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1、活动脚手架搭设方案Plan of Erection Procedures for Movable Scaffold目录 TABLE OF CONTENTS在 * 中设备、管道及电气仪表安装过程中,为了安全施工及方便施工,在施工区域内搭设移动式脚手架。、 piping 、 electrical andWe need build movable scaffoldings for safety installed the equipment编制依据instrument in*现行国家施工规范、标准及规程(但不限于)National construction criterion, standard a

2、nd regulations(not limited) 建筑施工高处作业安全技术规范 ( JGJ80-91 )Safety Technical Specification on Working in High Place of Building Construction JGJ80-91 建筑施工扣件式钢管脚手架安全技术规范 JGJ130-2001 Technical Code on the Safety of Scaffold of Steel Pipes in Fastener Connection for Building Construction JGJ130-20013、搭设方案 P

3、LAN OF ERECTION前提条件 Prerequisites? 移动式脚手架由扣件式脚手架搭设。The movable scaffold must be built in fastener connection.? 移动式脚手架的各部件在使用前须经过项目部和*的 *人员检查合格。All parts must be checked by * and the safety supervisors of* as ok before being put to use.? 移动式脚手架不得人力搬运,必须配有脚轮;所有脚轮都须配有自锁装置,使移动脚手架在使 用时保持不动。The movable sc

4、affold must be handled with castors. No manual efforts are allowed in this regard; all castors are equipped with self-locking device, which serves to hold the movable scaffold still when it is use.? 移动式脚手架的作业平台必须满铺脚手板,临边必须搭设踢脚板 .Boards must be completed paved tharough the movable scaffold s operatio

5、n platform, and toe-board must be provided on platforms edges? 移动式脚手架必须设置梯子,供上下进出;梯子与脚手架必须固定好或整体制作,确保使用时 梯子与脚手架不会分开。Ladder must be provided for the movable scaffold to allow climbing; sufficient fixation of the ladder and scaffold must be provided or they should be provided as a package whole, hence

6、sparing any hazard of disengagement in future use.移动式脚手架、梯子的搭设 Erection of movable scaffold and ladder移动式脚手架跟其它脚手架一样必须由架子工搭设。操作平台不大于2m x 2mOnly scaffold setters are allowed to set up movable scaffold, as is must with other scaffoldtypes. The platform area should not be bigger than 2mx 2m.移动式脚手架搭设过程中

7、或整改时,禁止架子工以外的职工使用;搭设完毕由HSE 部门组织检查,检查合格并挂牌后方可使用。During the erection or modification, no workers are allowed to use this scaffoldshort ofscaffold setters; the scaffold should not be put to use until it has been checkedby HSEsupervisors as ok and thereby green tagged.移动脚手架的搭设必须有明确的作业区域,可以用警戒绳圈围。Specifi

8、c area of construction should be defined for the erection of movable scaffold. Cordonlines could be set up to identify the area.移动脚手架必须逐层搭设,固定好一层后,有了落脚点(水平架,必须捆扎固定)和安全带的固定点后再另行搭第二层。Scaffold must be built floor by floor. And no work on the next floor could start until this floor hasbeen strongly fixe

9、d and footholds & safety harness anchor points are available(Fixationthrough firm binding must be provided for horizontal scaffold).移动脚手架作业平台必须有护栏、踢脚板 、水平架上的铺板跳板。Generally, the movable scaffold must be provided with railings, toe-boards; and tread-boardsspecifically for horizontal scaffold装有轮子的移动式脚手

10、架操作平台与轮子的接合处应牢固可靠,立柱底端离地面不得超过80mm.The joint between the platform of the wheeled moveable scaffold and the wheels must be firmand reliable. The distance between the bottom end of the standing pole and the groundsurface must not exceed 80mm.移动脚手架不高于 5 米时,脚手架每侧加斜支撑。如高于 5 米,需增加扫地杆加固脚手架。Where scaffold is

11、 no higher than 5m, bracings must be provided for each side of the scaffold; where higher than 5m, ground skirting must be added as scaffold reinforcement.不高于4V米的活动浒手架髙于丄3米的谁动斡手架移动脚手架的使用The use of movable scaffold?只有完整的移动脚手架方能上人操作。Only on complete movable scaffold can workers perform their jobs.?脚手架

12、使用前必须检查合格并挂绿牌Scaffold must be gree n tagged before it is put into use.?移动式脚手架在使用时,移动脚手架的脚轮必须锁定,使脚手架保持固定。Where a movable is being used, its castors must be locked to maintain the necessary fixation.?当有人在活动脚手架上时,不可移动脚手架.Do not move the scaffold whe never there are pers ons on it.脚手架平台的载荷不超250,在平台上同时操作

13、的人不超过3人.The maximum load for a moveable scaffold is 250, and no more tha n 3 pers ons are allowed to work on a scaffold platform simulta neously.在移动式脚手架上作业跟所有高空作业一样,不能上下抛物,只能用绳子上下传递物品;不能 取下安全带,任何时候安全带的两根索都至少有一根挂在固定点上;作业人员不能把身子伸到 作业平台的护栏之外,任何时候都要保持重心在作业平台之内。As is with other work performed at height,

14、no tossing of objects from height is allowed. For vertical transportation, only rope is allowed as the means; no removal of safety harness is allowed, and it must be always ensured that at least one of the two lanyards must be hitched to anchor point; workers working scaffold must not leaningout the

15、 edge railings, and mustalways be wary against shifting his center of gravity out of the scope of platform.移动式脚手架在移动时,其平台上不得有人或工具、设备;移动的路径必须平坦,不得有障碍 物或坑洞;移动式脚手架不得倾斜使用。Where a movable scaffold is to be moved, all people, tools & equipments must be cleared off in advance; its route of advancement must be flat, free of pits or obstacles; removable scaffold must be not be used when positioned slanting移动式脚手架在移动或修改后必须经过现场的 HSE 人员确认后方可再次使用。All movable scaffold, after modification or having being moved, must not be used until it has been confirmed by HSE supervisors on site as ok.


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