个星期。put sth behind youto try to forget about an unpleasant experience and think about the future 把某事置之脑后:She wanted to put the past behind her. 她想忘掉过去。put sb down; put yourself downto criticize sb and make them look or feel stupid, especially in front of other people; to say sth that suggest

7、s that you have a low opinion of yourself 批评某人;使(当众)出丑;使出洋相;自我贬低:Shes always putting people down. 她总是挖苦别人。 Dont put yourself down! 别妄自菲薄!put sth down1) 搁在(桌子上等);放下:She put her bag down by the door. 她把包放在门边。 Its a great book. I couldnt put it down. 这本书棒极了。我简直爱不释手。2) (= write sth down) 写下;记下:The meeti

8、ng is on the 22nd. Put it down in your diary. 会议日期是22号。把它记在你的记事本里。3) 镇压;平定:The military government is determined to put down all opposition. 军政府决心镇压一切反对力量。put sth down to sthto consider that sth is caused by sth 把归因于:What do you put her success down to? 你认为她是靠什么成功的?put sb/yourself forwardto suggest

9、sb/yourself as a candidate for a job or position 推荐;荐举:Can I put you/your name forward for club secretary? 我推荐你/提名你任俱乐部秘书好不好?put sth forward1) to move sth to an earlier time or date 将提前:Were put the wedding forward by one week. 我们已把婚礼提前了一周。2) to suggest sth for discussion 提出;提议;建议:to put forward a s

10、uggestionput in; put in sth打断讲话,插话:“But what about us?” he put in quickly. “可我们怎么办呢?”他连忙插嘴问。 Could I put in a word? 我可以插句话吗?put sth in1) 安装(设备,家具等):Steve put the shower in by himself. 史蒂夫自己把淋浴器装上了。2) 把写进(信函、故事等);添上;插入:He didnt put anything in his letter about coming to stay. 他信中只字未提要过来住。3) 打断;插话:Cou

11、ld I put in a word? 我可以插句话吗? “But what about us?” he put in. “那我们怎么办?”他插嘴说。 4) to officially make a claim, request, etc. 正式提出(要求等):The company has put in a claim for damages. 这家公司已提出赔偿损失的要求。4) (also put sth into sth; put sth into doing sth) 花费,耗费,投入(时间、心思等):Thank you for all the hard work youve put

12、in. 感谢你付出的辛勤劳动。 Shes put a lot of effort into improving her French. 她下了很大功夫提高她的法语水平。put in for sthto officially ask for sth 申请:Are you going to put in for that job? 你想申请那份工作吗?put sb offto make sb dislike sb/sth or not trust them/it 使反感;使疏远;使不信任:His manner tends to put people off. 他的态度容易让人反感。put sb o

13、ff sb/sthto make sb lose interest in or enthusiasm for sb/sth 使失去兴趣(或热情):He was put off science by bad teaching. 教学不好使他失去了对理科的兴趣。 The accident put her off driving for life. 那场事故让她一生都不想开车了。put sth off; put off doing sthto change sth to a later date or time推迟;延迟:Well have to put the meeting off until

14、next week. 我们只得把会议推迟到下个星期。 He keeps putting off going to the dentist. 他把看牙医的事一拖再拖。put sth on1) 穿上;戴上:Hurry up! Put your coat on! 快点!把外套穿上! Hang on, I need to put my glasses on. 等一下,我得戴上眼镜。 Have you put your seat belt on? 你系好安全带了吗?2) to switch on a piece of equipment开动;发动;使运行:Shall I put the light on

15、? 我可以开灯吗? Ill put the kettle on for tea. 我来烧壶水沏茶。3) 增加体重;发胖:Hes put on a lot of weight since I last saw him. 他比我上次见到时胖多了。 Ive put on two kilos in two weeks. 我两周内体重增加了两公斤。4) to produce or present a play, a show, etc. 举办;上演;展出:The local drama club is putting on Hamlet. 当地的剧社正在演出哈姆雷特。 The museum put on

16、 a special exhibition about dinosaurs. 博物馆专门举办了恐龙展。put sth out1) 使熄灭;扑灭:Firefighters soon put the fire out. 消防队员很快把火扑灭了。2) to produce sth, especially for sale 生产;制造:The factory puts out 500 new cars a week. 这家工厂每周生产500辆新汽车。3) to publish or broadcast sth 出版;播放;公布:The program will be put out on Channel 4. 该节目将在第4频道


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