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1、初三英语阅读理解与完型填空竞赛4完形填空 A)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。anyope g tschool fo education. ey le langage, hstory, ath ad 1 sbjcts. Othersgo to school lean skills tomake a ivig Schols ectionis ver mptatand usel. Yt, no ne cn er 2 frm choo.Evna very o teahe at c his tdets vrthing ey at to know. Th teache

2、rs obi to show his udnsow 3. He taches them how to ead hw o think. So, mny hings ill be leand 4 sol by te stdnts thmsele. It is awy oreimpora o knohowto sud by sdnt 5 hano rmee sme forulas (公式). It isryeasy to earn a forl mth,bt ishard t usea frula i 6 a math robmeat cietits 7 s ddgt verythng romsho

3、o. Ther ecrs oly showedtm the way.dison idnt 8 finih rimascool, bt heas so ucceful e nventd s manything fr hman beigs. Thy er succssful 9 hy kne how o sud Thy read ook tht were nt taugt aool.Thewousk may quesons s tey red. he di 10 experiets(实验). hey worke ard al their lis a evr wste tim he most ota

4、nt thingws that they knew how use he bin1 A.a te B. som otherC. teD.theother. A. mething B. anhingC. nthinD.everyt3. eaning B lerd. t larn .earn4. A. ouide .outC fo D.atA. himsel B herselfC. onsefD.themselve6.A. wkin on .okin tC thinking abou. undrstadng7. . ber beind. terD. n tefront f8. butB adC.

5、stilD.venA.hy B. soC beauseD houg 10. thouand B.thousand oC. thousand oD. any thousndsB)Thewy aprson feelsinsde is iportant Itcan be rly 1 o tel nyon that yu aefeelingsd, oid,r s.en,its just oundthes bad feeings. If yukeep feelgs lokeinsde, it aneven you fe sck!But f o alkthomnehocars abotou, 3 yorm

6、m r your dad, aybey 4_t el better. w yu a t atal aone ih y poblems_5_ rris.t desnt an tha you robes oworri ll diapper, t t ast some on elekno 6 is theg yu canhelpyo 7solion.Yo mm andadwan tkn if you have probes 8 te love ou and thy wnt tno hats hpeing in oulfe. But wat if iddoesn ant tlkwh Mom orDd

7、fno,find 9 trusteadut, like a rlative or a onsltat t chol Mayb his esonan elp yoakw yr omanda aout your robm._10 te hadest thing abou feeli isshaig m hthers. Bu sharing yourfeling ep you wheyo are eing good an whn orent feelin s good.Shang alo elps ou t gt coe pele h re aoutou1. hard B.ay C rigt D.

8、wong2. A. sho .mean C.make D. tell Axcetr Becuse o C.uc a D.intead of A.tart B.ar startig Caestartd D. ill tart56.A.n becaue C.ater D.ince9.Ater Bothrs C.anoter D.theothers1.Sometime BSmeimes Com ime D.Setims 阅读理解Aont wory if yo hae a prlem!This is asy sayif yodont hve ne orself,I o But the ony ele

9、who dont have troubls are gahedi lttlneihborhods.We cllthememeeres (坟墓).I you breain,yu hv dificultes. Thats ow ife is. Bbeliee itor t, most of our prblems ay acualy be go fr you! Leme explain.Mabe you nw abou t GratBarrier Ref (大堡礁), runningoe 1800 ls frm ew Guinea (新几内亚) t Ausia. or guidsotentake

10、sitor ehe reef. n one u, the gid wa aske a iteresig quesion.“I notie tht te laoo (泻湖) si ofthe ef look e (苍白) n lfels, while he an id s lively d olorful.Wh is his”The guide ansere: “The cora (珊瑚) rond th agoon ideisnsil wt. With no chaege o its surival (生存), t dies rly. he oral on te ocean sd alay e

11、ng testd byin, waves ad stoms. It has to figh r surival eve day.A it is callengand tested, i hanges and ows helthy,igrowsstrog.” Hadde, “Thasthe a it is wieveryliingthng.”Thats hw tis wt pope. Chlenged and esed, we om ale! ike cral by the ea, wego. hyical prbles make fr a srne bd Strss akes fr a ronrmndSo,you hve problesno prbm! Jst tl yourself, “There row again!”阅读文章,选择正确答案。1.Frmhbegnningof hpssageeknow _. . we neednorr aboutou oblem B roblemsfollowuso e


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