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1、宁波市江东区2011年度中考英语最后冲刺模拟试题一听力测试:20第一节(10段短对话)( ) 1.Where are the two speakers? A. In the shop. B. In a clothes factory. C. On the playground.( ) 2. When does the woman usually get to her office in the morning? A. At 7:30. B. At 8:00. C. At 8:30.( ) 3. How many students are there in this class? A. Abou

2、t 30. B. About 40. C. About 50.( ) 4. Whose school bag is the heaviest? A. Kates. B. Bobs. C. Janes.( ) 5. What did the man ask for? A. Help. B. Information. C. Reply.( ) 6. How much is the grey shirt? A. 20 yuan. B. 40 yuan. C. 80 yuan. ( ) 7. What can the man learn from the woman?A. Dick has left

3、for Sydney. B. Dicks parents will leave for Sydney on Monday. C. Dicks parents have gone to Sydney.( ) 8. Whats the mans given name? A. Brown. B. John. C. John Brown.( ) 9. What can we learn from the conversation(谈话)? A. The woman used to live in the country. B. The woman used to live in the city. C

4、. The woman wants to work in the country.( ) 10. What did the doctor ask the patient to do? A. To go on taking the medicine. B. To take less medicine than before. C. To stop taking the medicine.第二节 (第11段材料)( ) 11. Who is ill in hospital? A. Mikes mother. B. Mikes grandmother. C. Mikes grandfather. (

5、 ) 12. When did Mike go to the hospital yesterday? A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.( ) 13. What about the football match yesterday? A. England won the match. B. America lost the match. C. France won the game. (第12段材料)( ) 14. Who will be the new chairperson of the Students U

6、nion? A. David. B. Kitty. C. Peter. / ( ) 15. What is he worrying about? A. His homework and football matches. B. His English study and exams. C. His ability to do all the extra work. (第13段材料) ( ) 16. Mr. Greens office was in the _. A. country B. town C. village( ) 17. Mr. Green always went to work

7、by_. A. bike B. bus C. train( ) 18. Every morning it took Mr. Green _ to sit at the breakfast table. A. half an hour B. twenty-five minutes C. an hour( ) 19. Mrs. Green was surprised because her husband _. A. didnt go to work when it was 8:05 B. wanted to work at home C. was taking a holiday at home

8、( ) 20. Mr. Green forgot he was _. A. at the office B. at home C. on his way to work二根据句意和汉语注释,写出各单词的正确形式:101. The little boy is _ (感激的) to those doctors and nurses.2. By _ (训练) local doctors and nurses, we hope to help more people.3. The boy likes all kinds of meat, _ (尤其) mutton.4. He is an _ (精力充

9、沛的) boy. 5. People like to talk with him because he is very _ (幽默的).6. Whats wrong with him? http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ http:/ talks _ (不同) today. 7. Many people dont like the ideas of _ (实验) on animals. 8. Its _ (不公平) to treat them like that. 9. A year is _ (划分)

10、into 12 different star signs. 10. The illness _ (影响) millions of people around the world.三词形变换:51. I think its _ to support charities than to do other things. (meaning)2. He will hold a large party because it will be his _ birthday. (forty)3. -Wheres Peter? -He is at the _. (dentist)4. Some animals

11、are _ during the daytime, they are active during the night. (active)5. Im sure you will have fun _ the song. (learn)四选择:201. I dont think this coat _ as much as the one your sister has just _. A. costs; paid B. spends; paid C. costs; paid for D. takes; spent2. Please dont be angry _ me. It wasnt my

12、mistake. I dont like to argue _ you. A. to, with B. with, in C. for, to D. with, with3. Dr. Lin wasnt _ on so many patients every day. A. used to operating B. used to operates C. used to operate D. used to operated4. The bag is _ heavy for me _. A. so; that carry B. too; to carry it C. not enough; to carry it D. too; to carry5. -Did Tom come to the party yesterday? -No,


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