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1、2023年一位高中生的毕业感言 Graduation Sentiments 一位高中生的毕业感言 By Austin Melcher There comes a day in everyones life when they make the final step into becoming an adult.There is a lot of 1)symbolism on this day.A simple square cap and gown creates the 2)illusion that all the people going through it are similar.B

2、ut then you see each of their faces and the way they walk to receive their 3)diploma, everyone is different. A few are 4)distinguished with colored ropes hung about their necks.I find the symbolism ironic.They worked so hard to be the best, I bet sometimes they thought about hanging themselves! But

3、they receive the ropes as kind of a reminder that they can take that 5)noose and use it as a 6)trophy. Then there is the simple piece of paper that represents the 7)accomplishments of the past 12 years of their lives.12 years, summed up on one piece of paper in an inexpensive 8)folder.Thats some pow

4、erful stuff right there. Then to receive it from a man or woman that you probably havent ever talked to or known other than in an official 9)capacity.Its sort of like shaking hands with god and the devil at the same time.God is telling you that you have achieved so much and wishes you good luck.The

5、Devil is telling you that you have to go out and face the real world, and youd better not 10)screw it up. Then there is the simple task of posing a 11)tael from one side of a hat to the other.Its like opening a door to an entirely new world. Graduation represents moving from the 12)sheltered life of

6、 high school into the real world.Its scary, but everyone must do it.And I wouldnt mi it for the world.在每个人生命中,踏出最后一步成为大人的这一天到来了。这天充满了各种各样的象征意义。一顶朴素的四方帽加上一袭毕业长袍,让人产生错觉:所有同学参加毕业仪式的经历都是相似的。但随即你就会发现:每个人脸上的表情,每个人走上台去接受毕业证书的步法,乃至每个人本身,都是不一样的。 一些人因为表现突出,被授予彩带,挂在脖子上。我发现这个象征符号很有讽刺意味。他们刻苦学习,力求做到最优秀,我敢打赌有时候他们曾

7、想过用带子上吊!可是,他们现在获颁彩带作为纪念品,以提醒自己,他们可以接受那个绞套,作为战利品使用。 然后,一张简单的证书成了他们生命中过去12年学业成就的象征。12年,浓缩在夹在廉价硬套的一张薄纸当中。其中,蕴含了一些强有力的东西。 接着,我们从一位男士或者女士手中接过毕业证书这位男士(女士),除了以官方的身份出现,我们都几乎没跟他(她)说过话,甚至不认识他(她)。 这种感觉就好像同时跟上帝和魔鬼握手。上帝跟你说,你用自己的努力换来了今天的骄人成绩,祝你一路走好,而魔鬼则跟你说,你得走出去面对现实世界了,到时候可别把事情都搞砸了。 最后还有一个小活儿要做,就是把帽穗从四方帽的一个角拉到对角固

8、定好就像是为一个全新的世界打开大门一样。 毕业意味着从备受保护的高中学校生活中走出来,走进现实的世界。那确实让人害怕,然而每个人都必须经历这个阶段。而我是无论如何也不会错过的。 1)symbolism n.象征主义 2)illusion n.幻想 3)diploma n.文凭,毕业证书 4)distinguish v.使著名,使受人注意 5)noose n.套索,绞套 6)trophy n.战利品,奖品 7)accomplishment n.成就,造诣 8)folder n.(硬纸)文件夹 9)capacity n.地位,身份 10)screw up 弄糟,毁坏 11)tael n.穗, 缨 12)sheltered adj.受保护的,受庇护的 一位高中生的毕业感言 高中生的毕业感言 高中生的毕业感言 高中生毕业感言 一位教师给高中生的寄语 一位高中生的检讨书 一位高中生的入党申请书 寻找高中生毕业感言 贵州高中生毕业感言 高中生毕业感言


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