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1、高一全国中学生英语能力竞赛翻译解题指导(三)题型例举翻译共5小题,计10分。翻译包括汉译英和英译汉两种,其具体题型可以是句子翻译或短文翻译。题型一:根据汉语意思及所给词、短语或句型的提示,把下列句子译成英语。翻译:1.除非下大雪,否则我明天会回来的。(unless)2.我整天卧床休息,没有去上学。(instead of)3.我们的工作条件多少有些改善了。(more or less)4.小偷正要逃跑,这时警察来了。(be about to do)5.从星期日以来,我只吃了几片面包。(nothing but)单句翻译时一定要考虑到出题人要求使用的词、短语或句型,以免失分。参考答案:1.Ill be

2、 back tomorrow unless theres heavy snow.2.I stayed in bed all day instead of going to school.3.Our working condition has more or less improved.4.The thief was about to run away when the police came.5.Ive eaten nothing but a few pieces of bread since Sunday.题型二:根据所给汉语,完成下列各句,每空一词。1.该你读课文了。Its_ _ _ _

3、the text.2.这学期我们将学习计算机。We_ _ _ _ this term.3.昨晚他吃得太多,结果今天早上病了。He ate_ _ last night._ _ ,he was ill this morning.4.那一整年,为了考试过关,他从早到晚地学习。For the whole year,he studied_ _ _to pass the examination.5.复习生词后,他接着解析课文。After reviewing the new words,he_ _ _ the text.6.你去年在哪所学校?Which school_ _ _ last year?7.中国有

4、多少个时区?How many_ _ _ are there inChina?8.他自始至终未发一言。He said_ _ _ _ end.9.他答应帮助我,也确实帮了。He promised to help me,and_ _ _ .10.简,来吧,就为我们唱一支歌!_ _ just one song,Jane._ _ !做翻译填空时,一定要认真分析各句该使用哪个句型。同样一句汉语,可能会有不同的英语表达方式,但所使用的句型必须与所给的空格数目相吻合,否则就不对。参考答案:1.your turn to read 2.are doing computer studies3.too much;As

5、 a result 4.from dawn until dark (from morning till night)5.went on to explain 6.were you at 7.different time areas8.nothing from beginning to 9.so he did 10.Sing us;Come on题型三:阅读下面短文,然后把划线处的句子译成汉语。Endangered Species:Pandas and TigersPandas are one of the rarest(稀有的)animals in the world.They live on

6、ly in a small area in the mountains of Southwestern China.(1)Now in the world,there are only 5001,000 pandas surviving in the wild,and the number is decreasing all the time.There are about 100 more in zoos and research centres.Although they are protected,pandas are still killed for their skins.Becau

7、se they are so rare,their skins are very valuable.(2)Pandas live in forests,and can eat only bamboo.As their home area is getting smaller and smaller, pandas are in danger of dying from lack of suitable food.Zoos are making efforts to breed(繁殖)pandas in captivity(圈养),but this is very difficult.Also,

8、baby pandas weigh only 100 grams at birth,so they need to be looked after very carefully.(3)Since 1963 about 50 baby pandas have been born in cap-tivity,and around half of them are still alive today.There are six species of tigers still in existence.They are found inSiberia,IndiaandSoutheast Asia.Fi

9、fty years ago,tigers were common throughout much ofAsia,living in many dif-ferent places from tropical forests to se-mi-deserts.(4)Because people thought they were dangerous,they were hunted and trapped,and tiger skins were considered very valuable.By 1970,there were fewer than 5,000 tigers left,and

10、 many of their living places had been destroyed.In 1972,Operation Tiger was launched:tigers were protected by law and reserves were created to protect the species.(5)Gradually,numbers began to increase,and there are now some 8,000 tigers living in the wild.短文翻译时要注意上下文的联系。短文翻译一般不要求把整篇短文全部翻译过来,而是选出五处划

11、线部分。但对于不要求翻译的部分也不能忽视,要认真阅读。否则,无法翻译下一个划线部分。本篇通过对濒临灭绝的动物熊猫和老虎的情况介绍,唤起大家对濒临灭绝动物的保护意识,具有很强的现实意义。大家在解答本部分的时候,首先应当把握文章的整体意义,在此基础上去展开对每一个重点句子的理解和翻译。翻译在某种程度上不同于一般的理解,它需要大家在对原文精确理解的基础上,注意英语和汉语的差异,译出的汉语需要忠实于原文的意义。需要翻译的有5个句子,这5个都是在结构上具有一定复杂性,对理解整篇文章至关重要的重点句子。5个句子全是复合句或并列句,而且某些句子中还出现了非谓语动词和生词,如71题中的surviving in the wild,decreasing,如果大家觉得一时读不懂句子的意思,就需要分析一下句子结构,通过上下文推测生词的含义,只有这样才能准确译出每个句子的意思。答案:1.现在全世界幸存的野生大熊猫仅有5001000只,而且数量一直在减少,在各动物园和研究中心还有大约100只。2.熊猫生活在森林中,只能以竹子为食。由于熊猫的栖息地越来越小,它们面临着死于缺少合适食物的危险。3.自从1963年以来,圈养出生的熊猫幼仔约50只,其中大约有一半至今仍然活着。4.由于人们认为老虎是危险动物,所以,老虎遭到捕杀,老虎皮被认为是贵重物品。5.老虎的数量在逐渐增加,现在野生老虎大约有8000只。


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